Braviest EM-EM

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
1 year ago

October 19, 2022

Middle day of the week and everyone is waiting for the weekend right, others wants to have fun in weekend while some take advantage if resting because the weekdays are so tiring and stressful, but whatever our reasons or wants for the weekend, always remember to take extra careful and dont forget to pray and be thankful everyday.

About how many years, when my partners niece brought home a dog and upon asking, it was a gift to her by a co-teacher, they named him EM-EM, as adopted dog and only a year that time, they really love EM-EM, shower him, blow dry, comb his hair buy him a dog food and everything that he deserves.

But months passed by my expectation on how they will set aside EM-EM came, because they are all busy bee, they are not even doing the household chores often and mostly they are out of the house and EM-EM acts like a stray dog inside thier house.

As months passed by, even EM-EM was still staying inside the house they let him play outside together with stray dogs which are full of tick(garapata) and wounds, then they will bath him whenever they want or remember, they are not even cooking special food for him, cut his nails or check his ear if ever its full of earwax.

The excitement they have for EM-EM when it was new members of the family gone, they let the old lady clean all the mess that EM-EM did, and until the day came that they choose to leash EM-EM on the backyard because even the old lady is complaining on cleaning the cage and mess since she is the one doing the household chores there.

Before even EM-EM was already leash, they make time to walk around and bring EM-EM with them, but lately they will choose to have coffee anywhere, or do biking rather than playing with EM-EM.

Thehighlighted words came from the random word generator and I just connect it thru a certain story, I dont know if they play well with story but atleast I try.

But to be honest, EM-EM is so brave, because unlike other dogs with breed they can't survive what he is now, I remember our dog HEIDI which we take extra care yet she died because of virus, even she had completed the jabs she need, undergo confinement.

But EM-EM, I think never had any jabs until now, but still he is surviving, and the food he ates now are the food that the house owners are eating too, no more dog foods and anything special.

$ 2.18
$ 2.04 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.03 from @Ruffa
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1 year ago


I feel sad for the dog. The reason why the dog has ticks and ear wax is that it cannot take care of itself. It needs the aid of the people who adopted it. They should've been very considerate and patient with Em-em.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Grabi, sa una lang minahal tas sa huli tsk. Nakakaawa ang aso kapag nakatali lalo may bakod as sa loob lang naman ng bahay. Ano na hitsura nya? Di naman siguro galisin no? Or wala na buhok?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ito 'yung literal na "don't attempt to have a pet if a person can't stand on it on the next days or months."

For me, siguro di naman sila always busy to not care of EM-EM. Baka nakasanayan na lang din, Ate na bahala na 'yung aso nila? Kaka-sad lang kasiii. 💔

$ 0.00
1 year ago

True sis weekdays are stressful. Even we are still students weekdays were stressful until we get a jobs weekdays were stressful but still we should be thankful to God always.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Indeed sis

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes sis. We should be thankful everyday.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Akala ko baby si Em-Em ate, baby dog po pala hehe. Pero yung nga din po mahirap kapag maging busy na, minsan nase set aside na po yung time for our pets.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Un nga kawawa din naman

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ang aso sis parang tao din yan na need alagaan. Dati dalawa pa aso ko nong buntis pa ako at mnsan yung iba magaling lng sa umpisa mg alaga then lately pababayaan lng. Wawang aso.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Ganun bmbga ngyari sis

$ 0.00
1 year ago

akala ko Mobile Legends related to hahahah Em-em as in Marksman hhahha. Di pako nakagawa ng article with the help of random word generator nakakatuwa naconnect mo pa din.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Wla ako maisip eh haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago