Changers of history!!! (Germany)

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


War & patience are both strong warriors.

(Leo Tolstoy)

History of human is full of such people who change the direction of nations with their wisdom and God gifted knowledge. Firstly prophets then the empire builders, rulers and common individuals made unmatchable history which we knows till now and the examples of the legands are in our syllabus to taught in generations.

It was unfortunate thing for Germany in first world war when England & USA take over Germany after the war. Keep in mind that Germany was most advanced country in industrial engineering & agricultural farming at that time. War demolished more then 15% house and industry went in ban by invaders. At one stage the Richemark ( official currency of that time) lost the value and went on zero. People have millions in bags but no one ready to accept. People went to old barter trade system where goods exchanges with other goods. The businessess shut down and inflation went at dangerous scale. Then a history changer comes in the life of Germany,

Ludwing Erhard!

Photo Source.

He was finance minister of Germany in 1948 and later became Chancellor of the country. He is founder of new currency Deutsche Mark of Germany. He remove the old one and bring new currency with free market trade system. All the intertrade gone tax free and without monitoring of any Government institution. He was basically free market economist and big lawyer for free trading environment.

When people saw the tax free policies, the investors came back and starts the productions. When productions rise , the compititions starts and comparative prices stabilised quickly. The industry revolution generate jobs and country starts rising. Within Next 20 years the Germany becomes a strong economy which surprised all the world. The economists think this revival as a miracle and all the credit goes to Erhard.

Due to its policies Germany is 4th economic power of the world. What Erhard gives to other world? Germans can't forget him ever but whole world also gives credit to him about his vision. He leave ,

  • Tax Free trade concept.

  • Direct tax system only for wealthy people.

  • Tax free economy.

  • Income tax free salary.

  • WTO agenda , mission statement & policies. ( Very less people may know that world trade organisation under UNO passed its first ever constitutional paper which was prepared by Erhard).

  • Middle class relief & idealogy of savings.

  • Corporate culture & rebates.


Honest, visionary leadership can turn life better of nations. The direct tax system, tax free economy, bearable income tax are keys to uplift the people and economy.

If Government gives relief in tax where Money of common people will go ? Definitely he will save and invest again in different schemes which will uplift the sectors of government institutions.

There are lot of things which can learn from his life .Thank you so much for reading my article. Like , upvote and comment to know about your feedback.

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Lead image: pixabay


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2 years ago


Interesting! I have heard a lot about Germany and her war history but never heard nor read this one . I never heard of that man you mentioned but I think I love his leadership

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Ludwig had been great leader and man if wisdom. No one can the importance of his policies in Germany

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Tax free economic policies, I consider one of the most strong policies in the world. History is full of Heroes who did best for their nation. In Pakistan take Dr-Tahir Ul Qaderi Who presented a beautiful economic view for Country.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Pakistan is Also finding honest leader. I really appreciate to German Leader and Public.. I have read in Pakistan studies about Second World War..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Do you, by the article, mean that Pakistan should also adopt the tax free policies throughout the country and employees shall be given income tax free salary? Thanks for the informative contents

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Pakistan can't afford such economy but it is possible to reduce unnecessary , hidden taxes. Such in electricity bills , the taxes are more then the original cost of electricity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's very much true, you are 100% 💯 correct and I agree to that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I know less about history. But read little about the First World War. But here I got to know about the economic side of Germany.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I learned something new this evening my friend became of your article especially about Ludwing Erhard. It's my first time to know about him.

$ 0.03
2 years ago