The final word reminds - End of story

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2 years ago

The clock on the wall shows 2.25 AM when this story begins. Waking from the cradle of the cold night dream before the morning. Only the sound of crickets, punctuated by the sound of frogs and the sound of an artificial wallet bird could be heard. So quiet, the atmosphere of this city in the early hours of every day. Likewise the atmosphere of this apartment, which stands as the only high-rise building in the middle of a city on the coast of a river that leads to the mouth of the ocean.

Image by J. S. Clingman from Pixabay 

The atmosphere was so quiet that the loud sound of the water machine turned on automatically to meet the needs of the residents of the apartment.

At this time, the clock on the wall had only moved for a few minutes, to be precise it just showed 2.30 AM. This means that it has only been 5 minutes since this story began to be written in a flowing manner until it is expected to become a story. Still in a limp state because he just woke up from the soft bed that accompanied him. Then went to the kitchen to get a drink of water to release the dry throat. Maybe a dry throat hit because when he fell asleep he breathed with his mouth open, creating an existing dryness. After being satisfied with drinking a glass of water, then making a tempting cup of milk, it is hoped that it will provide a sweet taste and energy so that he can recover quickly and can continue the action of continuing the story.

Now it has returned from the kitchen area to an area where the bedroom and workspace have become one. Sitting in front of the computer while lighting a cigarette, then continued typing one letter after another to write the story he wanted to write. Stopped once for a breath of cigarette smoke which was so delicious in the atmosphere. It would be wonderful if accompanied by a lover in the atmosphere tonight, he thought at the time. Unfortunately, only a pack of cigarettes, a glass of milk, and a jar of biscuits accompany it. As soon as he feels the night breeze blowing from the bedroom window, it gives a cool atmosphere that permeates the body. The more it creates a sense of longing for the words of love and affection for a woman's touch. Ah, unfortunately, it's just a dream that can hinder the way this writing will be completed according to existing expectations.

Whether in the end they like it or not, read it or not, it gives pretty good results or not, the most important thing is that he has completed a story as writing that was created today. By the way, the children are still in the cradle of their dreams, fast asleep on their own mattresses. If he remembers how naive his heart feels, he can only hope and pray always so that they can feel happy and are always protected from all difficulties and harm. Pensive for a moment, while continuing to smoke the next cigarette so that the writing of the story can be completed this morning. It was 2.53 AM, while fixing the position of the glasses on his face and then pointed his finger to continue the story.

Will this be an ending to this story, which will be the end of the story? It feels like this story will continue as it is because if it is said that this is an end, then it is the same as this life means the end for him. It's just that maybe as the final limit of the writing that became the story this time this will be. If not, when will it be published as written story material? However, looking back at the final word reminds him that reality must always be a reminder so he doesn't fall into the wrong path because in real life there will definitely be an end.

Yes, the final day is the end of a human story to carry out his life in this world and continue his next life in the hereafter. What did you bring? Who accompanies? How's it going there? However, it is now 3 o'clock in the morning, which means that it is the closing deadline for ending this article to immediately publish it at the place he usually goes.


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Written by
2 years ago


Nice one bro...I really enjoyed it.

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