The ambiguous lyrics

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Written by
2 years ago

God, You are well aware that I have hidden so much from this record. Everything I have written does not at all describe a very terrible circle of storms that I have faced throughout this journey of life.

These pieces of notes are just small scribbles of a human child who has a lot of faults in completing small steps of a writing project so that his dreams are not extinguished by various problems of pessimism and despair that often strike.

God, You are All-Knowing of any scary thing that someone like me can try. Therefore, I beg of You that no one else has to face such terrible things that I have been through all my life.

God, forgive my sins which are not quite large and many. Forgive the sins of my parents and the whole family and those around me.

God, if I may ask you to know better what I want. Even if I must always try to make it happen, always give me the gift of strength so that I can do it every time.

God, I entrust my dreams and aspirations to Your strength. Nothing is impossible for You, although maybe people think my dreams are too grandiose, too many, and very impossible for me to achieve.


God, I realize that there is not much he can say in this note. Although maybe it will only be a lesson for me, I also believe in the command to cover my own disgrace after You cover it. So this self should not open the disgrace that has been closed by his Lord.

This self also understands that the writing that is made may not meet the expectations of the people who read it, but what is the power at this time is the only thing that I can write for myself and for several people, both those who have and are willing to read.

On this lazy night, I still forced myself to finish one more article with a modest title. Trying to get word for word out of his lazy brain shell and never getting an interesting idea. Tonight the sky looks so bright, it looks so eager to accompany nature through time. The feeling of laziness that hugs makes it less likely to stay excited. Unlike the previous night, the sky was cloudy as if it was in harmony with the coolness of nature that was created. What is the actual atmosphere of the night for me? It only gives rise to various reasons for tempestuous laziness. Thoughts are still running around making things worse, but still trying to decide to continue writing instead of doing other things that are usually very enjoyable, like watching a movie or laying down for a while.

Writing alone like now has become a daily thing for me because everyone is probably busy with their dreams or struggling with their own business. Even if some of them do the same thing, they certainly feel the purpose and feeling of solitude in the night atmosphere that can penetrate the soul in solitude.

On this lazy night, I may still try to be able to write to create a small note in a collection of words of prayer that is not organized and spoiled, but I still give thanks for the grace given, all praise to You.

The ambiguous lyrics are stretched. still, really take the word can get this done. It's okay to write and talk bad and uninteresting, it's okay not to have clear narration and prose, it's okay to ignore some feelings, and it's okay to ignore what people say in the end. The main thing is really wanted these ambiguous lyrics to hit the target, to be able to fight such a great sense of laziness.

$ 15.08
$ 14.68 from @TheRandomRewarder
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$ 0.10 from @Ayaan258
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Written by
2 years ago


Deep & meaningful words I must say.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I so love your writings

$ 0.02
2 years ago

My dear friend, you say the best words even when you are lazy. The important thing is that your writing has a soul, and touches the soul of the reader, even if you have no idea what to write... As always I enjoyed reading your words.

$ 0.02
2 years ago