If wishes were horses,beggars would ride.

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It clearly states that if wishes were horses beggars would surely wish for theirs and ride on them but it's not possible since we need to be determined and work hard to get whatever we desire.

Most times we might sit down on a couch and wish for so many things we desire to come to pass but without putting hardworking into it and just wishing for you you won't get what you want.

Let me illustrate this;

A person was sick for couple of days and he was just lying down at home wishing to be well without going to see the doctor so they can see what caused his illness,it won't work that way he needs to visit the doctor so they can prescribe drugs for him to use.

Am not saying wishes doesn't come true but in real life it would come true only if we desire to make it happen and work hard with determination that you want your dreams to come true.

Wishes would come true only if we determine and workhard to achieve it.

Wishes do come true when you stand up from that couch and workhard to make it come true,it's our determination we need to wish and make it come to reality by putting the right amount of hardwork in it and having a positive mindset always.

Have a positive mindset.

Speak positively and act positively in whatever you are doing,always hope for the best to come and never settle for less but push on to achieve what you wish for,a positive mindset would give us the motivation to strive and aim for our wishes to come to pass.

Take some steps daily.

Make progress daily by starting off each day to become productive,always make use of any opportunity that knocks at your door,opportunities doesn't come once but the life changing ones do come once in a while so we need to grab all opportunities.

Stand up to realise those wishes.

Don't just sit around the corner and make wishes,take a step forward to make those wishes come through by setting realistic goals which are achievable and realistic.

Don't always wish things would fall in place just with a twinkle of an eye,we just need to stand up and set some goals to achieve our wishes,you won't get anything by just merely wishing for things to be on a good path but with hardwork those wishes would come to reality.

There are so many wishes which we all are wishing for but to make it come to pass it takes hardwork and determination.

If wishes were fishes everyone would swim in riches,i know all of us want this but to become rich it isn't a days job,you need to double up your hard work and strive to get the best while making use of any opportunity you've got to make your life better.

Don't just wish and take a sit back that your helper would come, stand up from where you are sitting and work hard to make those wishes come to reality,wishing alone won't give us what we want but wishing and working hard to get to the level we wished for,our hardwork would payoff someday and our wishes would come true.

Challenges would come while taking steps but stand your ground and never give up while hoping to achieve what you desire,workhard and never relent,keep striving for the best to come forth and it would surely do someday.

Closing thought.

Wishes would only come true is we desire to work hard and make it come true,it won't just come overnight to meet us and then in the morning we find ourselves in riches,it's never done that way,all we need to do it workhard to get the best from anything we are doing and those wishes would come forth.

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Thanks for reading and have a productive weekend ahead.

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If wishes were horses, the world would literally be on fire. If we want or need something, we go for it. Sitting down and wishing for it might not come to pass, because luck isn't that easy to come by

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You're right....those wishes would only come true if only we desire it to come true,we need to put in the right amount of work and determination to make it come true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We have to do our best for everything we want in life because nothing falls from the sky. It would be nice to just fantasize and wait but that way we will not achieve anything. We have to get up from the chair and go out into the street.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Perfectly said...we need to stand up and work hard to get what we deserve in life,we can't just wish and hope it would come without us standing up to make it come true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wishes are meant only for the mind. To realise it, one must commit to working towards it daily. Then it moves from been a wish to been a goal

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Rightfully said...wishes are just thoughts in our mind,to make those wishes come true we need to work hard to make it come true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This write up literally brought me to tears, so beautiful to look to the side of the needy and truly if wishes where real but I do believe in miracles and faith…They are humans as well and should be treated such and if there are things within us to help there shouldn’t be hesitation

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You got the point buddy...if truly wishes were horses beggars would dream of one and ride on them we need to struggle to make those wishes come true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's not enough for to just wish... it's more important for us to work towards our goals with determination and courage, only then we would be bound to win

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right...wishing alone isn't enough we need to put in determination and work hard to make those wishes come true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very interesting post and I really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing this post and am looking forward to seeing more

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's all about how you work hard for your goals and wishes in life. On how dedicated you are on achieving those dreams

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Perfectly said...you got the point in the article,it's about how dedicated you are in making those dreams come true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is an interesting topic, I love how you emphasized on it.... Surely bigger would ride coz they had a lot going in their mind

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're right if they work hard to make those wishes come through it would surely come forth.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yea that's true and it all requires determination

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't think wishes come true, even God said no food for lazy man. My view might look harsh, but no one would get anything through wishing it.. No man would even help you if you wish it, cause value attract value, you have to show your worth before people will even look at your side

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're right...wishes would only come through when we work for it and be determined to achieve those wishes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the amazing writes my friend wishes are meant to be worked towards to and not day dreamed about. With hardwork and persistence nothing is impossible

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Well said....with hardwork and patience we would find the right path,thanks for coming by,hope you have fun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As once there's a saying like this "strive while the iron is hot" na kung may pangarap tayo sa buhay gawin natin hanggat kaya pa natin dahil times comes na hindi na kaya ng ating katawan na magtrabaho doon na natin ma realized na marami na pala tayong oras na sinayang dahil sa kakaupo lang at naghintay ng himala.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Well said,we need to do things while our body is still strong and aim for the best to come forth.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is true. In life everything good needs our determination to achieve it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're right ma'am....every good needs our determination to achieve it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago