Learning by doing: A day in my life

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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago
Date: January 3, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

Happy Monday my fellow read.cash users!

AlphaCron is back again with another blog for you to read while you're in the comfort of your own space.

Anyways, for this blog entry, this is going to be a freestyle writing. I just want to wrap up what happened to my day today. To be honest I have no good topics to write about perhaps because my mind and my time so focused on my parents. I've been in my hometown for 3 days already. My brother returned to another city on the first day of the year 2022 for the reason that he has a work. I'm not sad because during the New Year's Eve he got to spend the New Year together with us even just for a short span of time. I couldn't deny that we had so much fun. We managed to make the most out of our time dancing while video-calling our relatives from Luzon and Mindanao, singing our favorites songs and watching Filipino comedy movies.

On one hand, just yesterday, my youngest sister were able to extend celebrating the New Year together with the family of his boyfriend at the beach in Samal Island. She's now staying with my brother for just 3 days. I'm glad because she gets to bond with my brother. So I'm currently staying with my parents as of now. It feels like I'm an only child. Hahaha. I get to hug and kiss them now and then. I missed my parents so much. They are the best parents I could ever have, and I'm grateful for this opportunity.

Hey folks! Please do visit my previous blog entitled, "3 months on Read.Cash:Goals for January." Here's the link.


I slept late last night and was able to wake up early. Although I slept late however, I haven't felt an atmosphere of exhaustion. Good thing I did not experience sore eyes. On the contrary, I had my breakfast at 8 in the morning. Since my mom has already broomed our front yard, I told mom that I should wash the plates instead.

My parents were so busy dealing with their own errands today. So, during the morning at around 9:30 I am all alone. I was able to utilize my time cleaning the house, visiting my social media accounts, reading articles and interacting with the writers on Read.Cash, and watching entertaining contents on TikTok. I actually like my own company, so I don't bother to care if I'm alone.

Without a doubt, I consumed most of my time in the morning watching TikTok videos. This app Tiktok has been widely used by people around the world provided that it gives them not only entertainment, but also you can watch educational videos to gain learnings. Thus, people can also create their own contents and share it to the rest of the users across the globe.

Despite the positive effects of this platform, however, people specifically parents should be mindful of their children in terms of watching TikTok videos. Always make sure to supervise them because there are contents that are not suitable for very young audiences.

Just this afternoon at quarter to 5, I decided to tell my father to teach me how to ride a motorcycle with clutch. I never would have expected that I world be able to learn riding it for like 3 minutes. I must say that it's just a piece of cake for me.


Anyways, that concludes my blog for tonight. My blog was kind of soupy, be that as it may, thanks for taking the time to read this blog!

Please take care of yourself and be happy always! I love you guys.



Sponsors of AlphaCron

Shout out to my newest Sponsors @bbyblacksheep annd @McYusuf Thanks for noticing my existence on this platform. Your support means a lot to me. Uwu!

Likewise, please do visit my sponsors' accounts. For sure, you will love their blog entries.<3

Lead Image: from AlphaCron

$ 2.06
$ 1.85 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Bloghound
$ 0.05 from @bbyblacksheep
+ 4
Sponsors of AlphaCron
Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


Sunod four wheels na ang i drive yor hihi. Chill2 na kaayu ba, sanaol kaayu. Anyways, sa Digos man inyuha yor no?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mukhang mabait ka ngang anak , sana lahat ganyan you treasure everything kasama mga magulang.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have noticed you before but I just did not have the time to visit you often as I was too lazy to read articles towards the end of the year. Anyhow, it is my pleasure AlphaCron. Keep up the good work. 😊

It is really nice to spend quality time with our family. Dis you take some photos during that time? I hope you did.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We got to interact before actually. I would love to read articles here but I was so busy last month because of my acads so that's why I seldom read articles but when I do, I read atleast 15 articles a day. Anyways thanks for the sponsorship. <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My pleasure AlphaCron. 😊 Yup, I know we have already interacted before. If I am not mistaken I think it was around October when you started reading my articles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You look calm on the bike. Would you make us a video while dad is teaching you. 😂. I want to learn how t drive a car.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My father didnt take some photos of me riding the bike so I just told him that he should atleast take some photos of me. Anyways, I also would like to learn how to drive a car as I am majoring automotive hahah. Before I forget, thanks for the sponsorship!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha, ako di ko maiwasan manood sa tiktok ehh, hahahA.. God bless saimo alpha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ako din ngayon hahaha. Ikaw din Vince God Bless you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You won't believe this, but I haven't downloaded TikTok since it was first came out. Not even sure how the site looks like 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm sure ate marentertain ka talaga sa mga contents sa Tiktok. May pipiliin ka kasing contents na gusto mo lang makita like example, DIY, dance, foods, and etc. Entertaining naman siya ate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago