Winter is blessing for us.

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2 years ago


All the seasons of nature has great connection with our living , lifestyle , food sources and habits. Subcontinent is lucky area to have more then four adult seasons with full swing. Very cold winter , hottest summer , rainy flooded monsoon , fragrant spring and yellow autumn.

I belong to a middle class family and living in small town very near to poor communities. Why I say winter is blessing for us. There are several reasons behind it. Our more then 46% population still living under poverty line as per United Nations standard. These poor slab community always gets more economical pressure in summer.

Electricity & Fuel billing.

We are living in third world country where still basic care facilities are not common. Due to high inflation in every sector , it is becoming a dream to use electricity freely because can't afford the bill. Now in summer the consumption of electricity gone 200% more then the winter. Average bill for a small family touching to 2k PKR monthly. So it is first reason to see winter all the time for us.

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Fuel consumption also increased due to hot weather. We know the vapouration process goes higher with temperature. So if a bike travel 100 km in winter by 2ltr petroleum , in summer required 3ltr and reason is heat of summer.

In hot season the duration of day time went up to 16 hours so definitely more food cooked to survive. So dry wood , gasoline and related things also comes in use more.

Food & Commodities.

We are good hospitality mannered people and I think every community respect his guests. So the expansis of food , soft drinks , Ice , beverages and snacks gone high. Serving guests in winter is easy because we can serve tea/ coffee with snacks only but in summer it is not possible.

Due to weather conditions the fresh vegetables produced in very low quantity and the prices gone high. In winter we got more cheaper food stuff then summer.

Clothing & Laundry.

Summer required frequent changing of clothes which needs more laundering and detergents. It will took more budget then winters. Summer also force us to bath at least twice daily which push soap consumption further. Our society didn't support half sleeve , half trousers or less clothing. So we have to wear what society accept.

Another reason to feel winter as blessings is our institutional uniforms which need to be wash , press daily in summer.

Weather Hardness & Our Health.

We beared hard weather conditions in summer when temperature hits half century easily. Then our financial strength is not enough to rest , stay at home in these days. People associated with construction industry knows how hard and difficult work it is for labour.

We have more heart attacks in summer then winters. Then sunburn , dehydration , diarya , heat stroke are common here. People lose their lives during work in this hot weather.

Winter is blessing because we feel easy in work , our health remains good and didn't risk more.


Every season is blessing but for poor or common white color people winter is good where they feels much better then summer. Summer gives more financial pressure , health damage and stress to us.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


In my country we don't get to experience Winter. We only have the rainy season and the dry season. And some part of dry season is called harmattan.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

So you have both hard season. Rainy also effects work flow and dry one may need more liquid to use as we did in summer. Thank you so much Tomi-Ajax for your opinion. Really glad to know the weather of your territory.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

With each passing day, winter is becoming more cold and summer is more hot. We should maintain balance between them. I also belong to poor family, but hospitality in case of guest and more consumption of things in summer are often everywhere brother.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Due to that reasons I prefer winter over summer. Middle class people already dying under inflation then extra expansis not easy to cover. Blue flipper stay blessed!!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ameen... JazakAllah I need prayers from brother like you. Best wishes for you also.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with your reasons. The Winter season burns less electricity. The poor people who don't have a shelter, who are living in the open sky, prefer the summer season more than the winter or even the rainy season.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That is much more appreciable approach. Thanks Unity!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But the severity of every weather could be harmful, either its winter or summer, Yes summer expenses are reduced to half regarding transportation fuel or electricity bills

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thank you so much shani59 for compliment . Summer always expensive by all the terms.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed winter is blessed season regarding to summer in summer even I don't want to eat anything. In winter we lessen the coldness of weather by burning of wood but in summer it's impossible to lessen the hotness of weather except using the AC

$ 0.03
2 years ago

People can afford luxury never had problem with weather but poor people gets more relief in winter then else.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed but summer sucks here and we badly miss winter.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Naturally, I prefer winter to summer or to any other period. Winter makes me feel at home again. I love the cold feeling around me but I just feel pity for the poor people because they do not have shelter. I pray that God provides for them too. I'm a fan of winter. I love winter

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Winter has less expensive living then summer , that is biggest reason to feel it blessing. Thank you so much Bisolammy .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

People should please find a way (personally or general) to tackle all this weather accompanied ilness . One sure thing is that the weather must surely come and what we do about it matters.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

A sigh of relief for poor people in winter due to expansis and comfert without luxury.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are people living near our house who don't even have a fan to keep themselves cool in summer. My father is worried about electricity bills in summer because our income is very low. It is difficult for the poor to maintain their health in summer because they do not have facilities. The winter season is better for all of us, at least our expenses are reduced. That's why I love winter.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That is best logic to love winter also Tilawat.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have always been a winter lover but it was just because I don’t like summer heat. But the points you have discussed are now all the more reasons to love winters. You have given quite a thought and explained your liking towards winter in a very logical way sir. Hats off to you

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We like only comfertablness of weather but poor person ,who stands hands to mouth already, feel it as blessings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago