How I once baked pies

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2 years ago
Topics: Content, Hobbies, Question, Internet, Food, ...

Even though everyone here is tired of the monotonous greetings, I want to welcome you: Good morning to you all, have a nice day and good mood!!!!"

Today is a beautiful autumn day, and when I opened my eyes this morning, I suddenly felt something delicious and sweet.

I have always admired my mother's baking skills, especially her cakes. I asked her for the recipe and it was up to me to make it.

One weekend, my parents went to visit friends and left me at home for the day. I decided to bake my first cake and surprise my parents.

The first thing I did was go to the store to buy yeast and milk, because I didn't have them at home. Fortunately, my parents left me some money for an allowance.

Apple pie filling, my photo

When all the necessary elements were ready, I put on an apron and began to make my masterpiece. First, I measured the milk and put it on the stove. However, it got too hot and, as my mother told me, I should not have added yeast because the dough would spoil and it would not rise. When the milk had cooled slightly, I made the same starter and put it in a warm place near the radiator.

While the stew was simmering, I worked on the filling. I had apples at home, so it was decided what filling to use. After peeling, I coarsely grated them and sprinkled them with sugar.

Then I went back to the dough. I added all the necessary ingredients and started to knead the dough. At first I didn't like the dough: it sat in my hands for a long time and then seemed to want to run straight to the floor. Finally, after much effort, the dough was ready. Then I put it back on the hot radiator and waited for it to rise. On the second rise, I stretched the dough and it fell out of the tin onto the table.

Airy yeast dough with bubbles, my photo

All that was left was to make the cakes. At first my pieces didn't stick at all, until I realised. I thought all the pies were on the tray. Time to bake!

After the time indicated in the recipe, I took the pies out of the oven. The smell was amazing! The pies were a little browner than they should have been, but that didn't affect the taste.

My parents were very surprised when they got home. They liked my surprise. The pies were a big hit!

I hope you enjoyed my article, look forward to your commentsđź‘‹

$ 0.64
$ 0.53 from @Yana8414
$ 0.05 from @Ling01
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Avatar for Belozoriana
2 years ago
Topics: Content, Hobbies, Question, Internet, Food, ...


So it is clear that from the beginning you had a passion and talent for confectionery, your first memory that you expressed was very interesting to me, it had a sense of life.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for giving me a minute of your attentionđź‘‹

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was very interested to read it, about your first steps, keep it up, I will follow you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I’m very sure your parents will be proud of you You seem to be the kind of person that loves to explore or try new things Keep it up

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mmmmmm I bet your mom would love it. It looks delicious. Slurp......

$ 0.01
2 years ago