Missing in action

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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago
Date: March 19, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

A congenial evening my dear Read.Cash Family!!!

Hey fam! How are you? I've missed staying here for too long. As much as I want to, however, I'm quite busy with my studies lately as this semester is the most crucial stage of my student life. I'm a graduating student, and that being said, I really have to give more time on my internship (practice-teaching) and other academic tasks that I need to carry out every day.

Anyway, it's been a while fam! I know I've been inactive here for days already and for that, I am really sorry if I failed to interact with you all for the past 3 days. I'll really try my best to drop by on your blogs today. Few days from now, March will end its reign and I have no idea as to how many absences do I have for this month. I'm just hoping that despite my absences, I still get to achieve at least 15 to 20 blog entries. In this way, I can say to myself that despite being busy as a bee, I still did a great job.

Haven't read my previous blog? Then here's the link below.

A friend you need


Before heading straight to the main content of this blog, I'd like to flex first my amazing sponsors. I already considered you all as my support system. Despite my inactivity, I do hope that you will still be with me throughout my journey on this platform.

Sponsors of AlphaCron

For today's blog entry, allow me to share how did I spend my 3 days of being missing in action on this platform. And so, let's cut to the chase!

March 16 | Wednesday

I decided to go to my best friend's place to sleepover for the reason that I was finalizing my lesson plan and instructional material to be utilized during my actual teaching for tomorrow. Besides, I don't have a laptop with me because I offer my laptop to my youngest sister because she also has a thesis this semester. I don't want to see her suffer due to lack of resources. I would have to say that my sister is just so determined on her studies. As a result, I was using my best friend's laptop instead. I was supposed to go at her place because of that reason. Little did I know that there will be a prayer meeting, so I was able to join the prayer meeting and meet new people.

Prayer meeting <3

March 17| Thursday

This is the day when I had my first actual teaching class. I felt nervous which is apparently a normal feeling to feel. Be that as it may, as soon as I started the class, I felt like I was already a teacher. To be honest, I was seizing the moment despite all the "sos" and "umss". What I mean is that I couldn't help but use fillers. HAHAHA. I know I have to work this out. In spite of that, it was still a great experience considering that I never expected that my students would be so participative in my first day of teaching.

First actual class teaching

March 18 | Friday

Yesterday, my best friend and I went to school to sort the modules of our cooperating teacher's advisory. We did sort 2 sacks of modules, and it was obviously exhausting. Actually, we were there the whole day.

Closing Thoughts

These are the reasons why I didn't manage myself to write blog entries for the past 3 days as I was busy dealing with my academic stuffs. I really used up all of my time not just on this platform but also in Noise. Cash as well. I have to give my best shot for this final semester. And for that to happen, I have to keep myself motivated. This month and perhaps on the preceding months will be a challenge for me in terms of managing my time efficiently.

That concludes my blog today, thanks for dropping by! See you on my next blog! Bye for now.

Lead Image: unsplash.com

$ 2.02
$ 1.84 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
+ 4
Sponsors of AlphaCron
Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


Kung malapit lang kayo pwede ako mag volunteer sa sorting hehe. It's okay to have fillers. I find that that is more natural :D

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Kung pwede pa lang Sir Art. Hopefully ma lessen ko na yung fillers ko hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

woww, I wish you well in your internship. Teacher ka din pala, hehe. And I'm guessing you are also a TLE major 😅

keep it up..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks @dominicaico. By the way, Automotive major po ako pero cover parin namin yung tle subject. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I knew it. Kaya pala ilang Araw na walang notification na galing sayo. Be focus on your internship for I know that's your opportunity to experience being teacher.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, todo.x nato despite sa mga challenges na kinakaharap ko ngayon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaya pala mia ka, daming ganap sayo. Take a breath din sometimes pag mejo full na. Fighting!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes ate Ruffs. Thanks for cheering me up! <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congrats Cron, successful ang imong first day of teaching...Mao d i nga di na kaayo ka mag online, busy na d i kaayo ka.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Busy lagi te oys, last sem nalang jud. Hopefully makagraduate gihapon on time. <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Fighting lang, maka-graduate ra Lage ka on time. Best of luck and God bless you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago