I Sold My Bicycle in diminution!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince

Bicycles are in use since long time for traveling of short distance. Before the invention of wheel people use animals like camels , horses and elephants to travel. Wheel makes ride easier , smooth and little faster.

I born in a village and got education till my 8th class there. Then got admission in high school which was 6km away in town. Parents bought a bicycle for me to travel easily. I use that riding facility for four years. In graduation I force my parents to buy a motorcycle for me because my lot of friends were coming to college on bikes.

I got the motorcycle in third year of college but cycle still remains at home till yesterday. I sold it as a useless item to a scrap agent yesterday and I am thinking that I did a diminutive decision.

Cycling gave me.

Photo from unsplash.
  • Fitness - cycling is best source of physical fitness Which going some worsted on bike.

  • Flexibility- My body muscles were so soft and flexible that I could run , jump,and turn quickly.

  • Mobility- the joints of legs , arms backbone were in excellent condition which are now twinkling.

  • Posture- the capacity and capability to bear the hardships were very good which is loosing now.

  • Stemina - the vitality of body , mind , sex drive and eye sight were in excellent condition which going to destroyed by the easy ride.

  • Fat level- cycling prevent me from diseases like cholesterol , diabetes and fats. Which I think coming on the way due to motoring.

Motorcycle giving me.

Photo from unsplash
  • Good outlook - I feel up-to-date with friends and no any feelings of degradation or depressed.

  • Speed- it is faster the cycle which gives a motivated myself to go further more in travel with no tiredness.

  • Fun & adventure - motorcycle ride is pure fun and source of adventure also.

  • Time saving- it saves my time of travel due to its speed.

But still my vote is towards my cycle because I think it has more positive aspects and benifits. Unfortunately we speed up every thing. We are hurry always and this becoming our lifestyle. We are in short temper , low feelings , alone liker and improper attitudes carriers. We want conquer the world in minutes and let people obey us by every means.

AHH 🤔I sold my bicycle 🚴 which was a trade of diminution.


Thanks for reading my selling story. Are you @Niazi420 @Itsfarah @Officialrosh1 @Okeh @Dimples @Pachuchay @Rajpoot-Bhatti. @MahiDewaan240 experiencing such feelings on selling some thing which gives you more values then the current logging.

Here my previous article.

Patience enough!

What we will carry next?

Watching match live in stadium.

Lead image: captured by Mobile and edited on free photo editor app.


$ 2.29
$ 2.08 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Dimples
$ 0.03 from @Fexonice1
+ 3
Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince
Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Sometimes we secrifice for ourself to get some thing new ..

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Ahhh, I can relate with you, brother. I sold my cycle few years ago and now after reading your article I am missing my old days. When I was used to go my school on my bicycle with my siblings.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I believe you made the right decision by selling it since its an old item, though its been considered as a scrap but you did the right thing.... I know you still have a lot of memories of the bike since its an everyday use for you back then

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I know it becomes scrap but emotionally I love it due to my first ride and a gift of my( late) father.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i have sold my bicycle which i have ridden for 6 years that was given me by my father but now i have bike on the other hand sir i tell you this is my second ID mean i am @Rajpoot-Bhatti. i did not write my article because bot do not comes on my posts then i start here THANKS SIR G!

$ 0.03
2 years ago