Love yourself - it will develop self confidence.

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2 years ago
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A person can't love anything until he didn't love to himself. It is key to our journey with successful step. Self confidence means believe in is another name of trust in your abilities and skills. One thing keep in mind that self confidence is not a skill which we can learn from any where. Actually it is a mental status that how you think about yourself. Interesting thing is , it is not ability by born , it comes through by positive attitude and hard work.

How we can boost our self confidence? Here are so e suggested things .

Love yourself.

Love to ourself means gives importance and value to our own . If we do some thing good , we first appreciate ourself on it instead wait for others to do . Treat yourself like Prince , admire it , thanks it , applause it and say well-done to you. Believe me when you will di it , you will see a dramatic change in your satisfaction and self confidence.

Focus on your personal growth.

We waste our energies in comparison with others but didn't follow their level of effort. Always look on yourself to improve the ability and skill.

Politeness & sharing.

Anger is friend of anxiety which always wait for his turn. Learn to control on your emotions. Make your behaviour polite and flexible which is necessary for your self Confidence.

Always share your experiences with others with aim to help them. When people starts admire this service , your personality will get more confidence.

Appreciate yourself.

Self motivation & talk to yourself is quick remedy to self confidence. Don't say anything bad to yourself on failure. Oppositely appreciate yourself on each single tiny success.

Found the reason of failure.

Analysis of failure is key to find out the reasons of your failures. Once you diagnosis it , your sekf conference will touch to sky because you got the path towards success.

Don't hesitate in learning.

No body can claim about perfection. We learn every day new things. If you have love fir yourself then you must not hesitate to learn . It develops skills and knowledge .

Count your skills.

Know your potential and interest on mind which is necessary to develop the eagerness. It helps us to fix the direction and the relevant field accordingly.

Prayers & mediation.

Prayers keeps us near to our creator. It helps to stamulate the love to Almighty God and love to ourself.


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Thanks for reading . I always loved to have comments about my efforts.

Lead image: Pixabay


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2 years ago


Self love and appreciation is important in our growth, when we master the act of loving and appreciating ourselves it changes how we love and treat others.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Love ourself gives motivation which enables us to give our best outputs. Thanks Jules ) .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If we truly want to be successful in life, we need to focus on our own abilities and powers. We should learn to appreciate ourself.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Our potential gets penetrations by our own motivation . Thank you so much Farah!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago