What we will carry next!

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2 years ago


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Almighty God created this world and human being to live in it . He gives very suitable environment to breathe , enough food to survive , possibilities to make secure . He has great and countless blessings to Human.

Are we think ever that what Almighty wants from us? All the holy books has this answer very clear that live here according to his teachings with best manners and good deeds.

What we are doing ? we made this world a metallic body . We search our Happiness and joy in this world which actually not exist here. We are running behind the wealthy bull.

An example.

In our villages there is a worm called dung worm. He likes cow and buffalo dung very much. He gets up and goes out in search of dung and keeps making a ball of dung from where he takes it all day. It becomes a good ball in the evening, then he pushes the ball to his bill.

but when he reaches the bill, he realizes that the ball is bigger then size of the hole . I Cannot take it inside then he leaves it on and goes inside the hole. The same is the case with some human beings. All their lives, without distinguishing between good and bad, halaal and haraam , They keep on accumulating perfection and possessions. But at the end they realize that all these collections they have to leave here. They look at the earnings with regret.

Good deeds.

Photo source

Each good deeds has great rewards. Even Almighty God multiply our deeds with its mercies and rewards us back . Now it is not compulsory that we always do a big charity , no it can be a very small too . Even offering a glass of water to a stranger also enough. Our soul and our deeds will travel next. Charity will remains to humanity. Leave a candle to inlight others here in this world.

Evil Deeds.

Photo source.

Any bad thing which has been prohibited by Almighty will be evil deeds. Evilness has charm , attractions and beauty. The path of evilness always easy , smooth and flowesh. Slowly person got addiction and his heart goes melted with evilness and at the end he starts understand himself a right person even has firm belief that Allah knows everything.

Closing paragraph.

We will be presented to our Lord and We should not feel ashame when we will be Infront of him. We wouldn't be able to deny from our actions nor second chance will be available to undo or erase. Our good deeds and Only the mercy of holy God can save us from hell .

May Almighty bless us the right path.


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$ 3.40
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Right dear ...as we are Muslim so why should follow the Holy Quran bol I am totally agree by your points and I prefer your article and ready to appreciate you here on this article have a good day my dear friend

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Charity in any religion is kind & Nobel act. Every holy book has guide line about good deeds.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How beautifully you describe this fact with the example of worm. I hope people can understand to differentiate between good and bad.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

May Almighty Allah bless us enough understanding and wisdom to differentiate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed our good deeds are charity and according to Islam this appreciated a lot Alhamdulillah. Good topic of blog, its a good read, no doubt.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

This charity will be multiplied by Almighty Allah and rewards us back .

$ 0.00
2 years ago