When I was a Kid.....

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Avatar for Angel_183
3 years ago
Topics: Challenge

I tried to join in the challenge of @bmjc98 since i can't also think a topic. It's all about "when i was a kid challenge" and since i like that topic, let's join🥰.

I just read the article about it yesterday. If you want to read it also, here's the link "getting to know more challenge when i was a kid"

When i was a kid, I'm super fat

Yeah, before I'm super fat not like now. I have a picture when i was a baby and in the bottom of the picture, they said I'm fat🤣. I also see it in the picture, I'm really fat.

Now, I didn't know why I'm super thin haha. I think my father say before is true 🤣. My father said before "pag masipag ka ng bata, sa paglaki kabaliktaran" and i also agree with it because before I'm super fat but now I'm super thin haha.

When i was a kid, i like to eat the fat of the pork and also spinach

I remember this that i like to eat the fat of the pork and also spinach. Actually, when my siblings don't like the fat, i get it to there plate and eat it. I also like to eat spinach before but i don't like to eat the leaves.

Now, I don't know why i don't like to eat the fat of the pork. I just eat the fat in tocino🤣. Now, when my mother cook sinigang or adobo, i didn't eat the fat and i will give it to my father. Before my favorite vegetable before is spinach but now, not. I eat some but not like before that i eat it without rice.

When i was a kid, I don't like eggplant

Yeah, i taste it before but for me, the taste is not good. My family like it but for me it's not. Even the fried or torta, i didn't eat it.

But now, i eat eggplant and i like the taste of it when i dip it in soy sauce. Actually it's become the one of my favorite vegetable and when my mother bought this, i eat many rice. I don't know why before, the taste of the eggplant is not good🤣.

When i was a kid, i want to be teacher in the future

Before, i really like to be a teacher when i grow up. I want to teach the students and be a good teacher. When my teacher said, write an essay about my ambition in life, i always say that i want to be a teacher. That time i didn't know if it's hard or not🤣.

But now, i already changed my mind because i realized that it's so hard. It's super hard to check the notebook or even a test paper of the students because it's too many. It's also hard to give a grades so I don't want it haha.

When i was a kid, i want to be doctor too

Before when i realized that being a teacher is super hard, i changed my mind and i want to be a doctor in the future.

Actually, before i didn't think about it then one time my teacher question all the students about it. I don't know what i will said so i just said doctor because many students also say it haha.

Now, I don't like to be a doctor because i already watch some videos about operation and I can't do it because just seeing the blood, my hands is shaking haha. I know that there's other types of doctors but I don't want to be a doctor haha.

When i was a kid, i always pee before i sleep

That's true! I don't want to sleep when I'm not yet pee. So i wait it and when i already pee, it's time to sleep haha. I do this because sometimes i woke up to pee even it's too early. I also pee in our blanket before so i pee before i sleep to prevent it haha.

Now, i also do this because i always do this before. But sometimes when my eyes want to close, I don't want to go in the restroom because it's hard to sleep again.

When i was a kid, i always holding on the wall like the monkey

In our house, we have a store so my father add cement. When someone buying, they can put it there. So before, we hold in that wall and pull our body up like a monkey or spider haha.

Now, my father remove it because many people sitting there even it's not a chair.

When i was a kid, i danced cha-cha

Yeah, until now i remember it. I danced cha-cha by Rzzza Mae Dizon. I'm in kindergarten that time so I'm not yet super shy haha. Now, I can't dance it in the front of the covered court that many people see me haha.

When i was a kid, i like to sit at the basin when i will take a bath

I think we also do this before. We don't have a swimming pool and my mother can't afford to buy so we use the basin. We lying down there and for me, it's like I'm in the swimming pool too.

When i was a kid, I cried in the tricycle because of my grandpa according to my mother

I'm not very close in my grandpa or even in my grandma because our house is far from there house. We are not always see my grandparents so we are not very close to them.

My mother said before that when we are going somewhere with my grandpa, I'm cried because my grandpa want me to go in the tricycle and i don't like it to go there because i don't like my grandpa haha. But i didn't remember it now my mother just said it to me haha. But i think it's true because even now, I'm also not very close in my grandparents.

Thanks for reading my article 💚. It's already end and i just want to said THANK YOU for visiting ❤️.

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Avatar for Angel_183
3 years ago
Topics: Challenge


I hated eggplants too. Pero ngayon, it's one of my favorites na. And the basin as a swimming pool, relate na relate. :) Minsan sa drum pa nga. HEHE.

Salamat sa entry mo, sis. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha mas masarap sa drum🤣. Iba yung feeling haha.

Thank you po 💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kapatid ko oo madalas maihi sa salawal hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

HAHAHAHA tama ka jan mare 😂 Naranasan ko din yung maka ihi sa higaan nung bata ako. About din sa pag mataba tsaka payat. Dati nung bata ako payat ako ngayon mataba na. Mas gusto ko nga maging mataba kasi sa mataba nakakabuhat nung payat ako eh diko kaya magbuhat.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kaya nga ehh. Gusto ko din mataba ako kaso wag yung sobrang taba haha. Yung sakto lang dapat. 🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sayo talong, sakin noong bata ako ayaw na ayaw ko ng okra ee, pero nagustuhan ko na din sya ngayon. Lalo na sawsaw sa toyomansi with sili. The best yan.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hala. Ako ayaw ko okra ehh haha pwro malay mo pag tumanda ako magustuhan ko din haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Masarap yan, ako din nga nong una ayaw na ayaw ko talaga nong nagtagal ee naging masarap na din sakin ee basta may toyomansi,tas partner sa tuyo.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

hahaha you danced cha cha baby ...omo i want to see it na hahaahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wala po akong video nun ehh haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

sayang naman

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kid ka pa rin naman beh at ayaw ko pa rin ng gulay. Ang arte ko talaga sa buhay haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ako din maarte sa gulay haha. Yung iba lang kinakain ko haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There's no easy job baby girl❤you need to follow the path to the things which good you are. We have the same interest but I love to eat any vegetables specially bitter gourd or ampalaya, it's delicious specially in pair of egg. That's the main reason why I'm bitter.🤣🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ako di ko pa natitikman yung ampalaya pero parang di ko kaya tikman ehh hahah

$ 0.00
3 years ago

you should try to taste ampalaya, it gave lots of benefits and nutrients. First, it will make you bitter in life Second, it helps you to increase blood level in your body.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha baka soon try ko

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Pinaka nakarelate ako sa gusto maging teacher nung bata pero ngayon, ayaw ko na, sakit sa ulo! HAHAHA

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha ang sirap maging teacher haha.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Baka makasakit ako ng students, hindi ako pwede. HAHAHHA

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ayy haha bawal ka nga. Baka mapakulong ka pa haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oo sinabi mo pa hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

uy same HAHAHAH nung bata ako napakahate ko eggplant tas ngayon sinasawsaw ko pa sa toyo e HAAAHAH

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha bat kaya? Siguro iba panlasa ng bata noh? Haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago