Diary of The Odd

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Written by
2 years ago

Patrick has been a lone wolf for most of his life. He had grown into a young adult without being a member of any social group, nor peer group. While the children played hopscotch, he’d sit somewhere watching them like it was abnormal. Observing their behaviours as though he was a psychologist conducting an experiment.

His reclusive nature has taught him how to be independent and also a good predictor of the human behaviour. But it came at a price. May be a price too high. While he become a self-reliant adult, he also became a dork, a robot some might say. One who couldn’t socialise with other humans, at least not in a way that was socially appropriate.

Pat had a friend named Pete. Pete had known Patrick for most of his life, and loved him in spite of his flaws. He was Pat’s social compass, he has been a guide for Pat, whenever he needed help navigating the maze of social conventions. He has also been the glue holding Pat together with what many would consider normal.

After many years of having Pete as his best friend, Patrick thought perhaps he could do better in strengthening his bond with societal norms, maybe he could have many Pete to make his journey through life much more bearable. He fortuitously became a member of a social group. The perfect group, he thought. Perfect  because the misfits should fit perfectly, as they alone knew what it means to be ostracised from society.

They were to be the backbone and confidant each of them needed. They would complement each other in ways none of them had ever experienced. Perhaps this was the essence many craved to be a part of a group, so they can get the gratifications they can’t seem to get on their own.

Time passed, and slowly, Patrick realised that you can’t really get as many Pete as you want by joining a social group, much less in a group of misfits like himself. He erroneously thought they would understand him more than anyone ever did. He was wrong! Perhaps the whole reason they all came together in the first place was because they were searching for NORMAL, obviously they didn’t find what they were searching for. Thus, the need to create their own or maybe search further. Misfits are starting not to fit, at least not completely, as some parts had more fittings than the others, a stronger bond that had turned two into one.

It was easy for Pete to cope, as he has been a loner for most his life. He was now a loner in the same group that was supposed to be his saving grace. Where does Patrick go from here now?


I had started writing this article over 24 hours ago and in between work, school, an excuse for a sleep, watching a football game, thinking about three topics I could write about, what title to use for this article and practically surviving, I had edited this article more times than I can remember and also changed the storyline from something to what it is now (not sure what to call it). Still, I ended up with what is up there. I suppose it happens sometimes.

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I want to use this opportunity to thank my subscribers, sponsors, readers and upvoters. I am very grateful for staying with me through my temporary absence. I have finally fixed my phone, and I hope to be more regular now.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


I know how it feels being a lone wolf, I think am one of them, I barely leave my room or talk to people... I see myself as an introvert, socializing with people is kinda weird to me, I don't bother about close friends coz in the end I always end up being alone...

$ 0.02
2 years ago

While you might enjoy being by yourself, it is worthy of note that the importance of building relationships cannot be overemphasised. You should try to make friends/socialise

$ 0.00
2 years ago

pls let Patrick have woman in his life... Things would be much more easier for him, you will see 😂

$ 0.01
2 years ago

😂😂😂😂😂😂 You don't say. I will keep that in mind then

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish Patrick would be able to find the happiness that he deserves .. You are doing great friend, keep it up.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you Rehi. I hope he finds the happiness too

$ 0.00
2 years ago