Your will be done

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2 years ago

What's up my ever-terrific Read.Cash Family!!!

I'm back again with another blog entry today!

How's your day folks? I hope you all had a blissful Sunday. If you asked me, I would have to say that I'm still in a good shape, and thus, I still have with me my sanity despite being bombarded with so many unfinished tasks in school and other priorities in life.

Since it's a rest day, that being said, I just make the most of my day today cleaning and watching some good shows on Netflix. Today, I intended not to wake up early for the reason that I was so drained yesterday. I'm drained mentally. I was drained with a very remarkable purpose.

By the way folks, if you haven't read my previous blog, then please considering reading through this link below.

Here are my supportive, generous, and amazing sponsors! Thanks much gees for still sponsoring despite of all my shortcomings. May the good Lord bless you kind hearts.

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If you want to keep in touched with these peeps, then please do subscribe to their accounts and read their amusing and inspiring blogs!

For today's blog content, I would just like to share with you the reason of my inactivity for the last 2 days. And so, without further delay, let's get straight into the main subject of this blog.

April 8, 2022 (Friday)

I went to school on this particular day for the reason that I was on duty that day. In fact, I was already scheduled to go to school every Friday. What seemed to be special on this particular day was the fact that I got to talk with my cooperating teacher about her life before she indulged herself in the world of teaching. She shared to me how she struggled way back before she was able to achieve what she has achieved today. Her story was undeniably inspiring especially to me who is currently pursuing to the field of teaching. What I've learned from her is that if I want to do something that would be beneficial for my personal development, I must pursue it. I will never know unless I try. She also said that even if odds is not on my favor, giving up shouldn't be my option. I will only give up if it's worth the give up. I just couldn't help myself but be amazed of her. Being able to know her story, my perception about her instantly change. I would have to say that she really is a very determined and empowered woman.

Me sorting out some answer sheets of my students <3

April 9, 2022 (Yesterday|Saturday)

This day was one of the most draining yet worth the drain day I've ever had. You want to know why? Well, yesterday was the day where I took my scholarship exam in a particular well-known reviewing center here in our city. This reviewing center is known for years already considering that they already produced a lot of licensed professional teachers; not just LPT's but also topnotchers.

I really desire to pass the scholarship exam so that I can have a free review in that reviewing center that's why I took the chance yesterday. The exam happened at around 6:10 pm. To be honest, the exam was extremely difficult to answer. I really reviewed almost 7 hours but all the questions that I have reviewed didn't appear on the test. It seemed like I was having a pretest that time. Nevertheless, I know I have given my all for this exam. I really am hoping that I get to pass the exam so that I could help my brother lessen his expenses on me.

Law of attraction:

"I will pass the scholarship exam."

That's it everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read this blog! See you on my next blog. Bye for now.

Lead Image: AlphaCron

$ 6.13
$ 5.98 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
$ 0.05 from @Ayane-chan
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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


Wow bro you are too young. I like your smile and your hair style. When I was young and not only young that time also I like to do hair style.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good luck! I hope you get that scholarship and pass the board. It's good too that you were able to rest. It's a must :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe in law of attraction also, I hope you can pass . . 💚💚 Praying for you..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good Luck ng malupet. Makakapasa ka. That's fir sure 🥴💪

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope you succeed and get this scholarship also so that you can be man on your own. Success ahead.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good luck po sa exam mo. Sana makapasa ka.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks Ayane! I claimed it already. <3 Hoping and praying for the best.

$ 0.00
2 years ago