SHIBA INU To The Moon???

5 101

Hey what's up my people, am here once again with another interesting article of SHIBA INU....

  • NOTE: This Isn't A Financial Advice, What Ever You See Here Doesn't Mean You Should Buy, Hold Or Sell... Am Just Sharing My Own Thoughts Based On My Research And Upcoming Events In The Crypto Space So Am Just Giving Some Facts And Your The Judge.....

First off I'd start by talking about what we see crypto currency as today, NO 1 Crypto Currency which is "Bitcoin "... Bitcoin has been down bad for a while now and its all about a little pump and then it dips for a while.....

As of the time of making this article BTC is at $41k and I think $49k is actually its new high resistance level coz it always struggle to get pass this price, yea for over 4months BTC hasn't gotten the taste of $50k even when it was only thousand dollar to that it still didn't hit $50k due to its resistance level....

Most times It feels like every other coins ( including Altcoins and Shitcoins) are following the foot step of Bitcoin coz once it goes green they also turn green and maintain their track.... Once Bitcoin turns red they don't hesitate to turn red too....

Its been almost forever since we experience bull run in the crypto space and I still wonder when we gonna see the bull run faster than it ever has, some sources did say we shouldn't be expecting any for now and it makes me think we are gonna get one by the end of the year....

Crypto isn't what you just predict coz it takes an expert to do so and I am no expert or guru in the crypto space so I can't tell when there's gonna be a bull run, who knows?? It might happen any moment from now or maybe many months from now but we can't tell so let's stay positive and hope for the best..


I'd like to emphasize on this and I'd talk about some of the good news of SHIBA INU, though the news is almost three weeks old and not all holders and lover of SHIBA INU knows about it and also I do believe SHIBA INU will surprise a whole lot of people coz they have been some little coin burn lately ....


I know the first thing that come into your head is "Who Is Steven Cooper?? "....

Here is what am gonna say, Steven cooper is the leader of the bigger entertainment that helps in terms of the burning of SHIBA INU, I believe y'all know what that means.... For those that don't know what the burning means keep reading am gonna get to that soon....

Burning of coin is the process of sending a particular token or a coin to a dead wallet, with this action being done the coin can never be retrieved and gotten back once its done....

So this is what Mr Steven Cooper has been doing for the SHIBARMY, and y'all know that for a coin to go very high in price there are two major things needed....

And that is " More Buyers " And " Coin Burn", so the coin burn part was what Mr Steven Cooper was kinda in charge of....

On the first of this month he made this twit:

"Due to the recent development we have decided to end our SHIBA campaign, we have exited holdings and will be removing related assets.. We will burn pending burns tonight. We are content known that we inspired many burn initiatives that will live on.. Thank you to the community.. ( Not April Fool Jokes )..

This was exactly how it was being posted, am sorry for not providing a screenshot but I just couldn't find the twit... So I'd like to emphasize on this for those that seem lost, the ending of the SHIBA campaign was the coin burn that they were into....

The part where he said they have exited holdings simply means they have sold off all their SHIBA assets... I believe the remaining part should be well understood...

  • How Did Most Holders Thinking When He Twitter This??

At first when I saw this I thought it was just a bluff since it was being posted on April 1st but him indicating it wasn't an April Fools Joke was just too realistic to the community.....

This was the moment FUD began in the community, a lot of holders panicked and started thinking negative saying its the end of SHIBA INU, most of them said it can never go to the moon... Yea the community was filled with negativity as of the time of that twit....

He left and then the rumors of Robin Hood started after a week later... Yes it was just rumors, a lot of people were expecting to see SHIBA INU go down bad coz Mr Steven Cooper left...

But it didn't actually affect the coin in any way coz of its potential, and after a while a whale did purchase a huge amount of SHIBA INU, some sources were saying it might be Robin Hood...

Though it was just a rumour, and after Mr Steven Cooper left the good news of Robin Hood came it and it was kinda like he was actually stepping down for them to take over....

A week before he left a new SHIBA INU price Prediction was out and I'd like to share it with y'all....

SHIBA INU Price Prediction As Of Three Weeks Ago


  • Mid-Year | Year Ending

  • 2022 | $0.00003918 | $0.00004462

  • 2023 | $0.00005801 | $0.00006683

  • 2024 | $0.00007886 | $0.00009069

What do y'all think about this price Prediction??? For me I don't think its worth it coz first off SHIBA INU has gone pass this but it hasn't hit four zeros and nine....

Crypto price Prediction doesn't always go as planed, most times it goes higher than expected and most times it doesn't even get close to the price target from the Prediction.....

If I can remember I have seen an article here in where a user talked about the lad who did a Bitcoin Prediction some years ago and luckily it did hit the price Prediction at the given time....

He/she then predicted BTC again an it did go as predicted, is that luck or he/she was just too good??? Well I can't say anything about that coz there was another BTC price Prediction of it hitting $100k by the end of December 2021....

So sad the hype of $100k went viral and a whole lot of people invested and lost some money coz it was during the year ending the dip came....

The market proved to the world that it wasn't that easy to predict and I believe a lot of people learnt their lesson coz most of them hurriedly invested without making their own research.....

Though it wasn't that bad for most of them that invested coz they can still get their profit only if they can hold till it recovers... But not everyone has that kind of patience, if I can remember when I made my first investment "SHIBA INU "

Then I had the mind set of making tons of money since I have invested, but then my portfolio began to reduce in stock and it was then I knew crypto currency isn't a get rich scheme, don't forget THINGS TAKE TIME...

Don't Loose Hope And Don't Let Them Kill Your Dreams

I have come to realize that most people get their dream crushed by most people who their heart has been filled of FUD.... Most times bad comments do break people down and they actually loose am hope....

Imagine investing like a thousand dollars on a stock and you intend to hold for long ( 5 years maximum ) and you made a twit about the stock suddenly it was filled with hate speech and negativity, most time you'd feel they are telling you the right thing and you might end up loosing hope and selling off....

Ignore all negativity, stay strong and hold, trust me you'd see your dream come true.....

  • Thanks For Reading, Stay Strong SHIBARMY Woof!!!

You can also visit my previous articles of SHIBA INU

To The Moon

$ 4.15
$ 4.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Tomi-Ajax
$ 0.02 from @MD_Tibro
+ 1
Sponsors of Amback_forgood


You have predicted that shiba inu will reached to $0.000039 by Dec 2022. Do you think it's a shiba inu to moon ? I don't think we can say it's a moon. We can say shiba inu to moon only when the price will reached to $0.01.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Okay honestly, I've really had hard time understanding articles related to cryptocurrencies. I mean, it's really too complicated. Can you instead tell me how “Shiba Inu” differ from other sort cryptocurrencies in simple words?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My question is that, why do they burn coins? Why can't they just use it as giveaway 😂. I'm serious here. Did Ed the burning help? Or when they burn, it becomes scarce, people would want to buy, and "boom" it goes high. Am I right here?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In crypto world every coin goes up and comes down . Thoose who wants to invest and have much money to invest they should invest in a few coins that can bring a good luck. I am not sure with the Shiba Inu but saw many peoples believing on it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Am a believer too and am hoping to see it go to the moon some dYb

$ 0.00
2 years ago