My motivation

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago

First of all i want to say thank you for having me here in this very nice community. As my first post i want to share my inspiration in life. My family is the one who inspires me and everything that i do in my everyday life.

I grow up mostly in my life with out a mother care and guidance as my mother passed away at the very early age of 35. At that time i was only 5 years old and i really not yet fully understand what is happening in my surroundings or in the real world.

I have an older brother which is 13 years older than me. After that tragedy of losing our mom our father already have bring a new wife in our home not even after 1 year after our mom passed away. And that time the girl that he brings in our home that time that became my step mother eventually is already pregnant what a heck meaning not before our mother have died my father has already have on going relationship with her.

My Mother dies because of cancer and for a long time that she is been in and out of the hospital. So i think that's the time our father meet his girl. So after that my father has been officially single he again he married my step mother and they have a total of 3 children of their own 2 girls and 1 boys. I don't have a problem with my halves siblings but the fact that i really not get close to their mother so i grow up lack of love and guidance of a mother that all the time i'm missed since the day day my mom passed away.

Fast forward now to the present I'm currently married now and have a children of our own which is 2 boys Allen Maverick is the oldest who is 14 years old right now and Antoine Messi 5 years old. My wife Mary Ann is 3 years older than me. I love my family i don't want my children to experience the same way i experience when i was young so that i never let my wife go to work and just stay at home to take care of them. And me as a father is the provide for everything that they needs and in everything that i do i just think of my family as my inspiration. Thank you for having a time reading on my article. God bless to every one.

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago


hi i love your article, my family is the sole reason I get up and work everyday, they completed me. pls subscribe back😊

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4 years ago

Yeah,there is nothing more valuable than family po.For me I live and stay strong for my family,whatever struggles i've encountered.Especially my child whom i get energy to fight.

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4 years ago

it must have been tough on you father knowing that you mother has cancer. i dont know the full details though so who am i to judge. what happened to you is really heartbreaking. if im on your shoes, i dont know if i would ever forgive my father for being so insensitive, no matter what his reasons were, i would for sure hate him. this article is great. stay safe sir

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4 years ago

I believe you can really improve on your grammer so I would give you are shot tried harder next time as for the story it was touching, it did align with the community and thats why I approved it

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4 years ago

Thank you really so much sir for welcoming me and approving my first article here in this very nice community. God bless!

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4 years ago

Our family is one of our main mativation in life. Great job sir you have a happy family now in the present.

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4 years ago

Yes lets love our family and lets love each other here in read cash because the one that we will be earning here is for our family also.

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4 years ago

Correct sir hehe we need here to support each other hehe to gain points and knowledge.

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4 years ago

really your article is so motivative for ours family relations it's so helpful us

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4 years ago

Thank you it's really nice to write and express how much my family motivates in a day to day basis because they really are my strength in everything that i do.

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4 years ago

Family really inspires people, I am grateful to have them. I believe you can improve on your speech and English writing.

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4 years ago

Yes it really is that every person in this world get inspired from their family and loved ones that's why i always put aside my family first on everything that i do in this life. Thank you so much for your comments on my writing speech especially on my english grammar i will try to improve day by day my knowledge in writing here in read speech thank you!

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4 years ago

Yes my family inspirates me as well...your story is so just gave me hope on something I thought I have lost hope on ..thanks so much

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4 years ago

Thank you so much for the comments regarding about my article. I really appreciate what you said about your comments on my article and you also motivates me to write more inspirational article in English words as i know i'm not good at that language but i will push my self more harder to truly understands and write in the language.

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4 years ago

My motivation is my family is well. Special my kids that gives me this reason to move forward. It's a force that I can't push back.

Thanks to them. And thanks for sharing this.

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4 years ago