Yesterday_ the most tensed day and Today being the most beautiful day!

7 62

19 May, 2022

My routine is just like going to university, making assignments after coming back home and barely i found a little time to sleep but thank god i didn't feel sleepy nowadays as I'm able to stay awake during night.

Yesterday i went to bus stop but i kerp standing there for half an hour and then i went back and asked my father to drop me and he was a little angry at that time he said that he is already late from his office and why don't i go with my friends by booking a cab as he asked me this i was a little upset as i don't have Internet package to contact my friend and their phone num were unreachable dunno why but then my father asked to let's go as he will drop me on the way, i didn't even informed my friends as i wanted to pick them up on the way but because of my father anger i didn't asked him to go anywhere else so finally i reached university and then i had to print out my presentation and being in this uni for 7 to 8 months i think still i don't know about the photocopier in my block and due to this i have to go to the another block for printing anyways i went there, came back in class and found that i copied the wrong document again i went to the 2nd block and printed out my assignment and after some time i was not feeling well, i just feel that i will vomit, i quickly went to the washroom and because of vomiting my ribs were hurting, i knew the reason why this happened, it was all due to heat cos doctors said me not to spend much time outside and keep your head covered with wet cloth, ahh its a different task.

Anyways at the end when i we were about to leave and were waiting for bus, i just wanted to check the time but what's that?my phone was not there and me and my friend ran inside the university, she asked me to remember where i last saw it but really i didn't knew, only thing in my mind was that while leaving the class i put my charger along with phone inside my bag anyways we checked in washroom where i last went but all in vain i was tensed because all my data was in that phone, we missed our bus while searching for phone soo i was feeling a little bad because my friend has to face all this just because of me, special thanks to bibijani for always being with me as there's a saying that' friend in need is a friend indeed' btw when i reached home seeing tension on my face my mum said to me not to take stress i will gonna give you a new latest phone but i just wanted that one cos sometimes you got used too and habitual to some things, my sister said to me what will you gonna do with that phone phone,it's old now, you will better get a new one , haha , i remember when we were child she used to torn and destroy her toys just to gain new ones lol she is such a cute and chill person, but at night when my father came he gave me phone and i was like where you found this? He said just sit and rewind all the things, he said i am tensed about your mental situation why are you not able to remember anything, i will tell you when you remind everything anyways i literally didn't know where i forgot it and then he told me that one the girl from my uni contacted him using the emergency num option that i had saved in my phone, and send him the location , he went there and picked the phone, and the girl said that she found it from the washroom lol still i don't know how i forget it in washroom, anyways thank god i found it aoo yesterday was soo tensed and depressed day in every manner.

But today i went to gymnasium and we enjoyed much there, at evening weather was really good and it started raining, i love rain and love enjoying in the open sky raining and thundering, everyone was enjoying and seeing the smiles and cheers on everybody's face, hmm i just love it, but one of my friend is afraid of such weather she was sitting inside and she asked that she wanted to watch the drama so just sat with her cos i though maybe she will feel alone if i go outside, anyways i enjoyed watching with her, making videos in the wind storm it was such a nice time ahh one more thing one of my friend gave a pakora(pakistani dish name)party to everyone , well pakoras in such weather are just on another level after wards i came home and then i realised still i have to do many more work and suddenly my sis came scolding me that how i gonna forget her birthday actually i wished her at exact 12am but i literally forgot that i have to reach home at 3pm cos they have planned to celebrate birthday in f7 markaz, soo she was soo upset with me, even she was not talking to me, i asked my brother to let's start my grandfather's car and come with me we went to nearby bakers shop "tehzeeb" in hurry i picked one cake and i picked her favourite flavour ice-cream actually it's not her soo favourite she likes the orea supernova flavour of soft swirl so when i saw oreo cookies flavour i just picked it from the shop cos i really didn't have the time to go any other place cos the it was last date of assignment submission, her mood was a little better but still she is upset with me as i forgot to came to the celebration at day time and again i forgot to mention her name with birthday wish on the

And again one more good thing happened a few minutes before i opened whatsapp and saw a new msg from my lovely CR that assignment last date has been delayed to 23rd i got a little relief.

But on the next spot i again got the notification of one new assignment of computer, i am just fed up of these two words "assignment and presentations".

I have much more to share about today but i think then my article would just seem like a novel but i am really happy today as after a long time i am free some kind of tension I was really tensed and depressed , facing from past few months but it's all good now, and i really don't want to remember that again , all thanks to Almighty Allah . May he bless us with life full of happiness.

All the images belong to me.

Note: Everything in this article belongs to me, nothing is copied nor against the rule of community.

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Feeling bad about your past days illness and losing of your mobile phone but I expect this you are now good and well and also getting free from your assignments. Ummm......also belated happiest Birthday to your sister🔥😘

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was on the bus when I opened the WhatsApp and received text in group by your bestie that Summaiya's phone has been lost.I got really worried and was praying to God. After some time,I received text "Girls, her phone has been safely recovered, Alhmadullilah🤗". It was a news of gaiety for me.😇

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww thank you soo much dear adan for your kind prayers, yeah thank god it was safe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They mean a day which is good and a day which is bad so ups and down are the part of the life and should enjoy each and every moment

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah exactly that's true, thanks for dropping by dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was worried about your phone. Coz it's not about phone cost its about data you have in your phone. Yes these days are some how hectic days for us. Assignments presentations tired us.heheheheh i love items of tehzeeb's. All items except tornados jahan i have tried it once these were too big.and filled with corn seed. I don't like it. Otherwise their soups pizza donuts cakes everything is best safilo icecream ahhh i am craving for ice cream at the moment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha yes tehzeeb is best i so like everything about that place, yup you are right i was also worried about data and it made me soo tensed but thanks god i didn't lose it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago