how to learn Bitcoin Cash faster

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Avatar for BCHouseVE
4 years ago

Some of you came to Read Cash by Googling: How to make money online? or maybe how to earn Bitcoin on the Internet? but before I win it wouldn't be bad if you learned how this complex technology works, I am a teacher at a university and I think I have a way to learn a little faster about this

By the way, there are already thousands of tutorials on YouTube, some have deleted them and others are pyramid scam tutorials, the healthiest thing is that you learn with people you trust and experience

Start by asking yourself certain questions

  • What is Money?

  • Where does the money come from?

  • What is the economy?

  • Why does the money I have in my pocket have that value?

  • Why do banks exist?

  • How do banks work?

  • Why are there different currencies and is there not a single one?

  • Why is everyone talking about dollars?

After answering those questions I am sure that 90% of the world population had never asked themselves so you can start studying history

Everything we have to learn we will understand better if we review its history I will leave you a documentary of no more than an hour so that you understand what the economy and the operation of banks are

The one above is a good documentary in Spanish but you can activate the subtitles, it is highly recommended, maybe someday they will remove it from YouTube, don't miss the opportunity

This is an American vision but it also helps a lot

Let's clarify something, you will not learn everything about Bitcoin Cash by reading this post, or watching the documentaries, remember that this technology is very complex, some of us have spent years in this and still continue to learn, the most advisable thing is to practice and read constantly, and when I talk to you about that you will learn fast, with what I am saying here a person in a week should be clear about what Bitcoin Cash is

One Before and one After

After watching these documentaries, observe the behavior of people on the street, and feel how your behavior was with respect to the economy, After knowing where the money you have in your pocket comes from, doesn't that sound strange to you because we on the street use a piece of paper? sometimes to sell our bodies sometimes to take a life, sometimes to buy a house

20 years ago people said that having a credit card from a bank was crazy and that this system would never work, today we see how practically everyone uses cards and understand that it is a much safer way of having money, but how much is that money safe in the bank?

It is not necessary to repeat that if the bank goes bankrupt your money disappears from the face of the earth and all this happens legally and you can do absolutely nothing than cry, prostitute yourself or beg on the street

Bitcoin appears to change that way of looking at banks, that impunity and anarchy that existed in the face of "legal scams" ... thousands of people took their lives in the global economic crisis because of the banks in 2008 and what do you think? How was the problem solved? By giving money to the banks, the governments had no choice but to help the rich because they had lost their millions because of their greed. And all this is absolutely legal, unfair if but legal

Bitcoin Cash is the Bitcoin Fork

You have to understand that behind all the technology around Bitcoin there is a whole philosophical system that you can already notice from my writing and a conflict scheme for the central idea of Satoshi Nakamoto that is a transferable currency for all people on the planet, fast, safe, transparent and fair

For the years 2015, 2016, there is a huge debate throughout the community, programmers and crypto experts having an open source on the blockchain could develop thousands of things around Bitcoin but then after its fall to less than 15 thousand In weeks, the developers wondered what was happening and also what made bitcoin take so long, and what made it so volatile.

Things that were discussed:

  • Speed

  • Congestion

  • P2P

  • Commercial Adoption

crypto investor image

On August 1, 2017, the fork explained in the image above of what would happen to be now Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Cash was announced and scheduled

Why do we say Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin? Because it is the cryptocurrency that complies with the guidelines and recommendations of Satoshy Nakamoto, much faster, much cheaper, and we are also very active in its early commercial adoption, if businesses accept Bitcoin Cash it will not be so volatile BCH and increase its value in the market and acceptance also in many more countries


Bitcoin Cash is Cryptocurrency Adoption, education, economic freedom and financial security, soon there will come a time when all the people on the planet use a Bitcoin Cash wallet to buy bread, a coca cola, or to send remittances anywhere in the world regardless of the quantity without any type of intermediary

I want to warn that there are many other things to explain about the world of bitcoin cash, it is just that for the new ones I do not want to scare them away with some of the visionary realities that have raised the dust of the mining machines or the Egos that we have seen to be right or not. Bitcoin Cash is true safe cash for everyone.

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Comment what you want, if you have any questions or want to add something you can do it

Roberto Garcia

Twitter: @BCHbarquisimeto

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4 years ago


Wonderful article.please subscribe me.I subscribe you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for this wonderful and informative article Sir Roberto. The visual-words style make a good format. It is very reader-friendly!!!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you, I hope to continue or keep improving

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I personally had a hard time learning about BCH but when you really want to, there's no force on earth can stop you. BCH might be hard to learn at first, but it is very easy to use. I hope people who are using BCH will be more aware about this so that they can have their own reflection about this.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is great! I already wrote a short post again, and share these article to spread this and many readers and writers will able to read your article. ❤️

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is great article sir. I like your information. It is great informative article dear sir. And this article about bitcoin it is very helpful .

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you, I hope it helps you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A very informative and useful articles. Especially for me, I don't have enough knowledge about other cryptos like BCH. But lately I start loving BCH because of READCASH. Thank you for the info.hope for more coming from you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for your words, how good that I help you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very useful information regarding BCH. Keep doing the good job.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Maybe this one can be extended as a concrete information in BCH.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I have read so many articles about Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash and so many other Cryptos, but the reality in our country example it is not welcome infact our government give warnings for all investment with crypto. So, for now it will only remain a good information in the market place for to me. Due to lack of acceptance in our place. That's why i just simply take it a chance like this here at maybe many years from now, it will be accepted. Anyways, thank you- I keep learning from your article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You're wrong .. you can learn and win .. no government can do anything .. just don't invest-.. what country

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Finally I bump into this one. I'll read and understand this for me to learn and thank you such a wonderful article ❤️❤️❤️. I save this

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I hope it helps you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for the article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very informative article. Thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

informative it is

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Now I will listen to the exposition that you suggest, and that it is in Spanish, in order to obtain the utility that you suggest, and speaking of something else, are you Venezuelan? regards

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hello, I hope it helps you .. if I am Venezuelan

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you gor this.Yor are right.You also give useful word.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Keep sharing

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow, Very Informative, Thank you for the share

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for the info

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That's absolutely true. I learned more about Bitcoin Cash thanks to this platform. Now, I can understand the rationale behind this project 😌

$ 0.00
4 years ago

If you keep fiat money in the bank account, the money is gone when the bank goes bankrupt. If the government issues a law that your money is frozen and cannot be withdrawn, you cannot use it. If you lose your wallet of notes or someone steals it, your money is gone. If you want to travel abroad and take a lot of cash with you, it is often not allowed.

If you memorize the seeds from your Bitcoin Cash Wallet, no one can take your money away, you cannot lose it, no one can steal it, you can take it anywhere. It is only yours.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A magnificent contribution .. thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago