The bully and the bullied

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2 years ago
Date: April 7, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

Hey dear readers!!! What's up?

Your resident AlphaCron is back again with another personal content for you to take the time to read while you're in the comfort of your own space.

Anyway, how's your Thursday? Well, if you asked me, I had a great Thursday. In fact, today marks the 4th day of my actual teaching class. It was so challenging for me considering that I wasn't able to rehearse fully the subject that I just taught a while ago (this afternoon around 1-2pm). In spite of that, thankfully, I still managed myself to get through with it. Be that as it may, I felt a bit disappointed; I could've done it better. My performance wasn't that excellent, but it wasn't that bad. If I had to rate myself from a scale of 1 to 10, it would be 8. Considering that it's a real-time class, I couldn't escape from experiencing some technical errors during the lesson proper.

On the contrary, before heading straight to the main piece of this blog, allow me to describe my day yesterday. I went to school despite the fact that it's my day-off. The reason why I went to school is that there was an event yesterday. It's a community service event spearheaded by our cooperating school and the barangay. We needed to attend the event as it is part of our compliance as an intern. What we did yesterday was to distribute the school supplies to the children in the barangay. Besides, we managed to document ourselves through taking some photographs to our beneficiaries.

If you haven't read my previous blog, then here's the link.

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For today's blog, I would just like to share my realizations after watching the first two episodes this Korean series entitled, "Tomorrow". And so, without further ado, let's cut to chase!


My brother and I happened to watch the first two episodes of the series after I finished my class just this afternoon. I thought that it will be boring to watch, however, I was amazed of the story. In the first two episodes, the story is centered on a writer who has experienced being bullied back when she was in middle school.  She can't let go of her past. As a matter of fact, what she had gone through had caused her to have a traumatic experience up until in the present time. Worst of all, she gets to work with the person who bullied her before. That bully has become popular because of the work she doesn't even owned in the first place.

Anyway, here are some of my realizations after watching the first two episodes of the series.

1) "Suicide is the most selfish act you can do"

Suicide should never be an option if you feel like you can't overcome a situation like bullying. No one can bully you if you try to fight back to the bully. What you need is to learn how to fight back. Never let anyone degrade you as a person. Unleash that beast in you. A beast can defeat a beast. Never show to them that you are a weakling or else you will be an easy target to them. Suicide is a selfish act I must say because it's like you are not minding those people you will leave behind.

2) "Your decision has a corresponding consequence"

Do you believe that if you commit suicide, you will go straight to hell? If you asked me, yes I believe. As a catholic person, suicide is a mortal sin; a sin that is unforgivable. You commit such act only to waste the life God has given to you. Life is a precious thing. That being said, you must cherish that life you have until the day you die.

3) "Don't let anyone treat you horribly"

You are the weakest person if you allow someone to treat you horribly. Don't be a coward, make them feel that they messed with the wrong person.

4) "There's no salvation, if you don't save yourself"

Save yourself from those bullies. Be strong enough to confront them. Never give a hint of weakness. Learn how to defend yourself. In this way, they will be threatened.

Closing Thoughts

Personally speaking, I never experienced being bullied physically, but in terms of words, I used to receive those hurtful words back when I was in Junior High School. One of my classmates bullied me before not because of my physical appearance, but because I couldn't pay every time there's a school event in the school. Considering the social status of my family, I am way too far from his social class. Although his words cut deeper like a dagger, however, that won't bring me down. For all I care.

To conclude this blog, the issue of bullying is very alarming. That said, this issue should be addressed in schools and in the workplaces. If you are a victim of bullying, speak up. Don't be afraid for the law favors you.

Thanks everyone for dropping by! See you on my next blog. Bye for now.


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2 years ago


There's a lot of individuals there who resorts to suicide and it's just so sad.. I just saw a student who committed suicuide.. Hoping that they can control their emotions and will have ears to them.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

They need someone who can talk to without judging them. Somebody who will listen to them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every decision we make in life has an effect on us and to the people around us. We should base our decision on what is right. Sometimes our emotions interfere with our decisions s that is why we should be basing too on facts.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Kahit gano ka challenging si life pero wag sana tayong humantong sa point na we think of commiting this act.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've also been through a lot of harsh words back when I was in high school. But thank God, I still grew up as a better person. There is no better revenge than to get yourself a lot better than yesterday.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Kaya we should not mind those people who radiates nothing but negativity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sa totoo lang, yong iba kasi walang lakas ng loob para lumaban kaya nagrereside nalang sa suicide. Yong sobrang helpless kana at walang handang tumulong pa sayo aigoii. Kakalungkot ang ganyan. Anyways, nakita ko nga sa fb yaan. Patapusin ko muna bago ko simulan.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ang ganda ng series kasi it talks about your sanity. How you handle situations. Must watch talaga ate ruffs

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Regardless how or who the person his we shouldn’t let anyone else treat us horribly ahh it’s very bad. It’s normal in life there will be some moments or time were one will be bullied but we don’t have to look that than focusing on ourselves.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We are not born in this world only to be treated as if we're some sort of trash. :(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bullying is dangerous to weak people. They think nobody defends them. So others get suicide. Once bullying is happened, the victims need someone to talk to for them to give some advice to avoid circumstances like suicide.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

True, they need somebody who have a sense of empathy. They need a genuine confidant.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too, I was bullied a lot of times but when I am seeing my life being comfortable I never think of quitting. I never think of ending my life. Everyone's life is precious, and God given so we make the most out of it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I agree with what you said, life is precious, and so instead of pitying yourself for being so weak, why not learn how to defend yourself.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Naay juy corresponding consequences tanan actions yors. Mao ng before mag make actions, dapat huna hunaon jud ang mga resulta or consequence. YOu will reap what you sow raba jud

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes jud Seq, as much as possible we shouldn't allow negativity to dwell in our minds and hearts. We should always aspire to be mentally healthy. <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago