Autumn Is Back!

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2 years ago


The seasons are ultimate part of our ecosystem and has biggest part in our survival. Seasons are basic element in our food , life and livings. Production of crops , raw material for industrial use and basic need of human are impossible without suitable seasons.

My homeland is blessed with very strong four seasons and it is best gift of nature in this part of the world. We have stunning summer and freezing winter with snowfalls. We have awesome blooming spring and Gorgeous autumn.

Autumn is connected period between summer and winter which also called fall. From mid of September till mid of November, transition time to winter is most beautiful part of our season.

No need to see the calendar for autumn in the area. It has visible and significant signs which gives indications and bells of autumn. My part of area is mostly sandy where nights starts going colder and days remains sunny and warm.

Dew factor in night is first signal that autumn has been falls. Early morning it is visible especially in crop Fields and grass in parks.

White SARS bird is second sign of autumn. These birds travel from zob, southern area around 900 km and reached here in this season. Because that area will go in freezing winter. The arrival of SARS is clear sign that winter is on our door step.

Yellowish golden sunset due to early moisture in wind is another sign of autumn in our area. It gives indications that weather going to change and cold nights are around.

What we do on arrival of autumn?

The daily routine took 90 degree change in autumn. Days starts going shorter and we fix our timing according to it and complete the work in day light.

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Educational institutions timing , official banking & government offices timing also changed. So we alter the things in accomulation of timing.

The women at homes took out the warm clothes, blankets and jersey, washed them and rechecked to use in coming winter. The women also care of summer clothes to keep them safe for next season. The farmers stored dry animal food in stores to use in freezing winter when it went difficult to get fresh one for animals. We inspect the roofs of the houses again after Moonsoon season in autumn and if required do maintenance before winter.

All the preparations are almost going to start within the days because

"Autumn is back"

I am thankful to you to read my thoughts and our routine in autumn. Hope you enjoy it . Like , upvote and leave a comment for feedback.

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Lead image: Pixabay

All the photos are mine and taken by my cellphone.


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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Among all other seasons I like autumn and spring because I can feel coldness specially the the morning time and can see beautiful droplets 💦 on the leaves and petals of flowers

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We only have two major seasons in my country: the dry and wet season. Autumn is the fore runner of winter.

$ 0.02
2 years ago I wish I will experience four seasons too..because here in the Philippines we only have two. Also seeing Autumn is what I love most out of the four seasons.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Our country is a country of six countries. These six seasons change in turn and the weather changes. Autumn is my favorite season.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

from childhood my mum used to say that autum is the season in which leaves and hairs started to fall and in spring new leaves replace the old ones but instead of that i like Autumn season

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We have taught in the books that autumn is the one when trees and plants start falling their leaves and in spring the new leaves will appear. You connected it with summer and winter. But i think autumn is a season in between strong winter and spring, it remains for few days that helps in dropping old levels of plants and trees.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you sir for sharing this kind of weather in your country. We do not encounter Autumn here therefore were happy to see these pictures of yours.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Sir I loved this blog, very impressive writing. I like the way you wrote it about "Autumn is back". Enjoy the beautiful weather of autumn.

$ 0.02
2 years ago