What is your Brand or Identity in Read Cash

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Avatar for BCHouseVE
4 years ago

You got here and you don't know what content to upload, you even think about what is the content that others like regardless of your tastes or without knowing if you will do it well or not

In my motivation to teach and grow Read Cash I write down some things and failures that I notice among many users, and I do some research to help, let's see what content or how I can identify myself in Read Cash, how to make my name famous every time I publish

In other posts I said that you are a seller, here you sell your image as a creator, artist, editor, professional, etc. But all of these come conditional on your perspective; some people have a talent for something specific that can make them millionaires but they are not because in their minds they create the idea that they did not manage their wealth well or as simple as they never prepared or prepared them to achieve success

I clarify, success is not always ending up being a millionaire, for me successful people are those with economic stability and those who leave something to the world, those artists who leave songs that we will never forget, poems, books, even the teacher of a school can change If the world does its work with passion, do you understand what I'm talking about?

  • What is your personality?

  • Do you think you are an artist?

  • Do you think you are in read cash only for money?

  • what is your dream?

What if a piece of yours in Read Cash suddenly goes viral around the world?

Just imagine the fact of that great event, and do you think you are prepared for it? I believe that no one is, but what you should prepare for right now is your way of facing those kinds of situations that are truly dramatic and shake your emotional atmosphere.

The content here is the important thing, nobody will vote a poem without meaning or even worse nobody will follow you and say that you have good content or good articles. It is proven by experts in the field that the history of an influencer is what determines the number of followers

You have to be an authority

The way to achieve authority is by going through many stumbles and exams that will test your abilities, then with your experience you will have leadership to tell me for example, that my designs are wrong, or I need to change something

There are no excuses, the world is in quarantine, this world is not for the weak, and the weak must be helped by the strongest, the great men are forged in difficulties and are those who change lives

What you have at your hands, in your house, in your experience use it, experiment, start creating, because you will be what you do, if with the tools you have you are not capable of doing something incredible you will be a mediocre human being, and you are destined to be self-excluded

At this point, we can already say that we have a broken understanding, and that is that your content must be yours and you must know how to exploit it, others must not like it, because it is your passion, and when we love ourselves, we make the things for sure, and security attracts girls for example

You must make your name recognized, every time you upload a new article, and one very important thing, you have to make impact titles, and that for your first post, because later when you are already an authority many people will enter Read Cash to see what new things you bring for this day

Imagine that you are a successful cartoonist, and is the day of the cartoonist? the effect is logical, many will enter Read Cash only to see the drawing you dedicated to yourself

If you liked give it a vote, if you are new follow me for more recommendations, we will be sharing more help content for Read Cash

If you have something to add or any other question write here in the comments I always answer them

Roberto Garcia

Twitter: @BCHbarquisimeto

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Avatar for BCHouseVE
4 years ago


This article makes a lot of sense.. For me, I only write according to my knowledge and experiences, because in that way I can narrate better.. I don't have talent in drawings or in art, that's why I only write according to myself.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your personality can be a talent if you know how to reach people, being a person of charisma I think it can also make you earn money ... there are public relationsists for a reason

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing your experience ❤️❤️

$ 0.00
User's avatar Ohi
4 years ago

I'm not here just because I earned money but to also improve my writing skills and to learn about any content of other articles. ❤️

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I hope everyone thinks the same or similar to you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah. I was hoping too. 😇

$ 0.00
4 years ago

My talent is to discover ways to make money in the internet by researching for very good websites

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I suggest you make this distinction I think you are confused: 1- talent to investigate anything on the internet 2-talent to win working online 3-talent to write, write, memorize 4-talent for social networks 5-talent for advertising

In none of them does it say: "talent to make money" you really should develop other talents to earn money in one of those ways. money is an end not a means

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thus why I stuck around to spread art and science in the platform. Though many also do so but I hope my styl at least leaves me an impression every time i post something

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Remember what I said: be your own brand, each with a different, original characteristic, etc.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am here because I'm having fun with other people in the community, love to share inspiring and informative articles , Besides of earning i am also learning and gaining friends. Here at Read.cash i feel belong 😊❤

$ 0.00
4 years ago

find pleasure, where you earn a little extra money, not bad

$ 0.00
4 years ago


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4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

I just wanna share my thoughts, stories that I have and, stories I know of.... I'm no professional writer that's why I'm gratefuk for the people who supports me and thinks I'm worth their time... and of course to readcash for making it possible for me to practice my writing skills at the same time enjoying the interaction with other members... :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

As long as they are original and made with a lot of passion, I think you will find the audience that will vote

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yes of course 😊 ....

$ 0.00
4 years ago

very informative post! actually I am new here...so i had many questions and confusion...many of them has been cleared... thanks for sharing❤

$ 0.00
4 years ago

in my other publications there is very good material for you ..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

thank you...I'll check them❤

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Keep writing more article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I don't have yet. I will try to think, but since I'm not an artist it would take time for this one. Thank you for the idea.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I agree 💯 with this. So many people just do it for a few dollars. You need to do it for what you like or care about and you have to build a brand that way.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for your words

$ 0.00
4 years ago

your articles really help in this platform..they're guides on how to market a product(author-content-reader)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hi! I just followed you now. But I can't send some message. I just want to ask if you allow me to interview you about readcash platform only.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am a stay at home mom who share my thoughts here in readcash and learning and engaging with other members here. I am not good in writing technically but I try to learn little by little and Im thankful that I have subscribers :)

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
4 years ago

Everything is not for tomorrow, over time you can perfect this is just a guide

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your article about bitcoin. Bitcoin is a most important platform. Your information is really very good and most helpful Article. Thank you dear for sharing..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for the tips. 👍👍

As for me, I am trying to write about different topics. I love learning new things and sharing them here.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

if you are successful with that, go ahead

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I find the government hypocrite because they include a statement on the cigarette packs that "Smoking is dangerous to your health" and "Quit Smoking" and yet they continue to allow such products to be sold in the market. Does this mean that tax comes first before health? Hmmm. Hypocrisy at its finest.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hello, I think you made a mistake

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks, very inspiring.

$ 0.00
4 years ago