A letter to my Mom!!

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2 years ago


Mother is most respectable, prestigious and God gifted relationship to any human & creature. Almighty God keep a humble, loving, caring & sacrificing heart in mothers. They are symbol of giving & denotative gesture. The more admirable thing is she never expect the rewards of her good deeds.

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Motherhood required lot of patience, sacrifices, unwind wishes and limitless energy. It starts with first breathing of kid in comb till last breath of life. Most longer , pure , strengthed and almost forever relationship on earth.

I was taking shower in rain yesterday with lot of joy because it is still hot and bathing in rainy water gives amusement. I remember my mother a lot because she didn't allow me to go in rain due to her care. She says always," you will go sick like flu, fever and cough if you bath more in rainy water."

My mother passed away in 1996 when I was in early adulthood. ( May Almighty Allah bless her soul rest in peace). It is almost 26 years of separation now but I can't forget her each & every word which she siad to me. Let's go and write a letter to her.

My dear Mom!

It is more then 300 months now when you left me alone here in this cruel world. But still I can feel the warmth of your hugs. It is never easy to live without you but I am trying to get dig.

Mom, life is barren without you. Is it possible to came back? then please be here with me. I promise that I will obey your every order, I will follow your instructions, I will care your wish. I will not be in rains again because I know it was unlikely to you.

Mom, I feel proud whenever people talk about me in good words. They got me humble, kind and honest and I always thanks you for your training. I am lucky really that I had Mom such futuristic, brilliant mind and visionary.

Mom, it is your imaginary & disciplined efforts to grew me up with best character. I never feel trembling on any stage and in any situation. I can swim in any case because of your hidden hand with me.

Mom, I remember still when I learn to walk by catching up your finger. That confidence still with me as a Piller which not shake my feet. I am fighting with circumstances and will fight but not even can think to give up because you never taught me to surrender.

Mom, whatever i am today, it is all only because of you. I can't even able to measure your mercies and can't pay back even 1% but yes I can pay tribute to you with my heart and soul.

Mom, I know no one came back from there where you are. But I can pray for your highest rank. May Almighty Allah keeps you under his uncountable blessings. Amen!!

Mom, I want to take permission from you to kiss your hands at the end because I never got that taste from any meal which was in your cooking. Mom, thank you so much for everything. Mom, I love you!!!

Your Son,


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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


This is a well written letter for your mom Sir. I hope your mom could read it. My mother is always the best and she is somebody who protects me from all harm. I always love my mom so much because n one could love me ever more except for her. Best regards to your mom.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

i can't control myself to stop weeping when i was reading this article. Mom is the only one in the world who can do anything for her childs, we are always remain child for parents however we aged. I can just pray for your Mom, May Allah almighty blessed her with His uncountable blessings and give her place in Jannat. Seriously, it's so emotional each and every line of starting of the letter. I have mom but i am not paying proper attention to her as she deserve but every day i promised myself to give all importance to my mom and dad but sometimes i got furious on them and after that start weeping but they always loves me and care about me.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

May Almighty bless your mom a long , prosperous and healthy life. You have opportunities still in hand and do the best to obey her.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

you had an amazing mom and it hurts knowing that where they are, they won't come back rather we will one day go to meet them. I just hope you live the live she had always wanted for you. May her soul continues to rest in peace. Allah guide us all home

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Aameen. Too gud a letter for Mom. For one moment I think all who went through this letter should have thought of their lovely mom.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

May she rest in peace🙏. Moms can't be replaced by anyone. But you have great memories about her. God bless you.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Nice one. I also miss my mom a lot. A brave and extraordinary woman. What our moms planted in our hearts will grow and radiates it from our personality for people to see how good we are raised by a lovely great human being , our mother.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I must commend you for listening to your mom's instructions. Keep it up.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I know you missed your mom so much,she is seeing you from heaven that you did a great job and shes so proud of you for all your achievements and being who you are today.sending hugs on you buddy🥰

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks Maria for kind words.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

May your mother soul rest in peace I can imagine the tears in your mom eyes if she was alive to read it You put all emotions to this article but don't be sad it's natural everyone who came will die one day

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That is universal truth that every creature will die one day. But still we can't forget our passed beloved ones.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Really saddening when we lose the ones we love, most especially our parents, I pray God fills the vacuum of 26 years for you. Your mom will be so proud of the man you've become.. Keep on making her proud

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Amen! May Almighty Allah Hales.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Brother May soul of your mother rest in Peace. Don't worry she will be happy after observing her son is doing great and pray for her. Mother is best Blessing from God. But do you know Our Allah lover us more than seventy mothers?.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

No doubt at all out Almighty Allah loves us 70 times more then our mother.

$ 0.00
2 years ago