How our Life Change?

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3 years ago

Before, my parents debt a money every where to paid there debt too. The salary of my father is not exact because they paid a bills, there credit to someone and for our foods everyday, so they debt to someone. My father is hardworking in his work so we can eat a food everyday. My father is a merchandiser in a market.

Until my father got sick because of carrying a heavy things. My father have a problem in his eyes because of his work. My father's eyes need an operation so they borrow again for my father. Even my father have a philhealth, we need to borrow a money for the transportation of my mother, their foods in the hospital and also for me and my sibling too, because my we don't have a source of income because my father is in the hospital.

My father confined in the hospital so he need a guardian. My mother need to stay in the hospital so our grandma go in our house. I think they just stay there for 1 to 2 day and they got home too. My father need to buy a medicine for his eyes. That medicine is too expensive but we need to buy it. My parents have so many dept in the different people. That time we experience to eat a junk food for our dish. We buy "bangus" worth of 10 pesos for 5 people and just dip it in a vinegar or soy sauce, because we don't have a money to buy a dish.

My father cook a dish then my mother will sell it. My father make bico, ice candy, bilo bilo, maja and many more so we have a source of income because my father don't have a work. My mother sell it house to house with me. We go everywhere even the weather is too hot. I Kno i can't help but i just want to go with her. We sell it every morning and stop in lunch. Then back again in the afternoon.

Until one time, someone invite my mother to go in a church nearly in our house, because the church celebrate an anniversary I think. My mother go there with me to hear the speech of the pastor and also eat there food.

My family go there every Sunday and always attend a Sunday school except my father. We attended there for a many years and my father also attend there. My family also serve in the church. My brother know how to drum and he is the one of the drummer in the church. He also know how to guitar and many more. My sister is also one of the singer in our church.

And now, our debt to other are gone because we finished to paid it. There some debt that we didn't finished yet but it's will be fully paid soon. My father also back in his work and his salary is not inadequate for us. We also have a two computer and printer for our school.

Now our life is not like before that we have so many debt. Now our life is good, simple and also eat everyday, because we serve in GOD now. My mother also have a side to help my father.

Before i end this article, i just want to said


Even we have many problem, you just smile and think positive that we can solved it soon. You are strong in any problem and didn't lose hope.

I'm also thankful for my parents because they don't leave us even we are lazy and always fighting. Even sometimes, we are fighting in gadgets and hurting each other, you don't leave us. Even sometimes we are lazy to do some household chores and didn't do what you say, you didn't hurt us. I'm so thankful for your understanding.

I'm also thankful that you do all the best for us. Even you don't have money, you are borrow a money to buy that we want so we will be happy. You are working hard so we can eat everyday. Thanks you

I don't know how to return your hard working but i will do my best so i can finished my school.

Again and again, THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU

Thanks for reading 💚💚 June 22, 2021

Lead image not mine. Credit to owner

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3 years ago


Parents will always do everything for the family. And always remember that we have Him. God will provide. 💗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As long as you have trust in him, everything will be okay. Basta walang sukuan ba diba, and look maalwan na pamimuhay nyo, kaya aral kang mabuti para sa family mo.

$ 0.03
3 years ago