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2 years ago

Everything that is lived by humans is certainly in accordance with its provisions, nothing can change. Likewise with love, when it comes there will be a time to leave someday.

When I am approached by love, I walk down the street barefoot confused with no certainty. Then get to know a gentle figure, white is also good in terms of religious etiquette.

Since that love, I have ways missed her. Whenever there is an opportunity to meet, I will try to be present in front of her. She does live with her friends. All of them work as factory workers for a well-known Korean company in our country, Indonesia. They live in a rented house as a place to rest and unwind after work. On average, their presence came from outside the area where the city where I grew up and lived at that time.

My acquaintance with her is inseparable from her own friend who coincidentally comes from the same area as a little friend of mine. So that the introduction was easier and went well in the beginning. After so long of knowing her, like I said I always look for opportunities to meet even if only for a moment. Where when she was about to leave for work I tried to accompany her to wait for her car to pick him up which would take her to work. Sometimes I also invite friends to accompany me when visiting her boarding house when she gets a day off while working.

It's been a long time since this introduction journey where I never expressed my interest in her. It's just of course with the hope that he realizes my interest in her. Time continued to pass until she and her friend finally parted ways to find a new boarding house. Her friends are always fun. They love to tease me when they play, or when they take her to the car. The funny thing is that it continued without the courage that came from me, even though it was only a short meeting at that time, I was very happy like children are always happy when given candy by adults. In the end, the decision time was unavoidable where in the end we vowed to be a couple with many funny things that actually happened at that time. And without realizing it, the pledge moved to a reality where our existence was finally united to become a husband and wife. To have three little angels present to accompany the journey in the completeness of our household happiness.

Image by Goran Horvat from Pixabay 

Then, it's all just a memory. There are things I still remember clearly. Some are vague. Perhaps more has been forgotten. Like the forgotten childhood when we grow up. It wasn't just me who lost those sweet memories, but everyone who loved them. Maybe she herself felt a lot of loss. Who's heart knows right? It's not just a loss of happiness. She lost her life and future. Lost his family and friends. Taken away by people who feel better know the scenario of the future. And they do it in the name of love.

Since that day full of wounds, people remember her as a woman who lost consciousness. To the family, husband, and three small children who have not yet been able to understand why they were abandoned. A wise man said, when you impose your will with a force that does not involve God, there comes a time when that power will wear out. Disappear and leave regret and pain. Women always have their own strengths. They may appear weak but are not daunted by injuries. And maybe they always have a way of erasing love and forgetting someone who loves them. And women's hearts, no one can guess. Once a wound is scratched, healing is almost impossible. Wounds that are visible to the eye are easy to treat. But what is stored in the heart is still bleeding profusely even though it has been years. Sometimes it doesn't heal until it dies. Nobody knows.

Perhaps the journey has shown loyalty and waited many years. But the fate we were waiting for did not budge. Until people don't even know where we are at this time. My family wanted us to live better and forget all the memories with that woman. Meanwhile, the three tiny humans who never knew their mother well are now growing up. In the past, their mother had returned to see them. But the longing of a mother does not radiate from her and also leaves great doubts for the three tiny humans left behind. There is no branch that hates the root. Even if you raise the tree without love. They often say they have always missed and hoped for his presence. So sometimes they can get angry if I tease them about marrying a new woman as their new mother.

I often ask. "How will you feel when you meet your mother one day?". "I don't know," they answered flatly. So it created in my heart a whisper: My lovely Kids, grow up with faith and courage in the journey of life. Live wisely. The universe will always be on your side. Even though you grew up without the love of your mother.

In this life, sometimes there are many stories that don't make sense and cannot be digested. What we cannot understand. Like the story made at this time. I can only pray for him. Because I never know, which of them is stronger to hold the pain. What I understand, boys without exception women will always look for their mothers for sure.


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Written by
2 years ago


Everyone has to face difficult situations and truths. Our life is about everything. Not all requests are met.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I love your writing, but there are some misspelling, I know you are using spelling checker, grammerly, you need to check every mistakes that it shows. Beautiful write.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Somethings are hard to firget, but we have to accept the truth and move forward for the sake of children. As mentioned girls when growing up find comfort more in their mother rather than father.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is so hard to heal a scratched wound. Only time will heal everything but the saddest part is recalling all the painful incidents in the past. Stories may be told and untold but only a golden time is a witness of everything.

$ 0.02
2 years ago