How I showed that I am proud of my parents?

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3 years ago

As a daughter and a son, how will you show to the world that you're proud of your parents?

My parents are not like other parents who can give their children what they wants and needs in life. My parents can give what we need but not with what our wants. I understand cause they're not like with other parents who have work and have owned land which can get money from it. My parents are so simple, a simple carpenter and a simple housewife. My father's salary is enough only for our food, si we cannot buy good things for us that we like. My mother is a housewife so obviously, she don't have money at all.

Though my parents are just an ordinary person, they see to it that I and my siblings was taken care by them. They support our needs as family.

When I saw family having an outing or vacation I sometimes say, will we able to have a trip like their's? I mean, we haven't experienced to hang out in the beach together with my parents. It is because we don't have enough money for that. Well, it's not that I feel envy but I wish we can experience it. I saw some children who were so proud and happy with their parents especially when they post on Facebook about gifts they received. I always think, will my parents can give us too? But then my other side of my mind told me that I should understand my parents because they can't afford. I always say to my self that taking care of us, giving us food in the table and supporting our studies is enough.

When I was in college, I want my parents to visit me there. It is because I want my classmates knew my parents. I want them to know how amazing my parents is. They might not like my classmates's parents, cause they're parents were almost professional and look elegant unlike my parents who were so simple. Still, I want to show the world who are my parents. Every meeting if there is, I always felt so excited. Since Elementary to College, I am always like that. I want to show the world my parents, that I am proud of them.

My parents always self pity, they don't want to attend sometimes in our school events especially when I was in college. It was during our pinning ceremony, my father don't like to attend because he said that he's ashamed and also mama. I told them why not? They respond that they don't have decent clothes. I told them that of course they have. Anything they wear would be decent and I am proud of them no matter what they wear. Yes, my parents can't buy clothes. It started when we were still a child. I know why cause as what I have said, they don't have regular work and my father's salary was enough only for our food. So, I told papa that he don't have a choice but to attend cause who will pin my name to me? I know that my father that time was so hesitant. But then he still attend. I was so happy that time. I saw how happy he is while we walked to the stage. He was even trembleng while putting the pin on me. I told him to relax and he just smile. I know what he's thinking, he's so happy that time cause he knows that we're getting near to the dream we build for our family. And that is to have someone in the family who will graduate in college. He maybe can't believe it.

During the ring hop, it was my mom who attended. She was also ashamed and she's not fond attending parties but then she has no choice. I told her that she should attend because it's once in a lifetime of her child who will graduate soon. I was the one who made her beautiful that day. I am so amazed cause even if my mother was always in our farm, she still have good skin. She didn't use any beauty products but she still have this good skin. Well, she got it from me , lol. Anyway, I saw my mom not at ease on her chair during the party, so I stayed in her side. I am making her company for her not to be out placed. I saw some parents who were so jolly, but my mama was there sitting and just looking at me while smiling. By looking at her, I cried cause I know what she's feeling she's proud and so happy. And I am too. I am proud of her too.

During the graduation, I didn't tell my parents that I am a Latin honor. Lol. I just told them that we need to stand in the lane in front where the honors were standing. My parents was wondering why we're standing there cause they saw my co-majors behind us. I just gave them the program and show my name under the list of honors and I saw them cried. I told them that I did everything for them, and here it is, they will go up to the stage. They just hugged me I know they still can't believe cause I didn't tell them. I saw them smile when we marched. I know they're proud especially when my name was called and my father putted the medal on me.

I am proud of my parents despite of our situation. Even if they're poor, still I am proud of them. This is the reason why I want to be successful in the future. Because I want them to give things they deserves.

I would like to mention ma'am @leejhen for upvoting my previous articles and sir @Eunoia . Thank you po.

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3 years ago


Whatever happen, a parent is a parents. We don’t need to question them for being poor and why we born in a life that we didn’t expect. I also envy other people why they have this and that while me? I need to work hard just to buy what i want. However, their care and love is enough for me. They are already enough and I don’t wish in the heaven above and expect for more. Because they are my parents and I’m proud of them (except to my Father who leave us struggle and has another family already) .

You are a Good daughter to your Parents and i know that they are blessed to have you in their Life. ❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your such a good daughter ate, I could see in your eyes how proud you are to your parents. I am envoues sometimes but I think I had things to be proud with my parents too. Just like you we are poor and this articles reminded me that I should be proud of my parents too. Thank you for that 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

how cool and nice parents you have.

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3 years ago