Various events in June

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2 years ago

The month of June has passed and left behind various events that deserve to be recorded as events that are not easily forgotten. The events of various things both in terms of politics, economics, and other things that happen from around the world. Which gives a lot of meaning to the existence that occurs in the journey of human life on this beautiful earth.

Image by lcb3020 from Pixabay 

A first noteworthy event is the issue of the collapse of several crypto coins which experienced a fairly severe decline in value following in the footsteps of Terra Luna from the previous month such as Celsius, where Users bet money on Celsius and the network used the capital on its platform to support its own investments and cover loans to other users. Every week, Celsius Network pays users up to 30% interest. However, current network liquidity problems have limited the potential profit for consumers. Celsius (CEL), the Defi lending platform and one of the major crypto lenders announced via Twitter early Monday that it had suspended all withdrawals, exchanges, and account transfers.

Image by Neo_Artemis from Pixabay 

The next event was that Bitcoin's decline in value to 18k occurred this month as the largest quarterly decline in a decade. On the other hand, regarding the decline in power that occurred in the bitcoin mining world amid a bearish crypto market, electricity consumption from Bitcoin (BTC) mining was also affected, dropping to its lowest level in a year.

Image by Amber Clay from Pixabay 

On the other hand, events in other parts of the world occur which are quite sad, natural disasters such as the earthquake that occurred in Afghanistan. The quake's impact was most severe in the provinces of Paktika and Khost, along the jagged mountains that stretch on Afghanistan's border with Pakistan. And also the problem of food crises in various European regions which has an impact on the conditions of war and the current world inflationary recession. Many businesses have been affected, from staff reductions to branch closures to bankruptcy. Only a few are able to survive, especially businesses that are already big and growing.

And as a closing event at the end of June, what happened at the end of the month was that in the world of politics, there was some quite disturbing news from the events of the Indonesian President's visit to Ukraine and Russia. As the first Asian head of state to visit during the war, Indonesia hopes to bridge the existing peace from the war conditions that happen. Indonesia, as the host of the 2022 G20 Summit to be held in Bali, has so far stated that Jakarta is neutral and wants to use the G20 moment as a medium to find a middle ground for the Russia-Ukraine conflict.


$ 6.54
$ 6.08 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Ling01
$ 0.05 from @gertu13
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Written by
2 years ago


I hope this month bch will be in favor for all of us

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Let's hope July will be a better version for Bitcoin

$ 0.02
2 years ago

War is never the best way to make peace but rather it brings more destruction. Let peace alone reign.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Though last month was so hard but I hope that this month gets full with the blessings.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Prayers for the success of G20. War isn't a solution, this war between Russia and Ukraine effected the whole world including my country pakistan. Inflation reached to its highest level just because of this war. Hoping for peace.... And as for Cryptocurency market. I'm also experiencing a big loss just like other traders, but I'm not stopping the "buy the dip policy".

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The crypto market crash has been bloody event of the June. May G20 be successful in assuring peace between Russia and Ukraine

$ 0.02
2 years ago