Rainy season - heaven for photography.

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1 year ago


The opportunity for photography always lies around us just require to look at as artistic and creative eye. Weather conditions and seasons add some topping in it . Rain, snowfall, fog , smog and spring gives special chance to us to capture the beauty of nature.

It was very difficult to shoot these scenes just 10-20 years back when still cameras, low quality lens, unzoom focus and heavier in weight were there which always difficult to handle & carry. But still we can see lot of master pieces from that era.

Digital media grow up fast and built-in cameras in cellphones made it easy for everyone to snap. Then latest models of these cellphones equipped morvolus features and quality of lens and other features like zoom , edit and auto focus , face detection, object finder etc making more easier for photography.

We have currently rainy season ( 15th July - 15th August) and this year we are flooded with 300% + then previous years. It is an amazing thing and thanks to Almighty God that no any damages done in our area. Rainy water sewage out and streets are dry & clear.

I snapped some photos during last week and happy to share with you. It may sluggish to someone but I love them because I did my best to shoot.

It is pomegranate fruit and rain drops making it some more adorable to watch. If temperature here goes to minus may it freezes. But still reflection is great.

Chiku tree leaf hardly bearing the weight of water droplets and bended to one side. The water flowing down from one side when it reached over weight.

Tamerhind plant keep & hold the rainy water in shape of pearls. Actually the leaf of this tree is curvey & rough on surface. So slipping took more time for drops to go down until some wind shakes the branches. It is best place for butterfly, house bee , honey bee and pink worm to stay at because the water rests more time here on leafs.

This photo I took today morning when I made this tower by tiny stones. At morning walk this idea rise in mind and I try to put these one at other. After several tries I succeeded to build this tower of 5 storey only because heavy fast wind was not allowing me to put more on top.

This episode of photography coming on end and sure I will bring more to share here.

Thanks for reading & viewing my photos. Like , upvote and leave a comment for feedback.

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Note: All images are mine and taken by my cellphone.


$ 1.42
$ 1.10 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Shohana
$ 0.05 from @TheGuy
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


You are really great photographer! The droplets from the leaves was like a tears of the rain...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We are having really great weather because of rainfall. You have capture all the pictures perfectly.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Thanks crazywrites_1 for considering photo for appreciation.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The disastrous flooding by too much rain happens to be everywhere this month and last. It really something to deal with... Thanks to technology anyways, I can't imagine myself taking shaddy pictures with heavy cameras. Lol! You're good at photography

$ 0.03
1 year ago

That was also a golden days , even low technology produced good photographer around.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's good for photography but not good for those people who live in backwards areas. By the way your all pictures are beautiful but it took my 2 minutes to understand the pomegranate picture i think it's a head of human there 😱😱 i took it as horror view 😂🤣🤣

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Thanks for appreciation, photography needs skills but I took randomly and fortunately some captured well.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Latest technologies are unbelievable. Every year it get advanced. That's the result of the creative photography taken.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Rightly said technology going advance day by day.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nice! Are you a professional?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I must confess you are skilled bin photography, are you are professional ?

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I never be a professional photographer but yes know the little bit about.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Capturing every beautiful moment is my passion, pictures have several amazing facts and benefits but i like most among all is (picture is not just a photo but it is a story, a half story about anything) when we take a picture and for example watch it after 10 years, how will be our feelings? Emotional na? Yes we will remember the whole incident of takin this picture, And rainy season is valuable for nature photography as well.

Your all pictures are beautiful, but the 4th picture is perfectly taken. ❤️

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Exactly each photo has a story behind. Especially as said when we look at them after some years.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is raining continuously in our country but it's not a good sign at all. Sylhet region has been submerged in flood water this year. Maybe next year most of the area of our country will be under water. 😒

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I pray for safe life and better days ahead.

$ 0.00
1 year ago