10 things you shouldn't do on the first date!

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Avatar for AngryKoala
3 years ago

Most people have stage fright before the first date. Here are some helpful tips.

10 things you shouldn't do on the first date!

1. Don't be late

2. Don't invite your friends

3. Don't look at other people

4. Don't talk about your ex

5. Don't check up your phone too much

6. Don't demonstrate poor listening skills

7. Don't tell your whole sad life story

8. Don't ask for a loan

9. Don't push for intimacy

10. Don't go to the bathroom and disappear

I have to share with you a personal experience from the first date. Not a very positive experience! The boy I went out on a date with suddenly started talking about how he wanted to get married, that he needed a woman's hand in the house. To all this he added the expectations of a woman to be a housewife, washing, cleaning, cooking, giving birth to five children. And he wasn't even asked anything.

Man, I see you for the first time, cool down! Of course, there was no second date. After this, I only had one thing to tell him:


Tell me, what would you not recommend to be done on the first date?

Did something uncomfortable happen to you on the first date? What did that person say or do?

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3 years ago


first date is like fishing, everything depends what bait you gonna use. advice to online dating-Always show your real photo before first date in reality . If the faces simply doesnt match that real person simply feel free to use point 10 from AngryCoala

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3 years ago

Yes, it happens that people put a fake picture on their profile so that live dating is very uncomfortable because they do not look like the picture they uploaded at all.

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3 years ago

I mostlu like steps that say "Do not bring your friends" and "Do not talk about your ex ". Those two are definitely the worst things that we can do on the first date. Bringing your friends means that you do not want ot be alone with the person that you are dating. And talking about your ex, is, let's say, rude. But, it is much more than rude.

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3 years ago

Very nicely explained. Everyone would find themselves in an awkward situation if someone took friends with them or talked about ex

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3 years ago

I have seen an idiot going on his first date , asking for taxi fare from her date.. of course she left..😅

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3 years ago

I will do the same :D It is not okay for the first date. We should bring enough money with us.

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3 years ago

The first impression consists of visual information, which includes the exterior and body language, auditory information, ie the melody of speech, pitch and speed of speech, and actually spoken words. You may have seen or met a person before your first date. Or maybe not, nowadays many couples meet through online forums, chat rooms or their date is organized by friends. In any case, the first date will be the one that will also be responsible for the first impression.My first date was a perfectly normal conversation between two lovers who go out for a drink together, chat, kiss and go home.

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3 years ago

Yes, its not important how they set ap the date, but first impression is so important. Your date was perfect, thank you for sharing.

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3 years ago

Sasvim sam sigurna da danjasnje sastanke ubija najvise gledanje u telefon. Iako je do sastanka tesko i doci bas zbog toga sto svi izadju i gledaju u telefone, a ne ljude oko sebe, na kraju sam sigurna da mnogi uprskaju na sastanku radeci istu stvar

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3 years ago

To je bas tuzno. Takvim osobama bolje da ostanu kod kuce i nastave da gledaju u telefon i ne trose nicije vreme

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3 years ago

U današnje vrijeme moraš imati dobar auto i 200 eura u džepu...u moje vrijeme...bila su to lijepa vremena,sad se sve gleda kroz novac...

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3 years ago

That's right, today there are girls who expect a guy to pay for everything. However, I am for some equality and for sharing the costs. It is best to pay once a guy, and another time a girl and so on in a circle.

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3 years ago

E ovako na prvi sastanak ne treba nikako kasniti , to je prvo , da tacno ne treba da pricas o svojoj bivsoj ljubaiv hahah ,a pre svega na prvi sastanak treba iskljuciti mobilni telefon ipak si dosao na sastanak sa devojkom a telefon mozes da pregledavas i kad dodjes kuci, ako ti je zanimljiva osoba onda radis ovo, ako nije ti gledas da sto pre zavrsi taj sastanak il ono poslednje ides kao u wc i tutanj da te nema.

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3 years ago

That's right, you don't need to use the phone. It is pure disrespect. Imagine sitting with someone and constantly checking Instagram or Facebook.

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3 years ago

😂😂😂 such experiences. I've always been dragged as a third wheel to a close friend's online meet ups though or i get called in case of emergencies so i can relate a lot 😂😂😂

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3 years ago

Oh, tird wheel... Is not very comfortable. You just need to light a candle and hold it, so they have a romantic atmosphere. :D :D Maybe its better to have double date, so you dont have to be alone or borred all the time.

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3 years ago

Well my bf is a vampire and hates crowds a bit too much plus u want to make sure my friend is safe so i honestly don't mind at all

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3 years ago

But, maybe it's better for him to you have a seat at another table. You can watch him/her so he can be safe, and still, he would have some privacy on the date.

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3 years ago

Oh, i do that. sometimes even wear disguises just so I'm not noticed 😂😂😂😂 but i guess this cimes with having treated her as a younger sister all this time

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3 years ago

I ja imam jednu angdotu. Mnnogo davno je bilo to. Decko me je toliko smarao i bio navalentan da me zagrli i poljubi, a ja sam u tom trenutku pocela da kijam. Reko- Vidis da imam alergiju na tebe, ajde pali. Bilo je i druge kad sam decka ugrizla i pustila mu krv. Eto, moras nekako od budala da se odbranis haha

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3 years ago

Hahaha... Tanja bre!!

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3 years ago

Nije smesno ej.. mladost- ludost.. a i kad nesto ne moze, onda ne moze i tacka...

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3 years ago

I tri tacke!

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3 years ago

Idi bre spavaj.. imas li ti sat haha

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3 years ago

Nemam, ja jedem puno nemam para za sat. Mora da zaradim.

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3 years ago

samanji leba povecaj rad. Em ce da ima za sat em ce bude dobra linija

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3 years ago

A moja kicma?

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3 years ago

it's a really bad situation. I can imagine how agressive he was when you had to defend yourself with your teeth.

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3 years ago

He was boring, not agresive. He said- I will kiss you. I said- I will bite you if you try. He didn't believe so I did it hahaha

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3 years ago

But, wait! What if he is into biting thing? What than? hahahaha

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

veoma lep post, bravo

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3 years ago

Hvala :)

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3 years ago

hahaha ja mislim ova pod osam ne bih ucinio ni mentalno bolna osoba

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3 years ago

Eh, svasta se desava na dejtovima, ljudima svakakve ideje padaju na um

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3 years ago

A great question that we all used to ask ourselves. Seduction is a two-way process. That is why we need to listen more and talk less. At the first meeting, it is wiser to ask questions than to give answers. These are open-ended questions, questions that cannot be answered with "yes" and "no." And when we set them up, the most important part follows - listening carefully!

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3 years ago

Listen to this man! Very nicely said, true wisdom. Now we know who the seducer was, and still is the seducer. Younger people should learn from you.

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3 years ago

Zato je najbolje kao u Indiji.Unaprijed dogovoreno.Nema prvod sestanka.Ima samo vjenčanje hahahah.Samo se šalim.

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3 years ago

Prvi i posljednji sastanak.

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3 years ago

I do not agree. I am absolutely against arranged marriages. I know, its a joke, but still I am against

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3 years ago

Taman sam pomislila da si ozbiljna haha. Ne znas dal je gore da ti ugovore brak ili da sam promasis svoj izbor

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3 years ago

Prvi sastanak kada mi je bio,tada nismo imali telefone,posle kad se uigras bude zabavno,ja ne mogu nikad da zaboravim,kad je meni jedan reko da nema platiti pice,da li ja imam da nam platim ili da bezimo.

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3 years ago

What happened then Did you pay the bill or did you have to run away? Definitely another thing you shouldn’t do on the first date, and that is to ask the other person to pay the bill. Always have money with you.

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3 years ago

Ok za pocetak slozicu se sa tobom ali ne mogu a da se ne osvrnem na tacku 8 koja kaze ne trazi pozajmicu ??? Pa da li je moguce da ima i takvih frikova ja prosto ne mogu da verujem :D

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3 years ago

A ima i toga,ceka da platis ti pice,jednom meni,jedan decko,jaoj ja nemam platiti,jer imas ti da platis,ili da bezimo hahahahah.

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3 years ago

samo cu reci uzas, pa ni svojoj zeni posle 30 godina braka ne dozvoljavam da ona plati kada negde izadjemo iako nam je novcanik zajednicki do poslednjeg dinara, mozda je to zaostalo balkansko razmisljanje ali je tako.

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3 years ago

Mile cim ti jos izlazis, onda nisi za onaj pilav. Jos je dobra situacija. A da treba da platis, treba. Mada nekad moze i zena da te iznenadi, kao ja sad mog muza za 10 godina braka (vikend u Vrnjackoj banji za koji nije ni znao)

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3 years ago

ma izlazim tolko cesto kao sto pada sneg u paklu :D no salu na stranu tako sam vaspitan i smatram to nekim opstim bontonom, u javnosti bila to kafana kafic ili bilo sta red je da muskarac bude taj koji odradjuje finansijsku transakciju da se tako izrazim

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3 years ago

Mile, to je ona stara garda, sto bi se reklo. nema vise takvih, ili su veoma retki. Donekle, moze da se smatra da je to neka ravnopravnost polova, ali s druge strane moze da bude da je muska sponzorusa, da tako kazem. Ima raznih...

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3 years ago

Postoje i muske i zenske spozoruse. Najbolje da se nadje neka ravnopravnost, jednom platim ja, drugi put ti... Kad se razvije odnos, onda vec moze ko kad ima i koliko....

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3 years ago

znam, na zalost sve sunam vrednosti otisle dodjavola, u moje vreme i kada bi devojka bila imucnija od momka i placala njihove racune uvek bi krisom momku dala novac da ga on pruzi konobaru

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3 years ago

Uh i to sam radila. I mogu reci nikad vise!!! Sama sam zaradila novac i platicu, nije problem. Ali taj je vrlo cesto to radio... Zeli da ispadne faca sa mojim novcem.

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3 years ago

Nznm sta da pisem lupat cu nesto da bi imali prihoda i ja i ti hahahahaha xD a inace dobar ti je post

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3 years ago
  1. bitna stvar glasi: Ne govori "nemoj ovo, nemoj ono...", na prvom spoju. Ne govori to ni na drugom, trećem. Ne govori niti nakon deset godina partnerstva.
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3 years ago

Tacno, ono sto najvise nije okej na prvom, nije nikada okej.

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3 years ago

Slažem s e s tobom u potpunosti.Moj prvi sastanak je bio davno.Tada nismo imali telefone,nismo pričali tužne priče .On je voleo Spinozu ,polagao Mašine 2,i pričao o Starom Mandarinu,pa smo se pronašli...

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3 years ago

Looks like your date went perfectly. How long does your love last? Tell us more about your date

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3 years ago

Mnogu ubav tekst, i podsetuvanje na nesto koe za sekogas se pameti. I mnogu dobri soveti. Se slozuvam so tebe. Ovoj tekst me vrati vo mladost i me podseti na edni ubavi vreminja.....ubavi se i segasnite....No, sekogas treba da se bide vnimatelen so kogo se izleguva i so kogo se deli idninata. pozdrav

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3 years ago

Thanks for your opinion. Have you ever experienced any discomfort on a first date?

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3 years ago

Yes to be honest I have stage fright before the first date. How do I overcome it? Please do visit my content https://read.cash/@Lou1e/tessellation-pattern-part-2-photography-1a742bb9 I hope you'll like it. Kindly upvote, comment and subscribe💕🤗

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3 years ago

To nbe nervousness is a normal thing. Just remember that you are not the only one in this situation, the person you are going on a date with is probably very nervous. Be yourself and let go your stage fright

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3 years ago

I join your instruction and agree with it in its entirety. I wouldn't touch anything. Thanks for the shared experience.

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3 years ago

Mybe you should touch something, but look twice what are you touching

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3 years ago

Hahaha you are so funny :) Kepp touching @TravelNomad, but make sure you have consent of other person

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3 years ago

Maybe I should get some electricity. My hair would grow.

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3 years ago

Thanks for your tips dear on first date because I am really ashamed especially to talk. Hahaha I just want to add that don't kiss the woman on your first date 😁

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3 years ago

why are you ashamed to talk? you have to practice :) schedule 10 dates now :) just be what you are, believe me and the other side is nervous too

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3 years ago

Haha.. you are good. 😂

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3 years ago


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3 years ago