10 Days with the Community

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Avatar for Alpher
Written by
3 years ago

This baby of yesterday is fast growing into a boy, and before you know it, he is already a man. I joined read.cash on February 1, 2021 and since then it has been an awesome experience. As a newbie on read.cash and a novice to Bitcoin cash I spent the first few days exploring the platform and reading up on Bitcoin cash to equip me with the basic knowledge like how to send and receive bitcoin cash, creating a wallet on Bitcoin.com, and much more.

The journey so far has been great, I have read some articles, I have also published some articles myself, and met a few individuals on the platform who has been supportive. My first post on the platform didn’t get much engagement, that’s understandable as I was just a newborn baby – no one knows about my existence. This improved with the second article, as well as with the subsequent ones. Though most times I had to post the link to my new articles on noise.cash to get people to visit and hopefully read it and lead feedback.

My Earning

I received the first tip from a user, @PVMihalache on the first day for a comment on his article. It was a few cents from another user. At the end of the day, I got about $0.02. On the second day, the earning increased to $0.20, and I was really impressed to have received something, no matter how small, as I never expected any user to tip me on the first few days on the platform. It was not till day 4 that the random rewarder noticed my presence on the platform, it visited and gave some tips on the current article and some of the previous articles. It was the happiest day I have had in weeks. The highest I received on those posts was $5+. Since then, I have been receiving tips of $2+ on my subsequent posts, except for one that I got about $0.33. To date, I have received a total tip of $20+. At the current rate of $2 per post, I would end up with about $60+ after a month – that’s if I’m consistent with at least one post per day. Though I’m happy to have earned so much in my first few days on the platform, it seems my recent earnings have been fixed at $2 per post, I hope to see an improvement in my earning. Anyways, I’ll always appreciate whatever I receive.

My Posts

I published my first article on the first day – an introductory post to let know readers know who they will be reading from. And since then I have published a total of 11 articles. I ensured I made at least one post per day.

Here are the articles I have published to date:

  1. Seizing the Bitcoin Cash Opportunity

This was my first article on this platform and it was published on February 1, the same day I signed up. I shared some need-to info about myself – personal details, my family, my social, spiritual, and love life as well as my fears. I also shared my favorite things from my favorite food to my favorite sports and animal. You can visit the article here to know more about this newcomer you are reading from.

  1. Exploring a Community of Bitcoin Cash Enthusiasts

This is my second article published the next day. I shared my experiences from exploring the various features on the site. From exploring the communities and Topic sections to reading my first few articles, subscribing to some users, enabling the sponsor block on my account, commenting and upvoting the few articles I read. It was really fun. Read the article here.

  1. Joy in the Little Things

My third post here inspired by my first few tips from other users which amounted to $0.20. Though very little, yet it gave me much joy. I also shared a list of 20 little things in our daily lives that could give us true happiness. Check the list here.

  1. Your Bitcoin Cash is Served

The goal for creating read.cash as well as noise.cash is to create awareness about Bitcoin cash to increase its mass adoption by distributing BCH to a lot of people. The site has been created; we have joined and earned some BCH, what next? We can’t just join, earn and fold our arms while expecting more earnings. To whom much is given much is expected. We are expected to learn about Bitcoin cash to be able to promote it to our family and friends so they will know that Bitcoin cash is not a scam and will hopefully decide to join the community. I have noticed many users on the platform creating awareness about Bitcoin cash via social media and word of mouth.

  1. Bitcoin Cash is Down: Shouldn’t we be worried?

The value of Bitcoin cash dropped when I joined the read.cash, and as a novice, I was worried. But I read a post from @phabulu which states that the drop is good for the read.cash users. As they will earn more BCH per dollar, and when the price of BCH increase, users who hodled their BCH will have more value for it. His perspective was well understood. I was inspired to share my view of the matter in this post.

  1. $1000 in Bitcoin Cash

When I joined read.cash, most of the posts I read on my first day were about the #Club1BCH and how users are setting Bitcoin cash goals for the year. And I also rushed into setting mine. My Bitcoin cash goal is to have up to $1000 worth of BCH before 2022. A high target, to be honest, at the current earning rate, I don’t see myself achieving the set target, but I like to challenge myself. I won’t be disappointed if I don’t achieve it.

  1. BCHNigeria: More Utility, Road to Mass Adoption

Increased Bitcoin cash utility could be the road to massive adoption of Bitcoin cash in Nigeria. I shared my view and suggested some ways to improve the usability of BCH in the country.

  1. Living on Less: Saving on Feeding

I’m unemployed and my daily gigs don’t earn me enough money to provide for the needs of the family. But we have been able to come up with a strategy to manage the little we have. You can read to find out the strategy we apply to save money and provide enough food for the family. Food is one of the major basic needs of life.

  1. The Nigerian Girl

This is the first part of the chronicle of the life of the Nigeria girl, from the day she was born till she attains adulthood, the challenges and struggles as well as happiness and contentment. More parts to come.

  1. What if I send Bitcoin Cash to a Wrong Address

I shared my experience of sending $1 worth of BCH to the wrong wallet address. I planned to send $1 each to two friends. After sending it to the first person, I forgot to copy the address of the second and ended up sending it all to the same person. I later realized my mistake and asked him to send the $1 to the second person and he did. What if I had sent it to the address of a total stranger? The $1 would have been lost.

  1. "My First User Experiences"

This is my latest and best performing post. Here I shared my first experiences at exploring the various features of the read.cash site. From my first post to my first comment, first tip, first subscriber and subscription, first sponsorship and first article boost.


My 10-day journey on read.cash wouldn't be complete without mentioning the many users who has been supportive since day one. Special thanks goes to @Telesfor for his support - advice, recommended good reads and the numerous tips on my articles. I appreciate @bmjc98 for offering my first sponsorship, though she is yet to finalize the offer on her end, it's still worth mentioning. I also want to thank @PVMihalache @Jeaneth @Eirolfeam2 @Jane @Anabiya @Eybyoung @Laurenceuuu @Ruffa @tired_momma and many more, for their support - comments, advice and tips. I appreciate you all, and look forward to more days of your support.

My experiences thus far have all been good, I hope for it to gets better. I have joined the community, I have earned and I have learned about BCH and still learning – I believe that I still have a lot to learn.

Which of the 11 posts do you think is the best and why?

All good answer gets tipped.

$ 9.81
$ 9.58 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Jane
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
+ 4
Sponsors of Alpher
Avatar for Alpher
Written by
3 years ago


You'll go far my friend. I am anew user here as well. Yesterday, I think, was my 2nd week. The people you have mentioned are amazing people. Some of them also helped me to do great here in this platform. Goodluck on your journey.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The guys here have been great with the support and advice. They made me feel welcomed and I appreciate them for that. Good luck to you as well.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Goodluck bro! More BCH to come💚 Enjoy the platform and build a camaraderie😎

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for the support thus far.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow, more earnings to come! Wait, let me check my sponsorship first. Sorry, I forgot to check my notification today. But thanks for reminding me. 💚

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the sponsor.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome :) I am also very new, I came in just 1 day before you but I cannot write on a daily basis at the moment. I will check out your articles and have just subscribed to you! Are you also on noise.cash? If not, you should try it out (and let me know so that I can follow you)

$ 0.00
3 years ago
$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good activity for 10 days! Keep up the good work!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the support.

$ 0.00
3 years ago