4 Things that are Completely Okay

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Self-love

Life is never easy to live with.

There are times when we are questioning ourselves if we're still doing great, if we're still living happily, and if we're still heading to the right path.

There are some sort of confusion if we're still living the best life. There are things we think aren't normal, but in reality, those are okay.

No one is living the best life in the perspective of a pessimistic person. But for those who are optimistic or positive-minded about everything, living the best life isn't always about being rich and having no problems, but rather measured on how happy a person is despite the problems and challenges that come on his/her way.

Source: Unsplash

We should always keep in mind that it's completely okay to:


Putting ourselves first doesn't mean we're selfish. Give ourselves a chance to be prioritized before thinking about others. It may sound cliche, but we all hear a quote "you can't fully love other people if you don't love your self first". We should always practice this what we call SELF-LOVE and never wait for others to make us happy as we all have the ability to create our own happiness. It's just a matter of perspective. If you can't put yourself first, you'll never be happy. You'll probably have regrets at the end of the day for giving all of yourself to other people without saving some for your own self.

If others think that you are selfish for not always granting them a favor as you are busy with your personal work too, don't get upset. The problem isn't with you. It is with those people who think that everything revolves around them without thinking if other people also have other personal things to do.


For countless times, I always mention that making mistakes is okay and will never be a reason to give up on our dreams.

Getting upset may be inevitable when we commit mistakes, but that feeling shouldn't last forever. No matter how negative the feeling is, we should make it as a motivation to do better next time. To get up no matter how hard we fell on the pit of failure.

While chasing our dreams, don't be afraid of the mistakes we might commit in the long run. That's completely okay. What's not okay is to not try at all because we're afraid to fall. Be afraid rather on not trying at all because that will leave us with a heart breaking regrets that we will forever carry as we live in this world.


After the works and battles we've gone through, resting is the most advisable thing to do. To rest doesn't mean we're weak. We're just drained from all the hardworks and efforts we've exerted, but it doesn't mean that we'll stop there.

We all need to rest to recharge our energy, motivation, and our whole being. We all need time to be at peace, far from the problems that keep us drained.

But, resting shouldn't be a sign of laziness. Rest but make sure to get up when recharged. Don't just stop there. Don't let ourselves be devoured by whole darkness where resting will forever be our place, and doesn't think of living life to the fullest again.


Once in a while, it's okay to treat ourselves. We deserve it.

Don't mind other people if they think we're spending too much on nonsense things. Think about all the battles we've gone through, and celebrate them simply by treating ourselves with our favorite food, books, gadgets, and among others.

They maybe simple on other's view, but for us, those simple things will add motivation for us to do better again next time.

Let's do our best to save some money for us, apart from spending on other things. However, never treat yourself expensively if you can't. Treat yourself as long as you can, not when you don't have much resources to do so. Treating yourself isn't always about buying things with money, it's also about getting yourself in a peaceful zone where no one can ruin your happiness.


Life is never easy to live with, but is bearable when we are positive-minded. There are things we think aren't normal, but are actually okay for us to do so. Putting ourselves first, making mistakes, resting, and treating ourselves once in a while are all okay.

They won't make us less of a person. We're just a normal being who deserve to be in comfort.

Author's Note:

First of all, I want to say thank you for leaning your time to read this article. I hope, you gained valuable knowledge from it that may help in whatever aspect you have there.

Second, thank you for those who are supporting me in my journey here. From my readers, sponsors, and friends, thank you for always being there.

Lastly, I hope we will all have a prosperous day everyday, and a life full of blessings from above. Godbless us all. ❤️

Date Published: June 4, 2022

Lead Image and Gif: Originally edited using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Self-love


These are all true. These things are definitely okay, we're only human, we're not perfect and making mistakes is not a measurement of what we are capable of. Self-love is all that matters. Goodmorning!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's right po. Self love is very important for us to know our worth despite how cruel life could be. Good afternoon po!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very well said sis, we really all need this in daily basis, this four simple yet can bring us a huge change to our self to become a better individual.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you, sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's true. Every people has made mistakes it is there way towards perfection or making progress in one self

$ 0.02
2 years ago

True, it's part of the process of improving oneself.

$ 0.00
2 years ago