And So the Baton Is Passed - Moview Review

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2 years ago

If I could say this is the first time I've written to try to write a review about a film that I've seen. And for the first time, the film that I want to review is a film from Japan entitled And So the Baton Is Passed (Soshite, baton wa watasareta) which was produced in 2021. Because the first time for me, it might be more accurate to say a review is not a synopsis review, because there are only the littlest views about the meaning and message to be conveyed in this film scenario. Because it's so deep and good for the purpose of this film, I personally think.

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The theme of this film is the issue of parental love and responsibility towards their children. Played by famous Japanese artists such as Mei Nagano playing Mitan/Yuko as the main character, Satomi Ishihara as Rika, Kurumi Imanagi as little Mitan, Masachika as Gahara Izumi, Kei Tanaka as Morimiya.

The story of this drama film begins by introducing each film character based on the plot they play. And continues with the continuation of the story about the problems of each family's participation that occurs. Which at first only told about the problem of how a single parent tries his best to give love and all his attention to his child. This is finally clarified with the meaning of the Baton (stick estafet) taken. Where is Mitan/Yuko who finally has 3 fathers and 2 mothers. How the parents who ended up loving the existence of little Mitan to adulthood who changed his name to Yuko was given by his second mother Rika who loved him very much even though Mitan was not his own biological child. Raising, and fighting for the child he loves to make Mitan's stepfather love Mitan like his own biological child.

What is most implied in this story is about Rika's steps and efforts as a continuing mother who is willing to give happiness to Mitan. Does not care about the existence of the disease and the views of the people who judge it. He teaches a lesson about how a smile can save pain and anger for the love that he strives for. Gives self-confidence, and gives happiness to others without ever telling the noble goal that he really wants to create.

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Rika's figure as a seductive woman, a lover of fashion, and material is answered at the end of the story why she acts like that. Where the goal is only for the sake of her baby, whom she loves, even though Mitan is not her biological child. Everything he did was because of the illness he was suffering from where he could not have children and his health could be said to be deteriorating. As a woman who has the nature of being a mother, she wants to feel that and finally chooses Mitan so that she can channel her existence as the mother of her child.

On the other hand, the figures who eventually became Mitan's father, both his biological father and his stepfather, did not love Mitan's existence, they really accepted and loved Mitan like a parent with their child. Love with their respective characters, and realize how they love Mitan as their beloved child because they know about the existence of Rika who loves Mitan so much as their child.

Although the plot of the story in this film moves unexpectedly at first, it will be mistaken for a separate scene from the condition of each character. The ending finally explains why the plot of this film changes which turns out to be a unified story about the past story that Mitan went through with his mother Rika without him realizing it and he realized it as soon as he grew up.

What can be taken is the message of how much parental love cannot be denied for the happiness of their children. Struggles, pain, problems, and other people's views, can sometimes be pushed aside for the sake of the happiness of the baby. Surprise, exhaustion, and anger can be hidden with patience and a sad smile. Giving a message left to the audience who watched it about the word responsibility, affection that should not be forgotten or heeded when you have become a father or mother. There is no limit to the words affection, love, and responsibility regarding the words biological parents or step-parents. So that it gives a message that every child must fight for his future until the handover of the stick of obligation is handed over to those who will be given the trust to carry it later.


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Written by
2 years ago


Parents do a lot for their offspring. Even they can leave their, siblings, cousins, and friends for offspring. A beautiful relationship in this universe is between parents and their children. They are like stairs to success for their children. They can sleep with hunger but can't see their children hungry. May Allah Almighty bless everyone's parents with and long and happy life.

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2 years ago

Saving this. Might give it a chance later on :)

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2 years ago