The atmosphere of the quiet room at this time makes me think about everything. From words, language problems, difficult and easy matters. For hard and easy, it is a natural law that is common in human life. There are times when humans will experience difficulties in life and there are times when everything is so easy to live.
All of this is from the point of view of the real person because not all difficulties cause pain, and not all pleasures will last forever. Something bitter is felt to be delicious when we feel the opposite, making us believe that in fact with hardship there is ease.
Move on from conventional thinking, such as that to earn money you have to be 5 to 30, bloody and dizzy. It's not all wrong, but let's be clear that Mindset is actually persistence in doing the job, not how long we work. Indeed, it looks like in front of gadgets, but if it turns out to be unproductive, the work is the same as lying. Long time playing social media instead of focusing on work.
Stay focused, and know what your priority is. It's true and many still think that working online is good for snacks. Old-fashioned thinking, when did people actually talk like this. If he wants to see and think normally, look at that now, there are many who work online but their monthly turnover is the price of a car. So the bottom line is persistence: consistent, and persistent. It's not just how much information you get, but how diligently you process that information into action and make money, of course.
Choose what we will do, do it and do it in learning, then do it right away. At this time too many people claim to be busy, but unfortunately being busy is actually not productive. The problem is I've also done this kind of thing. As an example of something that is not productive, I do something outside of what I should be doing. Even though it should be to get around when things are not productive I should do things that make me refresh, such as watching, lying down, or other things, many things but don't forget to come back. Sometimes we need to refresh our minds because the mood is cycling, it is cyclical, we cannot be forced to work continuously. The hope is how to make a beautiful mood cycle rhythm but continue to be continued into the next cycle. Continuous work is not good, and don't indulge yourself all the time. So that our work is completed according to our wishes, and can make the children happy. Because for parents who have time to always be able to develop their potential, they must be able to escape and refresh for a moment from all tensions, making balancing sometimes can stabilize emotions and reduce anger levels.
And there is the most important thing about the word MoveOn (not just move on from the word love), which is praying. Asking those who have time so that we can take advantage of the 24 hours that are actually the same given to all humans living in this world, as well as possible. Reading the scriptures slowly can be a relaxation time. The problem of time for everyone is the same, it depends on what we want to do with the given time? So that we can say that life is not about how much information we get, but how diligently we are to execute beautiful and sweet ideas right then and there, without words later, furthermore word "because/buts/can't".
What we really have to believe for ourselves is that we know that many people claim to be successful. For this matter, let's look in the mirror to raise awareness so we don't have to be jealous. Because every human being is born different. And it can be said that everyone will have their own definition of happiness and success. So, being the best version of ourselves is the best thing for us.
A loud and clear message for life. Well said.