We are here together - Bitcoincash cause edition

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Written by
2 years ago

Maybe many have forgotten that when we build something together, what we build is our common goal, not just our dreams alone. Sometimes our selfish thoughts look for a thousand reasons to justify, looking for various persuasive things to convince others to follow an idea or decision that we think is good. Maybe it's good for us, maybe we can reap big benefits from it, but then again is it in accordance with our common goals? Are we right?

Each person has interests for himself, has his goals and dreams, has his needs, and so on. So it is appropriate for us to realize that in the context of working together there are always consequences, there is a corridor that directs our movements, there is togetherness, there is wisdom, there is spaciousness, there is sacrifice.

Sometimes selfish attitudes, negligent attitudes, and self-awareness are often part of our behavior that we present without realizing it. Pretending to know something that we actually don't fully understand, our ego that we are often unable to control, and we are often negligent of the time that goes on and even neglect a mandate that has been imposed on us. Maybe mistakes and forgetfulness from us in the past can no longer be counted, so what has happened in the past let it pass and be a lesson for us to move better now and in the future.

It's not easy, of course, failure awaits but isn't it as long as we work together, looking at a common goal, even though there are occasional conflicts, we will find that we have built a magnificent building? A magnificent building that we can not possibly build alone.

Like a magnificent building that stands firmly based on the principle of common strength, because its beauty is maintained together, its cleanliness is maintained together, its security is maintained together. All of that is the goal for us to feel again that when we are in the building we feel safe, comfortable and can get results that can fulfill our every dream.

This magnificent building is a parable in bitcoincash, a building where we gather, meet, take shelter and, hope to fulfill our dreams together. read.cash, noise.cash, smartbch, and other platforms created by bitcoincash observers are part of the spatial barriers in this magnificent building. Overshadowing many people to be able to work, provide ideas, maintain and get results from everything that has been done.

There is no difference that exists and is thought of in the minds of all of us who attend and join this community. All free, no charge, and no need to pay. However, there are small and major things that are certainly expected by developers who maintain progress and are always ready to keep up with the times with investors. Maintain and unite to realize the vision and mission of bitcoincash as a whole, of course.

Today, when we still meet the morning sun, when we are still free to breathe, and also when we can still meet in the strength of this building, this is the most expensive time for us to scavenge for supplies, to save diligently with provisions for tomorrow, which is still a lot closed. by the curtain of tyranny. It's time to get rid of selfishness and the habit of procrastinating on charity and sharing so that the awareness of other people around us will grow who don't know what bitcoincash is. It's time for us to do it. It's time for us to stock up. So that tomorrow you won't regret it and that this magnificent building will grow even more majestic in the future.

Keep on fighting together no matter how difficult our conditions are, because we are not alone, left and right there are still many people who are always with us.


Lead Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

$ 18.40
$ 17.38 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.40 from @Codename_Chikakiku
$ 0.15 from @Omar
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Avatar for Alther
Written by
2 years ago


It's the right for us to stand together and fight for it. Many people are on our side. We can surely make an impact.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree with you on this point. We love bitcoincash. We will continue to work together with Bch. We need a large community to work together. We are we will be.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We need the word unity in BCH community since now that BCH is facing struggles against haters the coin, we need to stand and fight that BCH is the best candidate due to its P2P transactions and low transaction fees. We need to spread awareness about so that people will become enlighten what will be he future holds if BCH will be on top.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The concept of togetherness and loyalty in today's world look old fashioned... Well said friend Alther... God help us all...

$ 0.02
2 years ago