Peacock's Tutoring!!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Peacock is most heavier bird on earth now after ostrich. Normally male peacocks has glittering feathers with attractive colours and long flourishing tail which he can turn up. Peacocks can shake the tail in musical styles like fan blowing and normally it shows his feelings. Peahens, the female, are normally smaller in size , short tail , less colour compage.

Photo by my cellphone.

Almighty God keeps some characteristics in each of his creations which can be a learning point for others. Every one know this chemistry that human learn the mist from other human , environment and animals. The biggest example that human learn to buries his fellow men after death from crows. This whole incident is in Holy book when the son of Adam killed his brother and then he don't know what to do with dead body. The crow came and did the rehearsal of buries and He learn from it.

Peacocks has some lovely characteristics which are applicable to us as well and I think we should learn & practice it. Let's see what we can learn from a peacock.

Strong Expression.

Expression is something we feel and say about it in words , signals, indicator etc. Peacocks express their Every feeling loudly and clearly. If they are happy they turn up the long tail up , shrink it and dance , tell the community about the feeling. If they are sad , sick then they weep in tears but soundless.

We can adopt it to express our feelings that we must share our joy loudly with our family and beloved ones because it is their right on us to be happy in our achievement. And in affliction we shouldn't cry loudly because it is against the teaching of prophet.


They didn't has long beautiful feathers by birth. By passing time of age they develop it, exactly we can develop lot of habits, apitats and skills by time to enhance the beauty of our character. They can't survive in loniness and doesn't like to be single. It gives us learning that social life is better then alone one. We should be social more in practical.

Self assurance & Confidence.

Who tells them that they are beautiful, I think no one but they know their stuff which boosts pride , dignity and uniqueness. They walk with crown on head and self assurance in legs. We can learn that we should know our worth , ability and value to live with pride.

peahen ( female).

Photo source.

We know they are heavy in size but yet they can fly. The wieght didn't become a hurdle for them. If we look at them we can think that they can't fly but ther are flying birds. What is leaning for us that we should comes up the hurdles and prove the doubts of others wrong about us. We are beautiful by birth and skin colour has no any meaning. We are what we looks and we should not be changed for others.

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1 year ago


Peacock looks so beautiful because of the different colors of its feathers. Peacocks look more attractive when their wings are folded. You have given a great example with the peacock. All creations of Allah contain lessons.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

We are all created by the Highest with different beautiful features that we have to embrace and take pride.Along with their beauty and heaviness they still bound to fly carrying their weight. Just like humans that are bound to get up and stand tall despite struggles and difficulties in life . Knowing our worth and we could still soar high and fly.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I love Peacock. I remember when I was a kid my friend and there's a favorite Barbie I've always watched because of the peacock. Her gown was designed also a peacock and it was really beautiful.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ostrich has big neck.Peacock has normal neck. Peacock looks sweet and cute because of attraction by his own feathers..

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I love to peacock because it is strong in expression and articulation. Its feathers are precious and lovely.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow! So much to learn from this creature. Truly, we have to develop in life. From birth till present shouldn't just be by growth but also in character and thinking for the better. This is nice

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I never knew this much about peacock before. Thank you for sharing information about it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Interesting. To stand out as we are with what we got. This is a big lesson derived from you. Thank you for this.. I wish to prove the doubts of others as I joined this platform. 😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Male peacock 🦚 is one of the most beautiful birds and I love its feathers πŸͺΆπŸͺΆ

$ 0.00
1 year ago