Should I buy a weapon?

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Disasters, affliction and pandemic always gives opportunity to criminals for bad activities. Thefting, snatching, street Crimes and fraudulents rise due to choasic atmosphere. Hunger & poverty are biggest reasons behind the crimes as well. When people not getting food to fill the belly what else will do , definitely criminal gangs gives attractions to such youth to be part of them for easy earning.

Pakistan effected by floods badly this year and still the rescue work going on. Millions are misplaced and millions are living in tents or under open sky. Such situation ignited the street Crimes and the graph of such incidents rising dramatically.

One of my close friend lost his 200k PKR yesterday when he was coming back from his business point. Two bike riders with mask on faces and guns in hands stopped him near the home street corner. Threat him for life and took the amount from him and disappeared.

Today he came to me and we went to police station for a FIR. Police write down the report and says sure we will get them out soon but I know my Police men , they made only promise but actually they will not do anything until some bribery. One thing I like from police officer who advised that we can't protect people everywhere, you should buy some weapon for your protection.

I went with him to market , checked lot of weapons which suitable to us but not purchased because we want some expertise opinion from a retired army officer ( our neighbor). But I personally like the gun which is affordable, lighter to carry, extra magazine, capacity of bullet fire and durable. It will cost me 45k PKR.

It is navy seal sig p225 short gun or pistol you can say. It has 9mm calibration with 15 bullet in magazine capacity. The fire range is 200m which is nice and what I was looking. It is semi automatic ( fully automatic guns not allowed to common people and government not issue the license). We can fire all 15 bullets with one trigger status upload. It saves us from push back the trigger again and again. The wieght is only 600 grams which is easy to lift. The night sight mirror and silencer are available too but not in same price.

The big question is why we need it ? Or what this gun can give us? The first & last priority is self protection. Our life is more important than else and Weapon in hand gives us confidence, braveness, encouragement and moral support.

I am leaving this question to you as well that should I buy a weapon?

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I write down the situation of law and order in area after floods. Thanks for reading my thoughts and like , upvote and leave comment to know your opinion. I will be glad to read your thoughts and advise.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Same thing happened to my father once, when he comes back from a marriage ceremony late night two person on gun point took his money and mobile. And you know the condition of Pakistan about the safety of girls personally in my opinion every girl should also carry a weapon with her for her safety. Or she has much confidence to fight for herself

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You kinda sound like a gun expert. Haha just kidding 🤣.

If you think you need it then go for it. But you should know how to use the weapon well. And also make sure it is licensed. And make sure you don't tell anyone about it.

But seriously, weapons alone do not guarantee one's safety especially when the armed robbers are more in numbers and arms.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is not suppose to happen. Everywhere more and more people are pushed to do evil things in desperation. I hope to see the day we don't have to resort to such things, doing crimes or having to protect ourselves with weapons.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think you should sharpen your WEAPONS! Because God has given you the weapon of PATIENCE, that event is a test for your patience.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

So sad to hear about the incident that happened with your friend, and we all know that These crimes have become very common nowadays, we should have weapon for our safety and protection

$ 0.00
1 year ago

If you are a businessman or even not but go out a lot to work then you may but you have to sure none in your house or some of your neighbours know about it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is a serious threat to human life, but in this era it has become the great necessity. Sad to hear about what happened with your friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

If it's legal for you to own one, I recommend it, but, I am American.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Crimes are really scary nowadays because I observe it became worst. My sister's partner has a weapon because he is an Army friend. Now he is a policeman.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Such crimes are really spreading in our area too. Someone robbed our new 125 bike that was bought a day ago. For the protection we should have weapons.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is so bad and I am really sorry to hear what did happen to your friend. I hate guns and pistols. To be honest, I haven't touched any gun till date.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

For our protection in these days, weapons are essential. You should buy it as soon as possible. I have gun in our house for protection.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What should I say! I think weapon can be dangerous sometimes so better not having it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago