A Million Dollar Question

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Written by
2 years ago

Earlier, I was reading an article by @FarmGirl titled I wouldn't. Would You? And when I was about to make a comment, I realized there was a lot I wanted to say, so, I decided to write an article about it instead since she said we could. Basically, the million dollar question was 'WOULD YOU TRADE 10 YEARS OF YOUR LIFE FOR FAME AND FORTUNE?'

I had decided to write about the question from different views, as people are wired differently, and individual experiences among other factors have shaped us into the person we are and that will greatly influence our personal response to the question above.

To start with, let's ask a married man A, a man in his 50s with 4 children. A man who has laboured hard for most of his life, day and night, 7 days a week. But all his hard labour is barely enough to provide 2-square meals for his family, much more 3-square meals. A man who his willing to sweat blood, just so none of his children would go to bed on an empty stomach. Even though he can't afford to send any of his children to acquire a proper education, at least he should try all he can to keep them from starving to death.

This man knows he is growing older,and with a life expectancy of 65-75 for the average human, death will come knocking sooner or later. Bearing in mind he has worked and laboured hardly for most of his life, thus, he has overworked his body. How long do you think this man would last? 70 years? 80? Perhaps 120 years? You put before him this question. What do you think he would choose?

He thinks about his family, having all and more than he has laboured for, just one last sacrifice, and his family will never starve to bed, his children will get the best of education money can afford. A man who society has branded the breadwinner of the family, one last win and his family will own a bakery. What do you think?

Furthermore, let's ask another married man B, not rich or famous, but he is also not poor. He's contented with what he has, and what he has can fend for the basic needs of his family. A man who doesn't have to work day and night 7 days a week. A man who can afford a decent education for his children, not the best education money can buy, but what he can afford can be sold with the best. You put before him this question. What do you think he would choose?

He thinks about his family, how far he has come and all he has achieved and all he could achieve if he lives for another 10 years. He is fulfilling his social responsibilities to his family. He has given them all what he can afford to, and what he can afford is luxury in the eyes of many. What do you think he would choose?

I remember seeing a post on Instagram, the picture had the following inscription:


Money makes the world go round, and this knowledge is what the greed of many stem from. No matter how much they have, they are never contented, and they want more and more and more.

I am not saying that Mr. A and Mr. B will certainly choose opposite choices, I am merely painting a picture, one with specific details that can make people affect people's interpretation of it. I guess the point I am trying to make is: there are factors and circumstances that would influence one's answer to the question.

As a Nigerian, I am familiar with stories of people doing rituals that requires human sacrifices just so they can be rich, not minding the consequences. If one can kill to be rich, what is 10 years of their life to them? I strongly believe wealth is relative, as long as you are contented with the little you have, you are wealthy. Besides, another yardstick for wealth is health.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

$ 4.07
$ 3.88 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @FarmGirl
$ 0.03 from @Princessbusayo
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Written by
2 years ago


Wealth means being contented with what you have. I love that statement. As long as we can work, wealth and fame are nothing to us because we will definitely achieve them.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very true. But most importantly, be contented with what you have. There are others who want what you have but don't have it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The question is really controversial. Actually you don't ha e to have millions cooling on your bank vault in order to be happy. We only live once you know,and if we live it well,once is enough

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very true, living right once is enough. Even as you die, you die smiling looking back at your life with a proud smile on your face and no regrets

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The thing is, that question is totally subjective and it all depends on who you're asking. There's no right or wrong answer to that question, the one we pick will depend on the situation we find ourselves

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly the point I talked about. There are circumstances that can affect choices make. And we see ourselves making choices we wouldn't think we would on a good day

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I guess we never know what we'd choose really until we're faced with someone willing to do what the question said. Now that it's barely a question we can make choices that we wouldn't even properly consider.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly, until we're wear a shoe, we won't know where it hurts

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happiness doesn't depend on money man, you can have money and not be happy but I'll tell you that money enhances happiness

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right, money does not guarantee happiness. But there are people that only needs money to be happy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, I'm glad you get my point

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The answer to the question is relative too and there is no right or wrong because as you mentioned, we are wired differently and we have varying circumstances. I love how you approached the question :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly! There are no right or wrong. Thank you, I am glad you loved it 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Money is really not everything but something rather. We can't live without money though. But it still not everything

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly. Having money doesn't necessarily make you a happy person.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For sure 😘

$ 0.00
2 years ago