The Recent Hustles: Practicums, Exams, Lectures

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1 year ago


Since I have done that free-write previously about Flipping The Switch Off, my mind gradually tuned in its interests back into writing again. It triggered some of my sleeping brain cells to activate once again. Still, the mood killer is time due to some bunch of activities I have in school lately. However, it conditioned my mind somehow to absorb the lessons I'm reviewing for my midterm examinations. Focusing on my studies was a struggle due to my unstable emotions when stress switch it on.

Who would ever be glad to cry without a reason in the middle of a blissful mood? I built up my mood ever since I woke but still my defenses were ruined. Sometimes, I just want to be numb at everything but that subtle and kind heart that I naturally have can't contain such feelings. It prefers to appear weak and sometimes so gullible at things.


Anyway, speaking of Practicums, we practiced an Aerobic Dance to be performed in our Physical Education subject. Half of our exam is based on our Practicum and half of it is based on our written examinations. The night before the practice, we all have agreed in our group chat that we will gather at the Capitol Lagoon at 9:00 am but as expected to us Filipinos, we are using a different time rather than the standard ones.

Filipino Time, ever heard that?

It was about passed 9:00 am already but they were still not there. I was actually sleepy at that time while waiting for them. I had an Ambulance duty the night before and I had to wake up early for this practice, yet they didn't showed up at the given time. I kind of expected this from them already since they often do that, but I couldn't really bear in mind that I should be late. Perhaps, it is already a discipline of myself to be always punctual since I'm used to scouts and military trainings. Though almost everyone is doing it, even then, I will not ever do so.

Lying down under the shade of the tree while listening to the gust of the wind and the flow of running water at the lagoon, it felt like nature was lulling me to sleep. I almost have fallen asleep actually but a message notification on my phone pulled me back to my senses. A little while later, my classmates have arrived one by one while I was lying on the grass, still too lazy to get up. Yet, the park's Security noticed our group and came to us, then told me that it's prohibited to lie down in the grass. He also warned us that we can only gather 10 people at most and it's the policy.

Ridiculous, isn't it? This is a public park but we aren't free to do whatever we want. I mean, parks are places for people to even have Zumba events and picnic, yet we can't lie down and dance here as a class. Since when did this park became private?

Anyway, we still practice as a class and no one from the park's Security approached us until we went home. They're too much, and I guess maybe, they're just bored —wanting some company while doing rounds. Lol.


On my journey of becoming an ERT Instructor, I have gotten a chance to do practice that at a university. I was offered to be one of the Assisstant Instructor for their NSTP subject, teaching them the Incident Command and Control Simulation Training.

If the students were overwhelmed by the training, I was also overwhelmed by their presence. It was a struggle emotionally and mentally dealing with a great number of people if you're an introvert. But, anyway, it was fun and we're thankful that they have learned a lot from us. I'm also glad to share what I have learned. I believe these students who are interested in learning these lectures will help other people also someday, and we'll be glad to know that they have handled the situation well since we taught them effectively.

We still have three Saturdays left to them all that they have to learn. Unfortunately, I'm taking my midterm exams this week until the end of March. I hope I can join the team again after the exams, though. Anyway, there are more opportunities like this to come and this is just the start.

Midterm Examinations

Our midterm exams have started this week, and we already took some of it, just four subjects left. I think I'll be out of braincells after this. Just midterm but it seems like we are at the finals of our lives. Lol.

Just like what we have done in Programming, we thought that it was just a practical assessment. Never it crossed our minds that the assessment was already our exams, just that, no more written exams anymore. It is what I looked after we're done. I was one of the students who finished the assessment first and wrote the program right.

My companions here were celebrating for the success of the execution of what we had written. The logic that was given to us was surely easy, you just have to get the formula right and know the syntaxes to be used. Also, never panic, so you can think and analyze the problem properly. If all examinations are like this, our lives will always be glorious but I know very that the problem given were only basic as we are still beginners. We'll be expecting difficult problems soon as we encounter difficult logics.

That's all from my hectic week, folks! I'm glad that I have gotten time to finish this draft that had slept for three days in my account already. More hectic schedule to go as Finals are approaching. Anyway, whatever might tomorrow comes, I'm up for the challenge. Though it can used up all the braincells left in my head, just fighting!

Thanks for taking time to read my blog, by the way. Have a good day ahead as always!

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Avatar for Ayane-chan
1 year ago


super busy mo pala talaga mamsh...baka pati pagtulog mo yung lessons pa rin nasa panagnip mo...aigooo

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Get some rest this weekend and don't kill any of those brain cells. 4 exams seems like most of them how many in total for this mid term

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We have 8 exams this midterms. Yeah, I surely have to get some rest 'cause I'm having a fever right now.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow that's a lot of exams. Talk about mind juggling

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Corona virus might be the reason for the restrictions on the number of people that stay together. I love your disciplined attitude too.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Buhay studyante talaga dae ,go go lang para sa future and I know kayang kaya mo yan. Ajja💪

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good luck for your finals. Students are more grinding now a days due to exam's :-)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ganyan talaga langga nuh. Hehe Filipino time. Yung sasabihin na ganyan na time pero di pala yun nasusunod.

$ 0.00
1 year ago