Female beauty

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2 years ago

Beauty in the eyes of every man is, of course, relative. Every man certainly has criteria for the beauty of the woman he desires. It does not revolve around physical words or faces that are said to be perfect to be worthy of being said as an assessment of the character of beauty.

Basically, when we hear the word beautiful, our logical sense will move to the image of a woman who has good or pleasing peas. However, the shadow will certainly be different if it can be painted on each canvas if it is painted.

It can be said of course not based on the criteria of complete beauty which can be described or represented by beauty. Because when it comes to likes, hopes, and dreams, everyone is different.

Every region in the world certainly has many beautiful women scattered in every corner of the region. From various ethnic groups, races, nations, and continents. But it turns out that the beauty of a woman also does not come from just heredity or can be said to be physical as has been said before. And this is also not a matter of judgment from the beholder.

Beauty turns out to be reflected in the words of behavior and noble character possessed by a woman which in the end can be worn by a beautiful woman. Beautiful because of the nobility of the nature and behavior that is owned by her as she is without being made up or indeed having a noble nature.

Many women in history have held this title because it will indeed be noble in nature and in the end get the blessing and the title of a beautiful and noblewoman by the world community. When it comes to stories or fairy tales, there are also many women who bear this title. But it is true that in the real world there are many noblewomen who have been present in human life.

Not just born from a noble family, rich, or someone who became a public figure. But there are also many ordinary people who get the title of a beautiful woman not only based on her predicate but also because of the nobility of her nature.

Beauty is the dream of every man in general. And it's also not out that every woman also wants and likes to be said to be beautiful by the people around her. It may be a compliment, but after all, it is a compliment if it is present because compulsion is not a compliment. So hopefully a compliment comes out of everyone's mouth as it is without being made up or expecting anything.

To be said to be a beautiful and noble woman I say very much present in this world. And even more so without realizing it is that they are all around us and even present by our side from us, still in the womb or out of their womb.

Mother, yes mothers are beautiful noblewomen who can carry this beautiful and noble title. Selfless and present from every class of mankind. So beautiful their beauty is not only based on mere physical words but beautiful from the noble qualities they have. Love, protection, and prayers for every child she has given birth to.

Mother, her beauty always radiates a wave of feelings that are so solemn and full of warmth. The longing for their caress will always be missed by every human being that their mothers have given birth to. Sincere prayers and those created for their children.

The beauty of mothers is number one, for us who have become their children.

Beautiful and noble is a clear reflection of the attitude and tenderness of the mother's heart.

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Written by
2 years ago


Reading your articles inspired ne on how to be a confident woman. Yeahh beauty can be seen inside and outside. If you are true in yourself.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

thank you for your nice article. I wish you continued success. women can rejoice at a little kind word. they can be happy with little things. inner beauty is so important more than external appearance. women are fragile. the easier it is to be happy, the easier it is to be sad. I hope that everyone loves and is loved very much. love is a beautiful thing .

$ 0.02
2 years ago

There are certain canons of beauty in the world for women and men as well. More like physical beauty. But many times without generalizing inside they are nothing more than that, a pretty face and dreamy skin.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I wish everyone could see the world in this way. The definition of beauty can be different but it makes me feel sad when I see men (also women) are looking for something 'perfect'. I have seen so many suffer after coz physical beauty doesn't attract us after a certain period. Anyway, as a Mom, I find your last words heartwarming. Thanks for bringing this up.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Men love "eyes" (love what they see) and women love "ears" (love what they hear.)And mom's beauty in general cannot be compared with anything!!!!! She is beautiful as kindness, tenderness and care

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The beauty of a woman in her motherhood! A mother's difficult moment during childbirth! The hard debt that our child will never be able to repay! Good luck to all the "mothers" of the world

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The true beauty isn't only seen in physical appearance because the true beauty can be seen inside her.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ahhhhh so nice to have this. I didn't expect this what a very flattering word from you friend. This made my day smile. Thank you friend for this article about women.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The definition of beauty can only be judged by a woman. They purify the indication. What a lovely way to explain this dear! Hats off.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I enjoyed reading. Very nice words for women. I chose the right article for reading at the end of a day. 😊

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree on each line you crafted. Even though I'm not yet a mom, but I know how hard it is to be one. Aside from that, once you become a mother you'll not only think about yourself, but you think about the little one beside you. I truly admire all the mothers in the world, especially my mom.

$ 0.07
2 years ago

You said very beautiful and emotional sentences about women, I really enjoyed it. How many women look beautiful because of their noble, polite and dignified behavior, while they may not even have a beautiful face. In my opinion, the inside of people can greatly affect their appearance.

$ 0.02
2 years ago