Cool Pattern

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1 year ago

A good pattern adorns the condition of the existing chart movement from the end of August until entering the month of September this time. The movement is not as many people expect, but what power the current conditions are as they are.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

 But if you go through the movement of the past few weeks, it can be said that it is enough to show a good pattern. Not too significant will the condition of the ups and downs. Like a wave, it can still be said in a wave condition that is not too terrible in terms of the shape of its movement.

Especially if it is seen that it has entered the phase of the end of the year where many events have occurred which can indeed provide a surprising boost later. Apart from that, there will be the issue of World Cup hypoxia which will soon roll in next November, as well as the Black Friday period in December.

A variety of other markets can be said to be quite safe. Although the condition of the declining gold price was followed by the bitcoin price which continued to fall towards the end of August, it did not have a painful impact. The condition may be because they are used to it or are undergoing a phase of accepting the current economic conditions. This may be said to be aware of what is happening so that it becomes commonplace. So that it has a positive impact on the existing market stretching.

A positive stretch of the market will certainly have a positive impact in the future on the existing market value. So as usual there will be hope that is awaited for the times when the wave is pushed in a direction that can boost it up someday. The market is moving on a cautious side but attracts investors to play, thus providing a breath of fresh air even if it is only a small gust of wind. And also the problems that arise from various events are also not given much attention anymore, such as the problem of war or other things that can affect the movement of the economy. It seems to be starting to move on to the recovery phase and trying to avoid big problems in 2023 later.


$ 11.40
$ 10.82 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @gertu13
$ 0.05 from @Idksamad7869
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Written by
1 year ago


We still hope for the best in every gloomy situation. The least we could to is to prepare so that we wouldn't feel the impact of whatever negative outcome as others would... Can't just wait to welcome the world cup 😁

$ 0.02
1 year ago

We should hope for the best things and recovery of the crypto market for the welfare of crypto affiliate

$ 0.02
1 year ago