Swift Digitalisation in Pakistan.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Pakistan is fourth most populous country of the continent Asia with 60% young generation age 15-25. It is high potential number with latest education, technology and skills. Pakistan stands on 3rd place as most dynamic & active Crypto market of 2021. Pakistan has around $2 billions ownership in Crypto share and it increasing rapidly. These statistics are unofficial because the ligitmat of Crypto still under process.

Digitalisation process in Pakistan is not new but yes the speed is slow due to lot of hurdles from different sources. Branchless banking, 4G broadband spectrum & internet services, revolution in IT & hi-tech Industry, latest technologies in agriculture, space rocket science, super sonic missile technology etc are being g examples that how swiftly Pakistan moving alnog with digitalisation.

Digital payments & Web3.

According to latest quarterly report from state Bank of Pakistan ( SBP) ، Pakistan adopting web3 in various sectors and the digital transaction data increased to 40% of total market which is remarkable.

Image source.

Although it is far away from other countries of the region like India who reached to 65% of digital transactions.

Crypto, Metaverse & adoption.

Image source: Maps.bitcoin

Still Crypto legalisation is under process and yet to take it as official but individuals are doing P2P trade of Crypto on exchanges like binance and Cucoin and merchants accepting Crypto especially bitcoin cash in different parts of the country. BCH has 16 official affiliate merchants in Pakistan which also facing some restrictions from financial authority. Unofficial merchants are available in every city to exchange the Crypto in fiat and fiat to Crypto. Money exchangers, gold Smith shops, grocery stores are giving services in this regard.

Latest developments.

Screenshot of official press release from GOP.

GOP set a official committee under supervision of Dr.Nadeem to prepare a study case about Crypto assets, regulations, virtual currency, NFT and Metaverse pertaining in the province. This initiative shows the interest of higher authorities in Crypto market and digitalisation.

These steps giving some positive hope to users , holders and traders of Crypto that they will work freely in the country without any threats. This progress will go further with collaboration of SBP and by end of the year 2022 it could be under a certain laws in which some tax will be imposed like other countries.

Another case from Wakar Zaka , A Crypto lawyer, is in proceedings in Sindh high court about Crypto ligitmisation. Still IMF and world Bank has negative concerns over Crypto verse and they didn't support it but finance ministry is capable to do the regulation of crypto in vast interest of his common nationals.

Thank you so much for reading the article. I will be glad to read your thoughts in comments. Like , upvote the article if you get some knowledge.

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Lead image: pixabay ( Edited & modified by me on polish app)


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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Ooh really our government is serious about crypto assets I remember once waqar zaka also Made Crypto unbanned in our country but didn't see any further information about all that. By the way, like in other countries where transaction via bitcoincash in malls are possible - same i want from my country. Hope so dr Nadeem bring out his work in positive view.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I hope the implication will be done soon. I think the P2P trade is better and it should continue. As Binance and Coinbase are also secure 🔐 platforms. As a Pakistani, the worth will increase by about $9bn at the end of the year. However, a bit amount of tax is the right government. Very informative article, thank you.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I hope, in future the crypto will be officially regulated in the country, otherwise it would break the hope of so many crypto holders.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

If Pakistan regulates the cryptocurrencies it will not only benefit us but also the economy of the country, in my opinion it will take alot of time to regulate it in our country, well let's see what happens after the final decision.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I have same thinking too .

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Regulation of cryptocurrency? Isn't that against what crypto is supposed to be? I'm confused lol!

$ 0.03
1 year ago

It means central bank must give permission to use Crypto as payment method openly on vendors, markets or exchanges. Untill that it will remain a illegal currency and we can't trade officially. So before permission central bank will make some laws & regulations about its Usage, tax , rebate policy, limits etc. Individually I am earning , trading, using P2P on exchanges but can't exchange my Crypto from our local banks or can't use my credit card to buy Crypto untill it not permitted.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I really didn't know about these information. Gladly I do now, thanks to you. I hope the committee will reach to its final soon with a good decision.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I think cryptocurrency regulations needed much time. Because IMF has a strong hold on our economy. But I am hopeful because digital money is future. It was a good and informative article indeed.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

It will took time but ultimately we will go with the world.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

we will be getting huge profit if once we will regulate digital currency in pakistan, which i think will help nation financially

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I hope so as well.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Maube in a next more years the digitalized will now legalizzed all.over the nationwide they know what is the benofits on that, in our place there is a merchant who accpt digital paymenys like bch

$ 0.03
1 year ago

We have also some merchant who accepting BCH but by federal level it is still paused.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I ain't hoping much now. We as a nation are doomed already. Digitalization is something where we need another 50years to fully fit in.

Whatever as long as mafias or corruption is there we ain't Going to progress anywhere.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

It is big unfortunate for us that we have most of leadership corrupted. Agreed 100% with your words that may we need more 50 years to adopt the things fully.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I wish it get legalise there with tax minimum than 5%, only then people will consider jumping into it more unlike India where we have 30% taxation. The ones who adopt techs like this early makes the most from it. See the people where internet and YouTube was adopted first, they are in top of there genre now.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Agreed, the tax ratios should not be more then 5% . It will encourage people to adopt it quickly.

$ 0.00
1 year ago