Hangout with the Sibs

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2 years ago
Date: January 6, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

Greetings, my fellow readers on this amazing platform--Read.Cash!

AlphaCron is back again with another content today after not being able to publish yesterday. Be that as it may, I was able to read at least 10 articles and at the same time interact with my co-writers here. As much as I wanted to read more blog entries, nonetheless, I was really busy. I am busy as a bee yesterday.

Anyways, we are now on the 6th day of the year 2022 today. With that being said, how’s life going on right now? I do hope that you will find a way to combat your battles in life. Just because it’s 2022 it doesn’t mean that our problems last year will be gone by just a blink of an eye. Problems are always there to provoke us or bully us to the point that we get to become fragile. But you know what, if we continue to be bullied by our problems, we will remain losers. It is crucial that we should learn how to fight back. Don't let problems manipulate your emotions. Don't stay forever as a victim. Instead, fight! That's the only way you will overcome it.

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"My father is special."

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Before jumping to the main course of this write-up, May I encourage you to visit my sponsors' accounts! They are great writers I must say. They never failed to amaze me with their write-ups and thus, they are also great in terms of socialization. Likewise, they really rare amazing.

For this blog entry, let me share with you here the reason why I failed to upload a blog yesterday. And so, let's cut the crap!

I had to admit the fact that I was busy yesterday because I needed to travel back to other city and be with my brother and my youngest sister. I actually don't want to leave my mom and dad, however, my youngest sister, requested me to help her find suitable outfits for her outing this 8th of January. Besides, she wanted me to do a fun shoot. It's for the contest purpose.

So yesterday, at quarter to 9 in the morning, I left the house and bid my goodbye to my parents. Fortunately, I was able to arrive safe and sound.

Fast-forward (Afternoon)

We decided to go hangout together at 4 pm. We went to the nearest mall in our area. Furthermore, we roamed around the establishment for like 30 minutes. Of course, I managed to take some photos of us. I couldn't deny, we looked so great in the pictures. Eyyy! After going to the mall, we headed directly to several thrift stores in the city to find outfits for my sister. To be honest, my brother doesn't go to places like thrift store, but thankfully we were able to make him go with us. He even helped us find clothes for my sister.

For almost 2 hours, finally we were able to go back to the boarding house. I felt exhausted at that time, but it's okay because I got to spend my day together with my siblings. It has been a while since the last time we were together hanging out.

Anyways, we ended our day watching a 2021 film entitled, Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City. I have to be honest but the film is not that interesting to watch. I was expecting so much of this film considering that this movie has a lot of parts, but I was disappointed.

Closing Thoughts

"Our paths may change as life goes along but the bond between us remains ever strong."

And that concludes my blog. Thank you for sparing your time to read this blog of mine. Hope you're safe and sound. Drink your water so that you will stay hydrated! Anyways, see you on my next blog!

Lead Image: clicked by me <3

$ 0.71
$ 0.54 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @bbyblacksheep
$ 0.05 from @Irene1
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2 years ago


I agree. The three of you looked great in the photos. Glad that you had that quality time with your siblings. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nganong mga gwapog gwapa kaayug mog mga lahi yor. Unfair bas world ani oi. Bahala ka jaa.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Resident evil was a good movie. I sometimes buy at thrift store too , I just stop when the pandemic started

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I do love the previous Resident Evil. Im just expecting a lot from this 2021 film.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice bonding

$ 0.00
2 years ago