Friendship - A Estimable relationship.

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1 year ago


Human made friends due to many reasons but most common is company. We want a companion to whom we can share , talk and support. True friendship always prestigious and with strong bounds it becomes more worthy. We can't share everything to everyone except one or two close people including some good friends because they never advise us which is not good.

Yesterday I read the article of @Coolmidwestguy about questions for friends in friends questions part 2. Which is actually a sequel of his article a month ago friends questions. You can go through his articles by these links.

Let's go through the questions he generate in that questionnaire.

Do you value Physical friend over a virtual friend?

Well , both has great importance in our current life with specific characteristics and traits. Both has separate role in our life and we should not mess up both in same slot. Physical friends are permanent, closer and more reliable because we know their nature, personality and family background. We have access to them anytime.

virtual friends are honourable, significant and valuable but we didn't know their true face ( in most of cases). Then the access is limited, dependent and base on availability. We can't share everything with them . A unknown wall of hesitation always remains in the middle. So yes I value more to my physical friends.

Have you had someone refer to you as a friend but you can't consider as them?

It is true that most of people who are in social media Face this reality that a virtual best of mine can't prove exactly same to any other. Each person has special interests, priority and level of thinking.

May be a very good virtual friend of you can't response to me what I am expecting from my virtual friend. My virtual friends refer someone to me but most of cases we loose interaction due to different mind set.

Better to search for new friends or just let it happen naturally.

We can't ( at least for me ) search virtual friends, in most of cases it happens naturally, accidentally and suddenly. I tried to meet some people, try to interact them ( because I want friendship to them) but they showed freezing behaviour.

But which virtual friends I have now , all becomes my allies naturally. Just couple of them are still with me even i left out the certain media platform, change the ID , jump to other venture etc.

Have you ever met your virtual friend in real life?

A big YES , I met three to four times my virtual friend in my real life. Two were my national and one non national. The latest virtual friend I met is a famous social media person with User name Hunter Swati .

A selfie with my virtual friend.

I am grateful to him always because he travelled around 1100 KM journey to meet me. He came to my home with his parents. It was so great moments for me to host a virtual friend.

Do you spend more time with your virtual friends or physical friends?

I have three ventures , one a grocery store, second some agricultural land, third working as property connector. I found very less time to interact my friends. My physical friends also mostly complain , scolded me on this point that I call them very less or not gives them enough time. Mostly they came to see me , talk to me , sit in my drawing room etc.

Same with virtual friends, I call , text , DM very less . Oftenly they call me and ask the mutual respect things. Honestly, I am a careless person in this regards.

I am thankful to Mr. Bob for creating this fabulous opportunity to say something about my friends. I apologize to all of them who mostly are angry to me due to my responses.

Thank you so much for reading my thoughts about the topic. Like , upvote and leave comment for your kind opinion.

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$ 1.41
$ 0.99 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @Shohana
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


I like your response. So nicely answered each question. Sir Amjad you are amazing! I will soon share my version of the same questions

$ 0.02
1 year ago

So nice to you . Happy to hear from you !

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sir, Allah apko khush raky

$ 0.00
1 year ago


$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's amazing how you get this bond with virtual friends; I am very lucky to have lots of good virtual friends and they help me a lot in my life.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Virtual friends are always helpful. They share the opportunities and cheer the success.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Having friends virtual or physical are both good. The time element you give to each one shows how you regard them personally.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

In 2018, one of my LinkedIn connections from the US, a resume writer, and a granny, visited our city of Kolkata with her friend.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Waoh it's really nice of hunter Swati that he came to your house I never met my virtual friends coz I think may be I am introvert that is the reason

$ 0.02
1 year ago

He is kind enough to me .

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nice one Amjad. You answered so well. I'll write an entry to this.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Sure , I will be glad to read it .

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Very good answers. Thanks for taking these questions on. You are right in that are lives affect our interactions with friends. I'm guilty of being in a virtual conversation with someone than all of a sudden disappear because I have to attend to other things. Often almost all understand though which is great.

$ 0.05
1 year ago

Virtual friends are less reliable then the physical ones. Then most of them falls in greediness and matter of fact only. They are with us when they need otherwise they avoid to contact. Thanks for staying by!

$ 0.05
1 year ago

I have some good bonds with virtual friends. There is greed everywhere among both physical and virtual friends. There is more greed virtually. It just shows we have to be careful in our selections.

$ 0.00
1 year ago