Meet the Ghost from my country

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1 year ago

The unseen cannot be separated from mystical things. And when it comes to mystical things, it will certainly discuss matters about the existence of sacred creatures or ghosts. The problem of the existence of sacred creatures cannot be separated from the existence of other creatures created by God as explained by each of the existing religions. So that's where there are various stories created from each era about the existence of ghosts.

If we talk about the variety of ghost stories that have existed until now, many of the forms are in the form of fiction or fairy tales that are described according to the behavior of the ghosts. Although it is undeniable that some also believe in the existence of these spirits.

From here we have also heard a lot and know about the various forms of ghosts from various regions or countries in the world. I, who was born in Indonesia, of course, also have various kinds of ghosts that are created from every corner of the area in Indonesia. Well, some of them are as I will explain in my writing this time.

1. Kuyang

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A female ghost without a body. Kuyang is described as a female ghost who can fly but only has a head and stomach contents. It is said that this kuyang ghost usually comes to find prey for an unborn baby as food. Kuyang ghosts are believed to have come from the Kalimantan islands.

Some people who believe in the existence of these spirits are also believed to be present or created because someone is studying black magic for various purposes.

2. Tuyul

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If this one supernatural creature is described as a small child aged about 5 to 6 years. Does not have hair or hair on the head, eyebrows, or areas of skin that are normally hairy in normal humans. The tuyul is very small and it is said by many that the tuyul ghost can be kept by people who want to get rich by keeping the tuyul. Where the tuyul works to take other people's property or money and then handed it over to the human employer who maintains it.

This tuyul ghost is trusted by all corners of Indonesia. So it is not known where this early tuyul ghost story came from.

3. Genderuwo

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This unseen creature from the island of Java is known for its scary shape. Big tall and hairy like a monkey or a gorilla. Long hair and long canine teeth like a tiger.

Genderuwo used to occupy quiet areas such as wilderness or trees that grew shady as their dwellings.

4. Kuntilanak

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The ghost of a beautiful woman with loose hair wearing a long white dress. Kuntilanak has a characteristic laugh. Because of the distinctive sound of kuntilanak laughter, people in Indonesia like to equate people who laugh shrilly with names such as kuntilanak laughter as satire or jokes.

Kuntilanak is said to have first appeared because a young mother was pregnant who was killed and raped so that her spirit became a curious ghost. Usually depicted in his presence he is singing to put his baby to sleep.

5. Sundel Bolong

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A female ghost who is beautiful but has a hole in her back. Sundel Bolong comes from rooted folklore. So the story about its existence is very often told by the public as an entertaining horror story for those who like the mystical genre.

6. Jelangkung

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The Jelangkung ghost is believed to be a ghost that is usually used as a game. Where the game Jelangkung ghosts to find out what the players are asking.

Through a ritual of Jelangkung a ghost, believers are sometimes also used as a mystical way to find something lost.

7. Simanis Jembatan Ancol

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A beautiful ghost in the form of a Dutch girl who is just waiting in the Jakarta area, precisely at the place where she was killed, namely the Ancol bridge. The story is often made as an entertainment story and also sometimes likes to be made into a film story. Whether it's a horror film or comedy genre.

Actually, there are many more formations and ghost stories that are present among Indonesian people. Perhaps the 7 types of ghosts are the most often heard as an entertaining story or a fairy tale to scare someone.

Even if it is discussed believing or not believing, what is clear is that everything is only in the form of fiction or fairy tales circulating in the community. Because in fact there has never been any definite proof that the story is true. Even if there were, perhaps it could be said that only the formation of jinn creatures as supernatural beings created by God incarnated as the formation of stories circulating.

In closing, this is just fiction that has no source of clarity. I write just the formation of stories and only aim to entertain those who read about the formation of spirits who like to be told. There is no purpose to frightening or vilifying a party, everything is just a form for mere writing. If there is an error in the explanation, please forgive me because it is not based on research but based on a collection of stories that are remembered or heard.


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Written by
1 year ago


The "Kuyang" is more likely the same as "Aswang" in our country. We also have a lady in white with long hair and long gown though she's not laughing as the kuntilanak does. Some says they do exists .

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Really interesting, I like these cultural traditions or legacies... here we don't have popular ghosts, just politicians...

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Honestly I don't believe in ghosts and that believe helps me to stay alone in the 3rd floor of my hostel, lol!

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Ghosts exist and I did not know the kinds of ghosts. Your post is informational.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

So strange and scary too. Are there really ghosts? It is really a question to think about.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

There are so many ghosts I would have known if I hadn't read your post. I don't believe in ghosts but I am afraid.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

You said something about it being fiction. Who knows? It may be real. We have stories like this too in African land. Im scared of all of them

$ 0.02
1 year ago

So many ghosts....I think the most scary for me is the ghost without a body who feeds on babies...that's pretty bad.

$ 0.02
1 year ago