I have been very naughty from my childhood! But the thing is that I am still the same😅😅
People ask me to grow up and act like a mature one! Someone once told me "you are a doctor now,behave like adult one" 😁😁
Now what if I love living like this?🤪🤪 Just the crazy one?🙄🙄 Lets show you some of my childish behave! people are contesting for photograpy,So what about you share some photograpy of life moments?? @Mila @Telesfor I would love to watch yours.
I love to run still now like some children on an empty road😘
Do you still play "Kanamachi" game like your childhood?
Another beautiful place with empty road! I was teaching her to fly🤪🤪😇😇😂😂
I went to visit a village,There I saw some school children going to home like this!It remind me of my childhood 😍 How could I miss the oppurtunity to do the same?😘😘😋
Is there any girl who tried to drive rickshaw?😁 I also had a passenger with me!
What a day it was! We were lost for 1.5hour and looking for highway to reach home.we went to that village for first time..and every path was so similar.But who kiss the chance to have water from tubewell??
We had no option than walking here and there and I was mocking everyone😂😅
It is not my fault at all if I still behave like that,because you dont know my mother who is more childish than me!
No matter what my profession is,I live the moments fully what I got. I am thankful to have @LeoBanna who is also like me😘😘😘
Sorry @aminul I couldnot manage some nature photos,Because I was lost to have some fun within the nature😍
Best of luck to your contest.
I want to see the childish and some beautiful memories form your life.I will give some random rewards to you.
Yeah there are some times youll like playing kids play cos you have missed it