Listen her voice- A true story!!

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It was huge noise in the street last night and I wake up in hurry. Different sounds of men and women were coming at high tune and some were almost abusing her for second Marriage especially when she has five kids earlier from first husband.

I wash mouth and went out. Asked from neighborhood what happened and why you all crying at midnight. One of them told me that Asia did second marriage by herself without involving any relative nor from neighborhood. So what she did wrong? I asked . Amjad , you don't know it will be very bad effect on our daughters by such incidents. Then at last I choose three members to think on it and may be after one hour long discussion we reached on conclusions that Asia did right and the family law of the constitution allow her to do so. So people shattered around and went to their homes by talking against me that I am giving her( sin, as they were thinking) a shelter.

Asia living in my street with her kids. Her husband died six year ago due to some sickness. She did lot of sanitation work at homes , hospital and laundry for a hostel to meet the needs of her kids. Time passed and kids grow up. They need schooling and other things. No one was reading her situation as everyone is busy in his own circle of living.

Asia told to old women of the street that she wants to marry again but no one listening her voice nor gives impotence. She hurts a lot and the financial burden was increasing day by day. At last she decided to take step by her ownself. She contacted to a marriage beuro to get a suitable person for herself.

Couple of days before they contact back and shown her the needy person. She agreed and married in court. He ( her husband) oaths about her kids to take care and fullfil the needs and a premium bound filled by both Infront of family court judge. They accepted husband wife each other after Nikaah and she comes back to her house.

Now the neighborhood starts crying over it. They were not crying on act what she took , but I think they loose a cheaper servant. She washed the clothes , clean the kitchen and yards for nothing ( wage was just some rupees, leftover from food , fruit and bread and evil eyesight).

She did absolutely right and use her right of selection which our religion also allows. We should support, appreciate and respect her on her wedding. And if some one becoming responsible for her kids, she got a Caring husband , then why we are making unnecessary noise over it. That was my question to all the gathering over night. But no one has answer about it. Then they keep quiet and turned to their homes.


We must support alive people first then the passed ones because they deserve more. If some one wants a honourable way of living on his own interests then we should be play supportive role. We can't decide anything from viewing one angle, we must look at other end too. We must care the feelings of others and must do justice with it. Our attitude should base on welfare of Human beings.

We must listen to her too...

Thanks for reading my real life experiences. I will be glad to know your thoughts about what I did there in comments. Like , upvote and leave comment for feedback. .

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She has her reasons for marrying the second time since she lost her husband and the responsibility is too much on her alone to cater for five kids. Since she got a man who is ready to accept and take care of the children, they should leave her alone.

$ 0.04
1 year ago

Exactly that was my point in gathering and thanks God neighborhood understand it and today was calmness around.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

She just did the right decision for herself and her children. Also thanks for letting them stop the noise and siding with her. She had so much in life so she must deserve also even a little comfort in life.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

You did a great job by taking her side.

Our society only knows how we can throw rubbish at others when someone is struggling to improve his/her life instead of giving them support or respect for their decision.

The women didn't do a sin, Nikkah is a Sunnah of our holy Prophet (PBUH) and she did absolutely right according to our religion.

But the question is If the same act was done by a man then why people don't point out their fingers at them? Coz, they are men. Very Pathetic...

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Indeed. We should not just think for ourselves but for the welfare of others as well. For we are all connected and we affect each other with our actions.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

We should not focus on one side only,we must listen for the both parties, sometimes people were so judgmental without hearing the true story.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

my coment is on her side, it was really difficult for her to feed her childrens, and we cannot make people happy with our decisions, the world would be nicer if people stop caring about society and just care about women rights, well i wish her happy merriage

$ 0.03
1 year ago

We should prefer interest of a man. It is up to him either he can bear the expenses for an other marriage or not. It is very sad thing, I had seen in Pakistan.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Yes this is a big problem in our society to deprive off rights of women and in the old days the women were strictly underlawed but now a days they have got a little bit more chances to get self sustainable and equal rights. And it is very good for our society as man and women are are two wheels of a cart and without wheels the car cannot move.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

We should learn to value people's interests especially if it will be of benefit to them. We should care less about the societal idea of our lives. We should just do our thing!!

$ 0.02
1 year ago

One of hardest fear of living one's life is getting abuse by society harsh talks. Lol society only appears and participate when you do something for your own betterment they don't like to help you when you are LIVING A hard time.

I appreciate your opinion on her behalf.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Why are we accusing people for right doings, especially when its a fundamental right. What if she had taken some wrong step? Everyone has desires, needs and requirements. Being a widow only she could understand her situation. The society can understand only how to criticize others ... She did a great job.

We must support alive people first then the passed ones Agreed and like these words.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I'm happy that she's get a caring husband ♥️ it's her right if het husband is died than he could be married again if she wants no one stop her or Forced her but unfortunately our society is cruel they don't listen the poor's they just mind with their own business 💔

$ 0.02
1 year ago

She did well to my understanding. Where were those crying and blaming on her when she was working hard to feed herself and her children. I wish her a happy marriage

$ 0.02
1 year ago