A Day to Remember

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Written by
2 years ago

It is funny how one single act can ruin your whole day just like that the day had started on a note I wouldn't say was bad, but at a point I got frustrated from charging phone for hours and the battery life not going up. I had said before that my phone was having issues charging, so I had to endure charging it for hours today only for the battery to move from 0 to 7% and that was the percentage it got stuck at. That was 6

I didn't have the budget and had not planned for what it would cost to fix the charger port, but I had gotten to my little of what I can tolerate, so I had to sort for some money from a friend to fix the charger port for now. So, on my way home. Kushyzee and I went to the shop together and then the icing on the cake was added. As my phone was dismantled and the charger port changed, it was time to couple it back and test what had been fixed.

As the technician turned the phone over, I saw a crack on my screen that wasn't there before,and it dawned on me that something had gone wrong. As he plugged in his charger yo test it, the display had blacked out, showing no image at all. It had gone black.

In trying to solve a problem, the technician had created a greater one. I looked at him and could see that he was not settled. I took my time to think about the situation and what the best line of action was. It was a two-way choice, ask him to pay for the damages , or let him go. I asked Kushyzee what he thought, and even though he thought it was an awkward situation, he had said that I should either go with peace and let it go or go with violence and demand compensation, the choice was mine really.

I took my time thinking about the situation, and the facts were that he had not intended for the screen to get damaged, neither was his countenance unapologetic. He had left the ball in my court to decide even though it seemed like he was praying for the easy way out. I asked him how much it would cost to fix the screen, he called someone to ask him and told me it would cost $27. I sighed. Then I thought about the chances of him having a family, and if I were to ask for compensation, it would probably cost him his whole day's work. Should he go home with nothing simply for trying to work for money?

I remembered a time @Danika and I had an encounter with a man who had done us a favour in his own terms, and as thanked him for it, he said we shouldn't, that all he asks is that we do for another what he has done for us. Perhaps this was my opportunity to do to another what was done to me. I told him to give my phone back to me so I can go, and asked if I should pay him for the charger port he had fixed. He said that he couldn't take it from me even if I gave him,and thanked us gratefully.

It was mixed feelings for me, as I was sad about the phone but happy that the technician will probably remember this someday and do to another what was done to him. Maybe I should have said that to him before I left.

In conclusion, I have decided to buy a new phone, and I honestly do not know when that will be, but until then, I'll try using other people's phone to stay active when I can, so pardon me if you don't see me around often. The quest for a new phone could take months, but I hope to have access to phone when I need one so as to read the insightful and educative articles you guys publish daily. The decision to buy a new phone instead of fixing the current one is predicted on the fact that I had only repaired the screen last January and this would be the second time the screen would get broken in three months. It is economically wide to just opt for a new one. I was joking with my friends earlier about starting a fundraiser for me so I can buy a phone as soon as possible. So @Kushyzee get to work 😂.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


Oh, this is a very frustrating situation. I'm sorry that happened to your phone. Normally, the man should have offered to fix it for free though since he damaged it. I hope you'll be able to get a new one soon

$ 0.02
2 years ago

He doesn't have the screen. And I honestly don't think he does thatvkon of work, just the minor stuffs. Thank you very much

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If I remember correctly, this will be the second time you are having such serious issue with your phone... This is really painful and i am so Sorry to hear that. Sometimes things like this happen and they can be frustrating but just know that God is preparing greater blessings for you .

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah, it is the second time within three months, and that is why I am feeling reluctant about fixing it again. I hope so, thank you so much

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry to hear about what happened to your phone my friend. I hope you'll be able to purchase one soon so that it will not be a hassle for you.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I hope so too, thanks a lot LeticiaFelize

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry bro. I hope you get a better phone as soon as possible.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I hope so too, thank you mqn

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But what if the technician intentionally break your phone screen? Well I just thought of it. But so kind of you just to let it slide. If it's me, I don't know what to react really

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I was watching him as he was working on my phone, that's why I don't really blame him for it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm sorry for what happened to your phone but I'm very happy for the good work you did, this is very noble of you, and I hope you find a new phone as soon as possible

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you Lara, I hope I do too, as I really need it for school work too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh dear, that's a mess. You must have another one now.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah, I will try to as soon as possible

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really hope you get another phone. Even though he was not at fault he should have known he made a mistake and that you would not charge him. Sometimes it's better to explain things and let it go. It's your good deed for the day.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I was with him all through, and that was how I knew it wasn't his fault. Thank you ma'am

$ 0.00
2 years ago