Going to the rest room with friends

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Avatar for Aiah_05
2 years ago

Untill now I feel very sleepy due to the sleepless night, I want to cover up those sleepless night coz I feel tired everyday if I can't get enough sleep.

My head can't function well right now but I must write coz I need to just to earn a little for August bills and most especially on July 16, this day is the birthday of our youngest sister and I want to buy a new shoes as a gift that I promised to her before. I dunno if I can save for that but I have three days left I hope I can save a little amount for her new shoes for her birthday. Anyways so much for that and lets move on for todays topic.

As I've said I can't think a good topic for todays article untill I found to the save article the work of @Fyangzee24 that published last month ago about High School Thug Life so today is the perfect time to create my entry too. So without further ado lets the ball rolling.

I can say that I'm also a student before and to tell you honestly I'm not one of those achiever student who always on the top of the class but I'm the opposite on that.

Always late

  • kung may award lang ang always late maybe I'm one of the student na may maraming award for being always late in the class. I always woke up early before but I don't know why I'm like a girl sometimes in preparing the things I need to bring in school and also mas naging late ako kasi mas marami ang Chicka na nagagawa ko than doing of what to do to go to school.

Bringing cellphone other gadgets that are restricted

  • I used a cellphone also before and the worst in that is sometimes I used this gadget texting someone during discussions with my teachers. And now I realized and I regretted what I'm doing before.

Playing cards during class hours

  • I know how to play card games but I did this in school.

Eating during class hours

  • I can't deny the fact that I've done this eating inside the classroom during class. We often did this coz I and my friend are the type of student who are always seated at the back that's why we can eat freely at the back without worrying while our teacher disdiscusses in front of the class.

Forged my parent’s signature

  • Yes, I've done this not only twice but many times being a student before.

Going to the rest room with friends

  • I and my friend and classmate as well always did this that we always tent to go to the rest room together but the truth is we're going to the canteen to make tambay for a while and to eat something.

Your name under the noisy list

  • I'm doing crazy things in school but being one of the noisy students? Hmm I think I'm a quiet type of student inside the classroom I do things not related to the class activities or class discussions but I'm not that type of person who is talkative, I can say that I'm safe about that hihi.

Copied my classmate's answer in an exam

  • As I've said I'm not good and I'm a very lazy student especially in studying that's why I often got zero scores in every exam but when my classmates let me copy their work maybe that is the time that I can escape from a zero score.

Been suspended for 3 days or more

  • I did a lot of crazy things before as a student but I've never been that I've been suspended in school. I'm still blessed in terms of that.

Cutting/skipping a class

  • I have a lot of experiences about this way back in high school life, cutting classes becomes our hobby before we feel like we're proud if we can successfully escape.

Always borrow a pen in class

  • In my Highschool and college life I learned not to bring a bag but I only bring one notebook together with the pen in it and I fold the notebook just to fit into my back pocket thats why I most of the time I lost my pen and this my very reason why I always borrowing also a pen to my seatmates.

Argue/fight with my classmate

  • I'm a short tempered way back in elementary years and even in highschool days thats why I'm always prone to trouble that time and I can't deny the fact that I'm one of the hardheaded way back that time.

So thats it.,

Thanks for dropping by my friend :)

Sponsors of Aiah_05

$ 3.76
$ 3.68 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Ruffa
$ 0.02 from @FarmGirl
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Sponsors of Aiah_05
Avatar for Aiah_05
2 years ago


From this article, I can now tell, it turns out that the people who wrote articles on this platform turned out to be a lot of students on this platform, including me. ha ha ha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahah yeah there's a lot of student here hihi, some of students here are very good in writing their work it is nice to know.😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Heyhhh, me. Buying outside with an excuse na maga c.r lang but the truth is nag shortcut kami sa likod para pumunta sa bilihan ng burger at pag datinf sa classroom kakain ng palihim 🙋🙋 ahahagagaga

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe. I like to think that I signed for my parents and not necessarily forged their signature 🤣🤣🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello there, Nice to meet you! :) Iba talaga yung saya nung highschool ano po. Mostly of the things that you mentioned na-experienced ko din and these memories are old but gold!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Karamihan ng mga tanung, is a yes for me. Gawa din kaya ako ng ganito hahaha. Nalilate ako sa school kasi per sched lang yun motivation ko pumasok hahhaa. Di naman ako pala absent, pero pala late ako hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahah best in late karin pala, peru nakakahiya pag late palagi ako before parang tinatablan na ako ng hiya haha yang feeling na nagsisimula na sila mag klase tas mapapansin ka nila bigla kasi late ka haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo ako nun walang hiya kasi, ang sarap kasi matulog, mas masarap matulog kesa mag class hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahah agree mas masarap talaga matulog hahah, kahit nga sa klasi ansarap matulog kesa sa makinig sa klase🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Natutulog din ako sa class eh. Lalo na pag laboratory hahahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago