Like vs Love

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Written by
2 years ago

I had woken up on Saturday morning feeling better than when I slept the night before. But, I wasn't ready to take my chances because I had made up my mind about buying drugs as soon as I could yesterday. I did eventually and started taking the dosage yesterday afternoon.

Because I was restricting myself to the activities I should indulge in, I found myself with a group of my classmates. I had went to their room, and it so happens when I entered, all four occupants of the room were present. One thing led to another and we started having a conversation.

It was the kind of conversation I wouldn’t have thought to have with all of them present, except maybe for one of them. And in the course of our conversation, which I found quite interesting and unusual at the same time. One of them said something that I found worth writing about.

She had said that “IF YOU CAN THINK OF A REASON YOU LIKE SOMEONE, THEN THAT LIKENESS WOULD NOT LAST”. The like she meant was not casually. But like enough to want to be in a romantic relationship with someone. Of course I can like someone casually because they are nice, or they are funny or because of their manner of speaking and even because of their smile. I can casually like someone for one or more reasons. But, what she meant was beyond casual and I went to bed thinking about what she said.

Is this why they say LOVE IS BLIND? It is not just the faults of the person you love that you are blind to, but also, the reason you actually love them. I have caught myself thinking about people I have been in relationships with and even my friends too. Surely, there must have been something that attracted me to them in the first place, and it was after I got close to them that feelings started developing and over time, those feelings grew into something.

Since her argument was predicated on the premise that because there is a reason you like that person, if that reason were to eliminated, you wouldn’t like that person anymore. So, there is no point in the first place. But I want to speak to her again about the matter. Since we haven’t exactly dwelled on the topic, I would like to revisit it. Since she had not categorically said Love, then I suppose she does have a fair argument.

I want to tell her that like and love are two different things. I have to like someone first before I can love them, and as I have said before, any thing can make you like someone. When you two get closer, that is when like starts to grow into love. And when what you feel is love, that is when logic is defied, there is no reason you love the person. You just do.

Even though a certain character or factor had attracted you to the person in the first place, that character is not the reason you had fallen in love, it is a whole lot of other things that matter more than the reason you liked them in the first place. A whole lot of reason that it is difficult to pinpoint which reason specifically, thus, making it so that there is no specific reason.


I suppose this article can serve as reference when one is not sure about their feelings. You can look within yourself to see if you can put your finger on one or two reasons you’re feeling that way towards whomever. And if there is a reason, perhaps you still like that person, and not in love with them yet. As they say, you don’t choose who you love. But that is not to say if you’re not in love with them yet, you can’t fall in love with them anymore. Love is patient, and it takes time. A lot of people go into relationships and even marriage without being in love with their partner at first, it is over time that the feelings grows into love.

That you feel strongly about someone doesn’t make it love, it doesn’t also mean you’ll fall in love with the person regardless. So take your time to understand yourself and what it is you feel. Love is simple as it is complex, love is sweet as it is bitter. Love is a paradox, love is much more than like.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


Definitely I agree with you my dear, like and love was extremely different. When you like a person, there were be a reason behind it and you can definitely described it,but when you love a person, there's is no particular reason for why you love that person.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You have said it exactly. You understand what I mean

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed. "Love cannot be explained yet it explains everything!" My all time favourite quite. Love is like a spark that once created cannot be extinguished. If it is extinguished then it's not love.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Love conquers all and the fruit of love includes liking someone :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You get the point I tried making in my article. Like is the beginning of love

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As for me I'd say that love doesnt require a reason. If it requires a reason then thebminent that reason is taken away the love will also not exist anymore.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly! While like cand have a reason, love eliminates all reasons. If there is a reason you love someone, then it isn't love

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah I agree to your thoughts, Like is far different to love. Like is the beggining of love, if we like the person theres a possibility that, that person will become our freind and time pass by, love will gradually felt.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly, love is a gradual process, it doesn't just happen

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello Aimure 👋 Nice to met you here! For me Love is unexpected to come and yes I agree with you that there are lot of people who are in relationships without being in love to each other. It's also a matter of time and choices to love a person.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right about that. It is about time and conscious choice BotipolJen

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I saw something like that on twitter a while ago; "if you ask someone what they love about you and they can mention something, then they don't really love you". And I think they are right to some extent, because what if the thing the person loves is no longer there?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's what I talked about. If you what you love goes missing and you stopped loving the person, then it was never love

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Love and like are two different word. We can like more people but we cant love more people at the same time.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're correct Dreamboy loving people is rarer

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All what you said is true even though conditions might very from individual to individual. Alot of folks would even fall in love with someone based on a physical feature that doesn't mean much

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's quite true. Difference extends to how easy and fast people fall in love too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with what you said that like and love are two different things. Like is just in the surface but love is profound. <3 Nice blog from yours @Aimure! By the way, nice meeting you!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you AlphaCron. It's nice meeting you too

$ 0.00
2 years ago