Raiding And Found Raiden

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2 years ago

Yesterday, the gallery raid was the trend, and @Theblackdoll had challenged me to raid my gallery when I made a comment on her post, you can read it here. So here it is:


This photo is from 2013, and I remember I was attending tutorial for an upcoming exam, one that determines if I get to apply for college the following year. I had come early for class, then stood by the balcony feeling good and took a shot with my Nokia phone then. Hahaha. Time flies eh?


This was days ago, on my way back from the farm, as I was walking through our faculty’s arboretum. I don’t know what made me open my camera to take a picture, maybe I felt cute or it was the beautiful trees around me. Nature was calling me. LoL. But it didn’t come out perfect because of the sun’s reflection and my unsteady hand because I was walking.


I remember this one well, it was the holiday period in school sometime in 2018, but I hadn’t gone home early, so I was going to the school’s library to read secular books. Took the picture just outside the library, I didn’t know what I was doing and why I had that facial expression. LMAO.


I was going home with my friends, and gave my phone to @Mhizutty to take a picture of me, and was making goofy moves or maybe it was taekwondo. I think I was in a good mood that day. This happened to be one of the shots she captured, and I couldn’t help but laugh embarrassed. Funny I never deleted it till this day.


After being away from school for almost a year due to the pandemic and lockdown. My classmates and I took this photo on the first day of resumption in our departmental farm. All smiles and jolly. With our beautiful faces glowing from being indoors and away from the sun for so long. See me behind with my farm hat looking like Raiden and the guy in front looking like subzero. Hahaha. @Kushyzee remember this eh?


This has been my all time best photo as it represented a phase in my life. And I had perfectly depicted my state of mind at that time in the picture. Cool, calm and at peace. It’s been years, and every time I look at it, it brings back memories and serves as a fervent reminder that peace of mind is golden. And should never be trded for anything.


Since this is practically the only food photo on my phone that I had taken myself, I am compelled to use it. Although, I do remember it was a good meal, as I had visited a friend, and she cooked me a nice vegetable to go with rice. Was in deed yummy. And I’d like to eat it again 😋


One of the best trip ever! I had visited OKOMU NATIONAL PARK with some of my classmates. The trip to the national reserve was organised after our exams and I took it as a means of stress release, what better way than with nature eh? It was indeed more fun than I had hoped, as I saw a live antelope and indigenous dwarf crocodiles found only in that park in the country. I also got to climb a tree house about 100 feet high and what was exciting about it was the fact that the tree house was on a tree right in the middle of a swamp with crocs. Was really nice having an aerial view of the place, and the picture above was taken at the top of the tree house. I would love to go back there again especially to see the elephants there in their natural habitat. Unfortunately, we couldn’t see them the last time because it seemed like they were evading us.

I want to challenge anyone reading this and haven’t done theirs yet to raid their gallery and tell us a little about the pictures there.

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Special thanks to @Mictorrani for the sponsorship. I really appreciate the gesture and faith you’ve shown in me. Thank you very much.

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Written by
2 years ago


Nice Photography, hehehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I always represent well😂😂 can't remember taking that photo of you but I'm sure it was a nice day. Memories make us who we are..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Indeed. Sure you wouldn't remember, we were coming from Keystone field that day

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice pics... I knew you were very humble and a good person in real life and your photos just confirmed it. May God continue to strengthen you.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Amen. I appreciate the kind words, I am blushing 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Have you gotten a new phone?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No, I fixed the one that got bad

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The photo look nice but the fact is that you where really Happy taking those pics. Continue to be happy bro

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you Elisha. Happiness is important

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wonderful collection of pictures, you are very handsome Gaiom. You do look like Raiden

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you Tomi.

$ 0.00
2 years ago